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The Horror Movie Thread

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Lets discuss this, 


so who else here cannot stand gorey movies when compared to creepy supernatural movies that involve ghosts and demons. I honestly am so impressed with the recent horror movies that have been coming out; as they no longer focus on the gore and focus on the actual story and plot rather than shock value. I also feel like supernatural horror movies are more relate able because everyone has heard that creepy noise in their house when they were alone and got a little creeped out. 


For example, The Others was a great horror movie, with a strong plot. 


I thought Insidious and the Conjuring were very good too, and had a very strong plot. They are def. on the right track with horror movies. 


With that being said, what are some actually creepy horror movies?




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The Human Centipede, it's not gore but it is definitely disturbing. Don't watch the trailer, it's all about the discovery of the plot. I still remember from time to time some images ... I hate this movie.


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I think the reason paranormal activity was so scary was because you never actually saw the demon. The first and third one traumatized me for months.

in the third one, the part at the very end where

the guy runs to some kind of garden house and there's like 15 people and they start following him  :rip:  :icant:


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The grudge and the grudge 2 are the only movies that have really scared me like a LOT. Maybe it's because I was younger, but I had nightmares and had to sleep with the lights on because of the mother with the long hair that would hide in dark corners... The little boy didn't scare me at all, just the woman...

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The grudge and the grudge 2 are the only movies that have really scared me like a LOT. Maybe it's because I was younger, but I had nightmares and had to sleep with the lights on because of the mother with the long hair that would hide in dark corners... The little boy didn't scare me at all, just the woman...

Oh I saw it ! It didn't scare me at all.  :eek:


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where is this gif from?



and idk but ive never been scared of horror movies, like i get scared while watching the movie but only mildly, but i do enjoy horror movies since they are my favorite genre, and i also love psychological horror movies which tell you shit, meaning leaving everything to the imagination which is even worse, i have to say i didnt really like insidious, i found it rather annoying, even though the red demon did creep me out a few times.



if you want true horror, go back 20 years. the exorcist was creepy as FUCK i tried watching it like what, 6 times? i finally got myself to watch it though, pretty creepy and hard to watch tbh, but not as bad as youd think

in the third one, the part at the very end where

the guy runs to some kind of garden house and there's like 15 people and they start following him  :rip:  :icant:


ughhhhh the third ones my favorite ending evveerrrrrr i love how creepy the gramma was like hoollyyy shiiitttt she started all of it


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oh and paranormal entity's ending (which is just a cheap rip off the paranormal activity movies) was creepy as fuuuuckkkkk

they find the girl covered in blood, dead, naked and being raped by a demon....



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if you want true horror, go back 20 years. the exorcist was creepy as FUCK i tried watching it like what, 6 times? i finally got myself to watch it though, pretty creepy and hard to watch tbh, but not as bad as youd think


i thought the exorcist was really boring and long, i had to watch it in two parts because i got bored the first time i was watching it  :crossed:


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i thought the exorcist was really boring and long, i had to watch it in two parts because i got bored the first time i was watching it  :crossed:

omg i watched it in two parts too... i fell asleep... but the latter part was scary you have to admit


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The Exorcist was duuuumb tbh


Uh I'm easily scared but the new Evil Dead is both freaky as fuck and reallllly good. Also The Strangers fucked me up. And where I live looks exactly like The Hills Have Eyes but I got over that in middle school. The Woman in Black was pretty creepy but that might be bc I saw it in a super nice theater so it was enhanced. And the fuckin doll movie, Dead Silence? Goddamn.


But don't even put me in a room with an alien movie like I'd rather have demons.

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Although not as scary as some other films, I really love the Scream franchise.

Me too! Actually Scream 4 (haven't found the others on DVD here  :ohno:) might be the only horror movie I own... I'm not sure  :biblio:



I've loved The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock ever since I was a kid, it's not that creepy though  :D I'm more into psychological thrillers I guess, the first two American remakes of The Grudge movies are pretty much boring now, not to mention The Ring ones and Paranormal Activity...

When it comes to movies like Final Destination, I prefer not to watch them, 5th one especially since I'm planning to have a laser eye surgery in the future... I'm very sensitive when it comes to eyes and wrists lol 

A couple of my friends love and laugh at Saw movies which I just can't understand tbh  :biblio:


Oh and The Hills Have Eyes -remakes were shit, I saw them some time ago and just ...  :smh:

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The original japanese version The Ring (or Ringu) scared the shit out of me - and that's saying something, 'cause I'm not easily creeped out by films.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) is genuinely disturbing imo. Not exactly 'scary', just plain old psychological terror.

I'd also say [Rec], Suspiria (I love Argento's films!), Village of the Damned & Children of the Damned (there's just something really creepy about evil kids, idk) and Hostel (yeah, it's exploitative and pretty stupid, but it's one of the goriest I've ever seen).

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