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omg is she rehearsing BIOLYL at 5:53


next single drop confirmed

are we sure it's not track 10? i mean sounds like the production of bioyl but it's hard to tell from the 13 millisecond bit we got there

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considering she's been playing her most mainstream songs on the republican tour i do think it's BIOYL since track 10 honestly sounds like some bjork shit and that's not everyone's cup of tea while BIOYL is more pop-y



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XCX3 tracklists MUST begin with Come to My Party & end with After the Afterparty. There is no other way. It’s proven science.


But AFTER After the Afterparty, she can't get him out of her head! And the last minute of Can You Hear Me is PURE CATHARSIS. You see, what we know about science is constantly evolving  ;)


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omg is she rehearsing BIOLYL at 5:53


next single drop confirmed


aw hell naw



in come to my party, charli throws a weekend rager after a bad breakup. all of the hot guys in town come, it's amazing!

in girls night out, charli retires from the houseparty for a night out with the girls to further heal the pain of her breakup!.

in naked, charli meets a MAJORLY hot guy during the girls night out, and all she can think about it wanting to have sex with him.

in down like woah, charli finds her ex on her mind all too often, despite several hookups and dates, including the guy at the club.

in sweetest drug, charli attempts to dismiss the addicting thought of her ex with real drugs, but nothing can dull her pain. nothing is better than her favorite drug

in good girls, charli goes for a night out without the girls, she needs to let off some steam, but don't tell anyone what she did that night!

in paris, charli fantasizes about an amazing guy at the club during her night out in good girls! she dreams of romance, a trip to paris, etc.

in queen lizzy, charli realizes the guy she's after can not give her all that she wants materialistically, but she still wants him. in the long run, it doesn't end up working out.

in party 4 u, charli realizes all of her attempted relationships are failing because she is still hooked on her ex. she throws a party, hoping he'll show.

in glow, when charli's ex comes to the party, she can't help but watch him talk to other girls. the pain is unbearable, but she doesn't want to say something and embarrass herself.

in tko, charli leaves her own party and goes to a nearby club to unwind, where she's met by a pesky guy trying to get with her, but she's not having it.

in taxi, charli speaks to the pesky guy for a few minutes in attempt to manipulate him. after messing with him, she calls him a taxi and sends him off.

in die 4, on the walk home from the club, charli has an epiphany; her ex is the only one for her, and her pushing him away was her worst mistake.

in i wanna be with u, charli comes back to her party to find everyone sleeping on the tables and floor. she finds her ex looking at her photos in her bedroom, and apologizes for everything she's done.



this is so inspired by electra heart. i couldn't include certain songs like bounce obviously because they had no place in the story lmao


omg i can't believe no one cared about this ckckfkfj

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Why is the Take My Hand demo is much better than the official version? I feel like the production of True Romance is a mess and all over the place, I wish some of the songs were stripped down a bit

where's this demo? 

btw does anyone have the true romance and sucker demos?

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