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Born To Die

Ryn Weaver

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Oh no, it better be at most June 16th :\ We already have half the album.

It's (unfortunately) common for Universal to release albums months later in the UK to promote singles there - I can't see why they're still doing it as most fans (myself included) who want an album will just buy it from the US instead.

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It's (unfortunately) common for Universal to release albums months later in the UK to promote singles there - I can't see why they're still doing it as most fans (myself included) who want an album will just buy it from the US instead.

Hey, another Irish person! Yeah, I will more than likely download the album in June (cause I won't be able to wait any longer, I have been waiting since last July when Octahate came out!) and then buy the physical and have my aunt in the US ship it over! Then I will probably still buy it when it comes up on Irish iTunes! 

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The Fool is cute but its not as strong of a single as OctaHate or Promises


Also the songs production sounds exactly like a Passion Pit reject (which makes sense because Michael Angelakos co-produced it) and I feel like the general public being the idiots they are, are going to try to call her on that especially every pretentious indie douchebag with a stick up their ass about women making music

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@@comeintomybedroom @@SitarHero I found that short film you all were talking about on page 1 and 2 (The Bright Side) and I am working on ripping apart each of the songs she sings in it! If y'all want links after I finish PM me.


Also I'm missing "Contentment" is someone could send it to me please  :cuteface:


here's a link to the film by the way (I'm gonna watch the whole thing soon):



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@@comeintomybedroom @@SitarHero I found that short film you all were talking about on page 1 and 2 (The Bright Side) and I am working on ripping apart each of the songs she sings in it! If y'all want links after I finish PM me.


Also I'm missing "Contentment" is someone could send it to me please  :cuteface:


here's a link to the film by the way (I'm gonna watch the whole thing soon):



OMG! That's awesome. Can you send the rips you do my way when you're done? I will PM you.

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@@comeintomybedroom @@SitarHero I found that short film you all were talking about on page 1 and 2 (The Bright Side) and I am working on ripping apart each of the songs she sings in it! If y'all want links after I finish PM me.


Also I'm missing "Contentment" is someone could send it to me please  :cuteface:


here's a link to the film by the way (I'm gonna watch the whole thing soon):




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