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Max Hershenow



I just logged in to say that I find it disgusting that you would leak a working demo that has the potential to be released by the producer or the singer. It is not cool. Making these songs cost money, time and resources. 



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Charli was busy writing the one of the best albums of all time while Halsee was singing songs about Taylor Swift and Harry Styles in her bedroom. She’ll become irrelevant in 2 years when her 14 year old fans grow up and forget about her while Charli will still be writing those smasha hits.


Can’t wait for Hallsea to be opening for Charli’s sold out world stadium tour in 2020! :hottie:

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Leak "I See Your Heart Start to Break"

that track is called "Love Is Blue" Eclipse said it was called that before he'd leaked any of it or anything else, probably Feb last year when he teased a bunch of artists lyrics


also, Rope sounds like a Green Light rip off, is it just me?

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pfoowkakskqkw too much happened!!!!!!!


I for one am super excited about Charli opening for Halsey, I love them both and it'll be a really fun concert and it's great exposure for Charli.


Second- Rope is really freaking cool :defeated: The Over You demo also bops I just love everything this woman produces


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Max Hershenow



I just logged in to say that I find it disgusting that you would leak a working demo that has the potential to be released by the producer or the singer. It is not cool. Making these songs cost money, time and resources.

The hypocrisy

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The hypocrisy


Considering I would not leak something that would potentially go on an album or have some sort of official release, there is no hypocrisy to see here. Please use your brain to think logically before you comment about someone's supposed hypocritical actions. Have a nice day. 

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what else is new really  :blush2:


Coming from someone who changes opinions on people and topics like they change underwear, this is quite an amusing post. First have the mental maturity to form solid opinions on things (and not get stuck in a loop of liking-disliking-defending-accusing) before commenting on topics that are actually none of your business. Your hypocrisy puts us all to shame, hangingatmcdonalds. 

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Coming from someone who changes opinions on people and topics like they change underwear, this is quite an amusing post. First have the mental maturity to form solid opinions on things (and not get stuck in a loop of liking-disliking-defending-accusing) before commenting on topics that are actually none of your business. Your hypocrisy puts us all to shame, hangingatmcdonalds. 



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