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read lauren bacall's autobiography "by myself and then some" earlier this year and really enjoyed it. just finished reading faye dunaway's autobiography "looking for gatsby" last weekend and really liked it, too. waiting for my library to get nancy jo sale's "the bling ring" atm

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I'm curently reading "Zenith", the sequel to "Exodus" by Julie Bertagna.

It takes place in a future where the polar ice caps have melted and people have become a lot more primitive because the world "drowned".

I love it.

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My hands down favorite book series is the 'Jessica Darling' series. I would at least read book one. It's just really good ok


Oh my goodness those first two books are so great.

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At the moment I'm reading Neuromancer by William Gibson. Literary sci-fi isn't really my thing but I love cyberpunk (in film, anyway) and so many people had recommended this book to me over the years that I ended up buying it. I'm about halfway through so far and I'm really liking it!

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I've never really been interested in books. I've only read books in the past because I had to for school. I discovered the Game of Thrones TV series a couple of months ago though and I enjoyed it so much that I decided to buy the books. I've just finished the first book (A Game of Thrones) so I'm now onto A Clash of Kings. Loved the first book and I really can't wait to read the rest of them. I'm planning on taking my time though - a couple of chapters a day making each book last me a couple of months!  :flutter:  


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I've never been much of a reader, I guess I prefer visual stuff. However, I have read certain things...Well, this year I read 2 HP books ''The Order of the Phoenix'' and ''The Half-blood Prince''. Oh, and ''The Casual Vacancy''. I really love Rowling, for the first time in my life reading a book made me that emotional, like, after ''The Casual Vacancy'' I couldn't stop crying, the end was just so sad. I don't know, there's this certain way Rowling writes, it's as if she knows the depths of human soul and with her writing she can access that place within the reader. Also read (listened?) to ''Steve Jobs'', some good ideas and inspiration there. ''Jane Eyre'', just for the sake of knowing some classics, and ''The Fault in our Stars''.


One of my fave books ever though is ''Edit Piaf'' by Reiner Silvain, knowing that her persona and life-story just fascinates me so much.

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Okay so a huge amount of you guys love to read, so come on post your book collection! *cough* @@Beemo *cough*


keep in mind i have shit from 2005 :P if not earlier too

anyways heres mine! 






(very proud of my fight club version tbh)



(just started reading It but i stopped at the second page cause i got busy)





stfu i love the diary of a wimpy kid series










stfu (i also have twilight but its in my sisters room)


from 4th grade:))))))))))) (excluding the twilight one)







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I finally convinced myself to start reading "The Alchemist" and I'm so glad I did. I needed to read something as refreshing as this book. It's so beautifully written in every way possible. I actually felt like I learned something whilst turning every page I read. It also really made me pause for brief moments just to reflect on what was going on at some points. Here's one of my favorite quotes from the book:


When someone sees the same people every day, as had happened with him at the seminary, the wind up becoming a part of that person’s life. And then they want the person to change. If someone isn’t what other want them to be, the other become angry. Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own.


I really recommend you all to read it! :party:


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when i get all my witchy and occult books back from the boxes they're in, i'll post them.


my library is mostly non-fiction, but i believe i have some old books from when i was very young. 


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My library is full of esoteric or religious books, then you have the books about learning languages and the rest is not very interesting tbh. I also still have some books that I had to read for school but I usually sell them not long after.  I have some books with paintings though but I don't have many of them, it's so expensive.  :icant: I also have some books in both Russian and French.

My mother used to have a huge library but we lost it all when we moved to France, my grandfather had a huge one too but my father doesn't live in that house so my aunt keeps it and never uses it.  :icant: It's so sad, especially since books were so hard to get during the soviet union.

My father rebuilt a pretty big library, tons and tons of books about architecture and he also bought every single book that was printed in Russian in his country about Napoleon. He even goes to Moscow to buy rare ones.


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Oh, wow...I come from a very, very bookish family. I recently became possessed by a spirit of decluttering, so I got rid of a whole bookshelf's worth, but I still have a full bookshelf & am consistently collecting new ones. :creep: Not to mention the hundreds of books I have all over my house, ranging in topic from Theology (a lot of those) and Bibles to gardening guides, curriculum, textbooks, medical dictionaries, biographies, and plenty of fiction. :eek:

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whats housewife porn i want :creep:


Exposing myself to y'all.


In Norway we call twilight and fifty shades of grey for "husmorporno" or housewife porn, basically what older, sexually frustrated women read to get some excitement into their life. 


I also have more... intellectual stuff, but this is what I indulge in on a sad day when I want to shut off my brain. Twilight, fifty shades of gay, random, erotic supernatural books... It calms me  :crossed: Good books makes me too excited and consumes me for weeks. Like Game of Thrones or stuff by Stephen King  :P That man knows his horror, damn. I also love the classics by Jane Austen etc, and Tolkien. I love fantasy and make believe worlds that distance me from todays modern bullshit. I love young adult books, but I hate the hassle they create when the story hit the big screen. I get real emotional when I read sad books, it can upset me for many days. I also become pissed off when I don't have a sequel and I'm dying to know what's happening next. 


I used to have a bible to read just for fun, but my friends used it to roll joints  :facepalm: If there is such thing as heaven, I'm not gaining entrance.


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I used to have a bible to read just for fun, but my friends used it to roll joints  :facepalm: If there is such thing as heaven, I'm not gaining entrance.

omfgggg hahahhahahahahahhaahahha


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