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Charli XCX

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10 hours ago, Dima said:

It’s very beautiful ballad, her voice sounds so soft. I wish she would perform it on piano only live. I’m breaking every rule for you, you breaking every rule for me, these moments really set me free. Ahh 

Please can you reveal the next line after 'heartbreak already hit me once they say that it won't happen twice' and does the song get upbeat / dancey? :hdu:

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10 minutes ago, Pale Fire said:

Baby is honestly such a fucking jam and the music video is cute as fuck

the dance is so fun! someone needs to make it a tik tok trend :true:

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Not sure where all the hate has been coming from with this new era… Charli has been very forthright about it being a callback to more traditional pop and yet, all the singles are great in their own right. 


soooo… yeah, not sure? 🤷‍♂️

I like her leaning more into the future as much as the next person, but Charli is always going to have her stamp all over whatever she does. And so, with that said, Crash is going to slap. :diva:

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am i the only one that thinks hyperpop charli needs to die?


i love hyperpop charli as much as the next gay but i don’t feel like she could innovate with that sound anymore it sounds old and she needs to do something different now

 5oDY3ok.gif ZLI8w1N.png 5oDY3ok.gif

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18 minutes ago, the ocean said:

am i the only one that thinks hyperpop charli needs to die?


i love hyperpop charli as much as the next gay but i don’t feel like she could innovate with that sound anymore it sounds old and she needs to do something different now

manifesting a true R&B or psychedelic rock album 

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26 minutes ago, the ocean said:

am i the only one that thinks hyperpop charli needs to die?


i love hyperpop charli as much as the next gay but i don’t feel like she could innovate with that sound anymore it sounds old and she needs to do something different now


hyper pop means nothing and charli herself has never done anything too hyperpop-y (whatever that means) aside from HIFN 


N1A and Pop 2 were not hyperpop although still experimental, and I wish she'd go that route


plus Crash in and of itself is not an innovation and I think even she has no clue what she's doing now



edit: to clarify, PC music and hyper pop are not the same thing. Charli is way closer to PC music than to hyper pop

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11 minutes ago, Charlottexseax said:

plus Crash in and of itself is not an innovation and I think even she has no clue what she's doing now


edit: to clarify, PC music and hyper pop are not the same thing. Charli is way closer to PC music than to hyper pop

i mean, not everything NEEDS to be an innovation 

sick of the idea that if music isn’t experimental then it’s not good 

like music is supposed to be fun damn


anyways yeah i hate the term hyperpop too bc charli is so far from that, pc music is a much better descriptor - that being said - pc music charli has been overdone, it’s been yearsssss, i’m so glad she’s doing something fun and more pop-y with crash

her best album incoming, idc! 

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I think she knows exactly what she’s doing…


I think she likely wants to continue doing something that is artistically very “current”, such as something that might be considered as “hyper-pop”… but with a contract to fulfill, and as she said, not wanting to seem “too predictable” as an artist… Crash is likely the direction that made the most sense to her and would maximize appeal in and beyond the duration of her contract.


The “hyper-pop” sound has yet to really catch on or create any sort of notable foothold with the masses, across age groups especially IMO, so it’s likely not going be considered mainstream for some time. Most people hear the glitchy “pots and pans” off-beat production and just think it’s noise… It certainly hits different, it’s more progressive in structure snd arrangement typically, and IMO, a lot of people have a very 2D perception on what music is, and should be.


As much as I personally wish people would just open up their mind and ears, it’s up to them to reach a point where they want to hear something different… something that is just electronic even. So many people are firmly rooted in the belief that music is only “real instruments” or it’s “not music” therefore “it sucks.”


There are SO many people like that.

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