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Eminem Raps About Punching Lana Del Rey

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I don't really care that she said it, Perez is a piece of shit, it's just hypocritical that people are bashing Em for saying the same kind of shit their favs say. There's no difference between him & her using the world. 


If she'd namechecked Perez and called him that in a jokey song after he had been beaten bloody in a gay bashing, then that would be a comparable situation. I'm not actually that concerned for Lana here - she seems to have committed the crime of having a name that rhymes with something else. I'd be most interested to know how Janay feels about it.


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That line was so dumb honestly. He's so annoying and gets away with saying so much shit, like he's promoting violence towards women and people are still defending him? Anyways I'm glad Azealia said something though.  :flutter:

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This is the best thing that ever happened to Lana's career. Her self-asteem? Maybe for awhile she'll be pretty taken aback that someone she seems to respect and admire so much actually threatened to physically assault her, but in the long run watching someone you idolise stoop to such low levels just to get a reaction out of you (and also try and name-check you to stay relevent) is probably quite a gratifying experience. And hey, this gives Lana more fuel for some sarcastic-ass diss track come her next LP.

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I don't know if you're serious or not... but Lana singing about *wanting* a guy to hit her sexually isn't the same as getting punched twice in public and getting knocked unconscious. 


And there ain't no way she couldn't be hurt or offended by that line lol. Imagine someone who you've loved so long dissing you by saying he'd punch the shit out of you. Smh.


First of all this is hardly a diss, second of all It's the same "violence" that we are talking here, Eminem put the 2 things together cause they mix, I bet if the Ray Rice stuff didn't happened it couls be 2 scenarios A) Lana's name would be used differently B)Lana would stay irrelevant to Eminem.



a racist, mysoginist, homophobe guy kisding the mirror whenever he's alone. Yeah really ">".


I don't really care about the line tho, I don't think Lana is offended or anything. There were enough stupid songs about her already.


apart from this Nonaminem always dropped names in order to stay relevant. Rude and stupid, but so immature it's not worth to mention.



He drops names in the same way every other rapper does.


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It doesn't matter whose name was put in the song - it's disgusting any way. He is glorifying domestic violence and essentially making a mockery of the pain the Janae Rice has experienced personally. It's not a "joke."

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I don't think I've ever used this phrase more accurately ever, but 


why you so pressed?


What did lana do to you? looking for a cheap rhyme?

I know he doesn't mean it literally, but It shows how his quality is decreasing just for a cheap rhyme?

rap god is dying 


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I hope no one in this thread is a fan of to Tupac, Biggie, Lil Wayne, Azealia, T.I., Kanye, Iggy  etc. all have had sexist and homophobic lyrics or displayed sexism and homophobis in their daily lives. Don't act like Em is the only one in the game saying shit like this. 



you can still be a fan of an artist and condemn their actions.


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