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Doja Cat

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Amazing album!!! Different vibes from both Amala and Hot Pink, but it's great nonetheless. 


Favs would be: Alone, Kiss Me More, and Love to Dream ! Only because I'm always more drawn to the slower, vibe kind of songs. I really enjoyed the rest of the songs besides Imagine and You Right!!!


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Honestly this album was disappointing, but I really liked Pay Day, Naked, You Right and Love to Dream. Ain’t Shit was pretty average after all of the hype from snippets. And, I hope I Don’t Do Drugs doesn’t get single treatment just because Ariana is on it because that song wasn’t really good in my first listen. I think those two will be growers though. Imagine, Options, Alone are skips for me right now.


Hot Pink > Planet Her

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every song on this album is so fucking good lmao... i love her style so much, it's so dystinctive and nostalgic 



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It's a really great album don't get me wrong, but most of the songs sound like songs she's already released before (For exemple Kiss Me More/Say So or Been Like This/Streets). I feel like her team wants her to stay in the spotlight by releasing songs they know will perform well

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i really hate the artwork, photo looks ok but the overall composition of the cover looks really dated, like it came from coverlandia circa 2013. don't get me wrong, it's not ugly, just dated. also, not giving me "planet her" at ALL! the billboard photoshoot did a much better job on embracing that concept. i can't believe they got david fucking lachapelle for that! maybe lil old grandpa david is losing his magic, idk. i really love doja and i hate to be a negative nancy but it's been a really underwhelming release for me :(

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8 hours ago, Honeysuckle said:

i really hate the artwork, photo looks ok but the overall composition of the cover looks really dated, like it came from coverlandia circa 2013. don't get me wrong, it's not ugly, just dated. also, not giving me "planet her" at ALL! the billboard photoshoot did a much better job on embracing that concept. i can't believe they got david fucking lachapelle for that! maybe lil old grandpa david is losing his magic, idk. i really love doja and i hate to be a negative nancy but it's been a really underwhelming release for me :(

The weird thing is that looking at the photoshoot, the two images they chose out of it to be the cover and back cover were literally the worst ones. Here are some photos from it:



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