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Lana is suffering from depression - Interview with BHMAGAZINO

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Yes, I really love that era, especially Johnny Mitchell, which was my mothers favorite. When I was living in New York, that’s what I was going for, the feeling of community, something like what Jeff Buckley did back in the 90′s, or Bob Dylan in the 60′s. However, I never found my ” gang “, my family.


Is it Johnny Mitchell, or did she mean Joni Mitchell?   Google doesnt give much for Johnny Mitchell...

High up in the Hollywood hills, Taking violet pills

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Please don't you go do movies, Lana! Because I still remember the way you played in Poolside and it wasn't really glimmering, darling.

pretty sure she means more soundtrack/score type things but id like her to try acting again tbh, Poolside just had terribly written dialogue so she might actually be a pretty good actor, we'll see i guess

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pretty sure she means more soundtrack/score type things but id like her to try acting again tbh, Poolside just had terribly written dialogue so she might actually be a pretty good actor, we'll see i guess

I love Lana, but regarding Tropico ... I don't really think so ...


But I would be here for any kind of soundtrack music!

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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Your songs seem to put melancholy in an environment of opulence. Is this your intention or does this happen accidentally? 

I feel like I make happy songs, but when others listen to them, they think they’re sad. I can’t escape from my life, which has been wavy. Three years after my debut album, I’m still suffering from self-doubt and depression. Ahead of me there’s uncertainty and a feeling of emptiness. I don’t like it when I don’t know where I’m going. My love life, my family – are so fragile. I’m not sure of anything.


Can we stop calling her hipster queen and begin to call her EMO queen now?? Slay My Emo Prozac Queen


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I love Lana, but regarding Tropico ... I don't really think so ...


But I would be here for any kind of soundtrack music!

She could become iconic with her awkward acting though...

The robot chanteuse :legend:

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Unbow to myself....when did she mention Elliott Smith was one of her faves?


Edit: Ok nvm. In her Les Inrockuptibles interview she said she constantly thought about him until she couldn't & threw all of his albums away because she felt bad vibes towards them. #InCaseAnyoneElseWasWondering2 Ok I'm taking a nap

Edited by Cleopatra

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Can somebody change the title please this is not Mail Online we all know she is depressed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes but she have never spoken openly about before.


But I can do it if you'll really really like that

I know what you really want bbbbbaby

Yeah I can do if you think you'll like that

You should run boy run


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I knew I wasn't crazy when I thought May Jailer songs have a Joni influence. Yes, yes, yes. Luv Lana and Joni.

Her mind is fascinating. Wish she was my friend.


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Your songs seem to put melancholy in an environment of opulence. Is this your intention or does this happen accidentally? 


I feel like I make happy songs, but when others listen to them, they think they’re sad. I can’t escape from my life, which has been wavy. Three years after my debut album, I’m still suffering from self-doubt and depression. Ahead of me there’s uncertainty and a feeling of emptiness. I don’t like it when I don’t know where I’m going. My love life, my family – are so fragile. I’m not sure of anything.


Can we stop calling her hipster queen and begin to call her EMO queen now?? Slay My Emo Prozac Queen

or just a sad potato

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Here's a more direct link to the article:

If you're using google chrome, the translation from Greek may emphasize things differently. And yes, the title of the article according to google is "Adolescent depression of Lana Del Rey"


The  interview has familiar answers because she has stock answers to stock questions, which is fine. The "Johnny Mitchell" blooper suggests LDR doesn't preview her interviews but this could be an error in translation (google makes the error). The translation found by @@GodBlessMe is by a human, so I'll generally quote it.


<<Your songs seem to put melancholy in an environment of opulence. Is this your intention or does this happen accidentally? 


I feel like I make happy songs, but when others listen to them, they think they’re sad. I can’t escape from my life, which has been wavy. Three years after my debut album, I’m still suffering from self-doubt and depression. Ahead of me there’s uncertainty and a feeling of emptiness. I don’t like it when I don’t know where I’m going. My love life, my family – are so fragile. I’m not sure of anything.>>


<<google translate: "I feel that I make happy songs but when I put the others to hear me say how sad it is. I can not get out of my life, which has been turbulent. Three years after my debut yet tormented by doubt and sadness together. In front of me there is only uncertainty and a sense of emptiness. And I do not like to not know where I'm going. The love my life, the family is so fragile - I'm not sure of anything. ">>


Sounds like a fear of loss, with depression following from imagined loss. Her love life as "fragile" I can well understand, but her family relationships seem extraordinarily good to me (lives with her siblings also compare her relationship to her father with Katy Perry's relationship to hers). Maybe she fears an asteroid strike, idk.  "Three years after my debut album...": I really needed a question about AKA right about there. Eternally frustrated. Also, "self-doubt" but about what exactly? I can't believe it's her songs as she says later her music is "quite good", but we're never really clear about the scope of that statement (or which music she is talking about). She also talks about her "muse" being absent for years (below), which I haven't really observed actually.


<<<Do you believe in talent? 


I feel like I have a charisma to make music. However, these last years there were times when I hadn’t written a word I liked and I prayed for my muse to come back to me. And suddenly, last winter, a song like ” Old Money ” came to my mind. ...>>>


<< google translate: "I feel that I have a gift: to make music. However, in recent years there were long periods when I did not write a word that I loved and prayed to return my muse. And suddenly, this year the winter a song like "Old Money" came to me as epiphany (pp .: with a little help from Nino Rota). ...>>>


So I'm wondering if she's talking specifically about not liking Hollywood, JFK, Starry Eyed, and AFFA? Does she mean specifically the lyrics? Is she also including all those weird (but wonderful) leaks that came before (Go Go Dancer, Hollywood's Dead, Live or Die, Dum Dum, Maha Maha ...)? You get the idea of the kind of gaps I'd like filled by these interviews. These interviewers don't know her past work well.


<<<Which part of your work is pleasure and which part of your work is torture? 


Pleasure starts and ends with recording the album. Then the pain starts, touring, promotion, difficult stuff. Because even if I try to convince myself it’s okay, misunderstandings and twisted ideas regarding who I am, are constantly being spread around, and I feel like I have to stand up for myself, like I have to excuse everything I do and I don’t need that. My music is quite good for me to not need to excuse myself. Deep inside, I’d rather keep silent.>>>


But the leaks/unreleased mean she can't really keep "silent" ever. She can only ignore them. As far as her released stuff, all she has to do is keep re-stating that her creations are not advocations for lifestyles, etc. If her songs have an autobiographical element, so what? Would people have rather she not make art out of it? The misunderstandings should simply go away, or if not, she needs to start weighing the positive regard (for her work) equally with the negative regard. There is also a comparison issue. Why should she be compared to Swift, Perry, or Adele, and not Kanye, Lou Reed, Dylan, and perhaps some death metal people. What about Liz Phair? If she were compared to the right reference group, neither her work nor herself would seem extreme ("misunderstanding and twisted ideas"?).  For instance, I get the feeling that had Dylan written National Anthem or This is What Makes Us Girls, two songs that are pretty Dylanesque, at least in the lyrics, imo, he would have been hailed (again) a genius. LDR writes them and we saw what happened. 

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 You have a point there. But time will tell. Many geniuses aren't recognised and praised until a generation after theirs.



But the leaks/unreleased mean she can't really keep "silent" ever. She can only ignore them. As far as her released stuff, all she has to do is keep re-stating that her creations are not advocations for lifestyles, etc. If her songs have an autobiographical element, so what? Would people have rather she not make art out of it? The misunderstandings should simply go away, or if not, she needs to start weighing the positive regard (for her work) equally with the negative regard. There is also a comparison issue. Why should she be compared to Swift, Perry, or Adele, and not Kanye, Lou Reed, Dylan, and perhaps some death metal people. What about Liz Phair? If she were compared to the right reference group, neither her work nor herself would seem extreme ("misunderstanding and twisted ideas"?).  For instance, I get the feeling that had Dylan written National Anthem or This is What Makes Us Girls, two songs that are pretty Dylanesque, at least in the lyrics, imo, he would have been hailed (again) a genius. LDR writes them and we saw what happened. 



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Yeas, Lana you better channel the legendary goddess Joni in your music, because you do it so damn well. Both ladies convey an unfiltered liberty and freedom in their music that is so iconic.


And who did not know Lana loves to dance? Where is the . Gif of Lana giving us a good 'ol country ho-down twitch of her hip in her cowgirl ensemble? Or how about the receipt of her giving us a 70s wig whip in the Shades of Cool video?


Anyhow, this was a good interview. I am unhappy to read that she is dealing with depression, but I guess that is what makes her music so appealing to many of us. She is the queen of refined and elegant doom.

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And who did not know Lana loves to dance? Where is the . Gif of Lana giving us a good 'ol country ho-down twitch of her hip in her cowgirl ensemble? Or how about the receipt of her giving us a 70s wig whip in the Shades of Cool video?

And her official lyrics where she happens to mention dancing like "Body Electric" or TIWMUG where dancing is often a way to deal with the doom and gloom... I do not even begin with her countless leaked songs. (Cuz they are not known by the general audience and the interview is not meant only for die-hard stans, I guess.)

And the wind I know it’s cold

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