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I'm sure that they'll have to release it; it would look horrible on them if she's been talking about this album forever, and then it doesn't get released.

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I'm sure that they'll have to release it; it would look horrible on them if she's been talking about this album forever, and then it doesn't get released.


That's happened to a lot of people tho


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These are great! Thank you so much!


Charli's voice in Tulips is so deep :oopna:

That's happened to a lot of people tho

True, but if they released True Romance then I don't see any reason for them to not release this. That isn't shade towards True Romance, and I don't even know what I'm trying to say in this post :toofloppy:

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i hope her label tells her how dumb her lyrics are and how she needs to go back to her roots. its all what's best for her career. true romance 2.0 #I'mHopeful #NotStanning4PCCharli #MissXCXPleaseSlayUs


I think you're forgetting she's signed to a major label... they want stupid, they want pop. It's what sells. Unfortunately for us few with taste, alt pop like TR doesn't sell/get airplay


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I think you're forgetting she's signed to a major label... they want stupid, they want pop. It's what sells. Unfortunately for us few with taste, alt pop like TR doesn't sell/get airplay

i don't think i'm going to ever support charli as much as i did with true romance cause i'm just not loving anything she has done past sucker. when true romance came out i bought the vinyl, cd, the custom made vinyls literally everything. ughh it makes me so sad cause i saw her going so many places and being so authentic and destroying all of these toxic industries. ughh its so frustrating. i refuse to buy anything charli if it isnt quality. of course i love her as a person and i'm glad she's happy but i won't be there when she releases these tragic tracks. when she releases something of quality i'll be there but for now i'm done. 

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i don't think i'm going to ever support charli as much as i did with true romance cause i'm just not loving anything she has done past sucker. when true romance came out i bought the vinyl, cd, the custom made vinyls literally everything. ughh it makes me so sad cause i saw her going so many places and being so authentic and destroying all of these toxic industries. ughh its so frustrating. i refuse to buy anything charli if it isnt quality. of course i love her as a person and i'm glad she's happy but i won't be there when she releases these tragic tracks. when she releases something of quality i'll be there but for now i'm done. 


all the cool indie kids in 2013 were working with Ariel though...Sky, Vampire Weekend, etc


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Can MonroeIdol shut the fuck up already for fucks sake, he's bitter that charli is growing and getting bigger yes it's not 2013 anymore, we get it you don't like Charli's current music and you won't support her new releases WE GET IT, you only come to this thread to complain about the same thing, if you're not gonna contribute to this thread PLEASE EXIT and take your bitterness elsewhere.

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:gclap:  :gclap:  :gclap:


In other news... WE ARE NOT WORTHY OF THIS GODDESS  :legend:  :worship:  QUEEN OF SEX SYMBOLISM




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i don't think i'm going to ever support charli as much as i did with true romance cause i'm just not loving anything she has done past sucker. when true romance came out i bought the vinyl, cd, the custom made vinyls literally everything. ughh it makes me so sad cause i saw her going so many places and being so authentic and destroying all of these toxic industries. ughh its so frustrating. i refuse to buy anything charli if it isnt quality. of course i love her as a person and i'm glad she's happy but i won't be there when she releases these tragic tracks. when she releases something of quality i'll be there but for now i'm done. 

i have bad news for you: you're not a fan of charli xcx, you're a fan of true romance. 

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yall have me dying lmao. its so funny how words create rage and madness in people 

but you're the one whining about charli not being quality all because you don't like sucker. like, you literally had an all cap lock meltdown a few pages back.




leak the barrie-james co-written songs + elvis (2013)

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I think you're forgetting she's signed to a major label... they want stupid, they want pop. It's what sells. Unfortunately for us few with taste, alt pop like TR doesn't sell/get airplay



Well the Vroom Vroom EP was a massive commercial failure (much like true romance only got buzz on the internet) so if they want what sells they're not going let her release an album like that either

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