GangstaBoy 3,930 Posted October 10, 2015 Salvatore Las luces de Miami empiezan a brillar Rojo, verde y ámbar, azul también Todo desde arriba se ve mejor, mi rey Como aguamarina, la bahia azul 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lad 8,803 Posted October 10, 2015 I imagined Bomba Estereo singing this I don't know who that is but I'm sure my reggaeton-like translations would fit them more based on their name but that reminds me that I used to think Lana Del Rey was a electro-mariachi alternative band when I first read her name I am incredibly lame at writing things in Spanish even though that's the language I speak. But I think this turned it pretty good: Eres mi religión El como vivo Cuando dicen que espacio necesito No lo imagino Ni un minuto Cuando me arrodillo eres mi oración I mean pretty good ~ sonically ~ 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BlueJeans 2,608 Posted October 10, 2015 Dark blue / French version : "Bleu foncé... Bleu foncéééé" 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WhiteHydrangea 4,217 Posted October 10, 2015 I don't know who that is but I'm sure my reggaeton-like translations would fit them more based on their name but that reminds me that I used to think Lana Del Rey was a electro-mariachi alternative band when I first read her name She doesn't sing reggaeton tho her name translates to Stereo Bomb, she's a girl and she's pretty electric. check her out!! This one is called "fuego" and if you're not in to that kind of sound check her other song "Pa Respirar" My contribution to the thread: Tiempo presente y tiempo pasado Están tal vez presentes en tiempo futuro Y tiempo futuro contenido en tiempo pasado Sí todo el tiempo es eternamente presente Todo el tiempo es irremediable Lo que tal vez haya sido es una abstracción Quedando una perpetua posibilidad Solo en un mundo de especulación Lo que tal vez haya sido y lo que ha sido Dirigido hacia un solo punto, el cual es siempre presente Pisadas resuenan en la memoria Por el pasadizo que no tomamos Hacia la puerta que nunca abrimos Dentro jardín de rosas. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luminom 3,287 Posted October 11, 2015 Ich schleiban austa be clairEs kumpent madre monstèreAus-be aus-can-be flaugenBegun be üske but-bair 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WhiteHydrangea 4,217 Posted November 1, 2015 Las llamas están tan calientes que se vuelven azules, palmeras reflejándose en tus ojos como un verano eterno; Esa es la forma en que me siento por ti. Si el tiempo se detuviera tomaría este momento, lo haría durar por siempre.. Tu halo esta llena de fuego, estoy subiendo, estoy subiendo Mi calor ama lleno de fuego, lleno de fuego ama 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BlueJeans 2,608 Posted November 1, 2015 Ich schleiban austa be clair Es kumpent madre monstère Aus-be aus-can-be flaugen Begun be üske but-bair For a moment there I tried to understand what song that was supposed to translate and then ... Haha 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
guardian 3,558 Posted December 8, 2015 time to bring this back. I was just listening to this and I realised how creepy and great it sounds in spanish Luces, cámara, ¡acción! Si le gusto, me lleva a casa Anda, vamos, sé que te gustan las niñitas Puedes ser mi papi Luces, cámara, ¡acción! Él no sabía que tendría tanta diversión Anda, vamos, sé que te gustan las niñitas Puedes ser mi papi Eres mi pequeña reina brillante de la cuerda para saltar (?) Eres mi pequeña brillante Luces, cámara, ¡acción! Tú sabes que no puedo hacerlo yo sola Ponme en una película Puedes ser mi papi Ponme en una película 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TRENCH 15,456 Posted December 8, 2015 Eres mi pequeña reina brillante de la cuerda para saltar (?) Try singing this line at the same speed as she does in English 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LoreleiLee 1,306 Posted January 13, 2016 Totally clumsy, awkward, unpolished and peasantish (and freestyle) translation of "Off To The Races" to my language (in English it sounds like a medieval troubadour song to an unattainable, pristine princess compairing to how it sounds here, like some drunken toast in a saloon; and obviously, we need much more words to describe something simple, sublime and beautiful). And, if OTTR original is irresistibly loquacious and effusive, with so many emotional facets and hues and exquisite, impassioned metaphors, this version is dishevelled logoreia. Moj stari je gad ali Ne mogu poreći da volim način na koji mi drži ruku I grabi me, steže, otima mi srce Ne smeta mu moja Las Vegas prošlost Ne mari za moju LA vulgarnost Voli me svakim otkucajem svog kokainskog srca Dragana u svjetlucavom bazenu Skidam bijeli bikini svojim crveno nalakiranim noktima Motriš me u bazenu čija se površina blistavo plavo mreška, i sjediš i pijuckaš Black Kristal O, da Svjetlo mog života, vatro mojih prepona, Budi dobra curica, učini ono što želim Svjetlo mog života, vatro mojih prepona, Daj mi zlatne novčiće, daj mi novčiće I otiskujem se na utrke, s kašetama Bacardija, I on me lovi po čitavom gradu, jer zna da sam pijana i nadrogirana, Susrećući se sa sumnjivim ljudima na Otoku Rikers, i neću se izvući, Jer ja sam luda, dragi, trebam te da dođeš i da me spasiš, Ja sam tvoja grimizna starleta, koja pjeva u vrtu, Poljubi me u moja otvorena usta Spremna sam za tebe Moj stari je opak čovjek ali Duša mu je slatka kao krvavo crveni džem I pokazuje mi kako poznaje Svaki pedalj moje naftno crne duše Ne mari što sam bez prebijene pare i što mi je život sjeban Zapravo, misli da je baš to ono što mu se kod mene sviđa I divi mi se, voli način na koji se kotrljam kao bezglavi kamen Voli me promatrati u staklenoj tuš-kabini kupaonice, u Chateau Marmontu, Kako navlačim svoju crvenu haljinu, šminkam se, Staklena ploča, parfem, konjak, ljiljan, Ples dima, kaže da se osjeća kao u raju Svjetlo njegovog života, vatra njegovih prepona, Zadrži me zauvijek, reci da me posjeduješ, Svjetlo tvog života, vatro tvojih prepona, Reci da me posjeduješ, daj mi zlatne novčiće I hrlim na utrke, u čipci, Koža oko mog struka je tijesna, i padam, Mogu vidjeti tvoje besramno lice, u Ciprianijevom podrumu, Volim te, ali tonem Bože, tako sam luda, dragi, oprosti što se ponašam tako zločesto i neobuzdano, Tvoja sam drolja, starleta, kraljica Coney Islanda, Podižući pakao po cijelom gradu Oprosti na tome Moj stari je lopuža, i ostat ću uz njega i moliti s njime do kraja Ali vjerujem u odluku Našeg Gospoda da motri nad nama Da ga uzme k sebi kad kucne čas, ako bude mogao, Ne bojim se priznati da bih umrla bez njega Tko će drugi izaći na kraj samnom, ovako izgubljenom i divljom? Trebam te, dišem te, nikad te neću ostaviti, Oni će okajati dan kad ostanem sama, bez tebe, Ležiš sa svojim zlatnim lancem na prsima, cigara visi s tvojih usana Kažem, „Mili, nikada nisi izgledao tako predivno kao što izgledaš sada, moj čovječe“ I sada jurimo na utrke, vrludamo mjestima, Spremni, vrata su spuštena, i sada ulazimo, U kaos Las Vegasa, u Casino Oasis, mili, vrijeme je za divlju igru Dečko, tako si lud, dragi, volim te zauvijek, bezrezervno, Ti si moja jedina, istinska ljubav, ti si moja jedina, istinska ljubav Ti si moja jedina, istinska ljubav 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jazzmin 302 Posted March 27, 2016 A ridiculously short piece of "Summertime Sadness" in Polish: Mam te-te letnie smutki, letnie smutki L-l-letnie, letnie smutki To te letnie, letnie smutki O-o-o-o-och Chyba będę tęsknić już zawsze Jak poranne gwiazdy za słońcem muszą tęsknić I wiesz, lepiej późno niż wcale Nawet bez ciebie ja wciąż będę pędzić, pędzić 0 Quote And the wind I know it’s cold Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Masochism 15,401 Posted April 4, 2016 Let's try some italian! A little bit of Off to the races Piscine scintillanti, caro Via il bikini bianco con le mie unghie rosse Guardami nella piscina dalle increspature blu brillanti, tu seduto, sorseggiando il tuo Cristal nero Oh sì Luce della mia vita, fuoco dei miei lombi Fai il bravo bambino. fai ciò che voglio Luce della mia vita, fuoco dei miei lombi Dammi quelle monete d'oro, dammi quelle monete... 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wild One 3,306 Posted June 7, 2016 Okay Honeymoon שנינו יודעים שזה לא אופנתי לאהוב אותי אבל אתה לא הולך כי אין לך אף אחד אחר מלבדי Music to Watch Boys to אני מחבבת אותך הרבה שמה את המוזיקה שלי בזמן שאני צופה בבנים Terrence Loves You אתה מה שאתה ואני לא אשנה אותך בשביל אף אחד God Knows I Tried לפעמים אני מתעוררת בבוקר לשמיים אדומים, כחולים וצהובים. High By The Beach כל מה שאני רוצה לעשות זה להתמסטל על יד החוף להתמסטל על יד החוף להתמסטל Freak מותק, אם אתה רוצה לעזוב, בוא לקליפורניה ותהיה פריק כמוני גם. לעזאזל עם האנונימיות שלך לאהוב אותי זה מה שאתה צריך בשביל להרגיש את מה שאני מרגישה. Religion כי אתה הדת שלי אתה איך שאני חיה 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kik 1,564 Posted August 7, 2016 A Video Games "translated" cover by a French Canadian male musician. Not my style, but interesting. Could listen to this at night sitting around a fire camp by the river. I like the harmonica and the vibrato. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PlaceboHoliday 658 Posted August 7, 2016 حبنا كان مرة في العمر ما كان ليبقى للأبد, كان هالكا منذ الأزل لكن أنت كنت بروعة الخمسينات في الأحذية من جلد الغزال الزرقاء لكنه كان غطاء لكل المشاكل التي وقعت بها لطالما وقعت في حب الشخص الخاطئ الأشياء السيئة لطالما كان مذاقها جيدا هذا ما الفتيات مثلي يفعلنه يخسرنك لا تقل لي الآوان قد فات لا تقل لي الآوان قد فات هوليود ماتت ألفيس يبكي فيشيس يشتعل رولند يحتضر و في الأضواء أنت جميل بشكل ممرض قل وداعا, أنت جميل بشكل ممرض ------------------------------------ Haven't typed in Arabic for ages or spoke it this way so this was hard for me (guess what song it is) Edit: I just checked it with google translate and it sounded a bit off so I fixed 2 words only, otherwise I'm ok with how it turned out 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yourboy 3,413 Posted August 7, 2016 حبنا كان مرة في العمر ما كان ليبقى للأبد, كان هالكا منذ الأزل لكن أنت كنت بروعة الخمسينات في الأحذية من جلد الغزال الزرقاء لكنه كان غطاء لكل المشاكل التي وقعت بها لطالما وقعت في حب الشخص الخاطئ الأشياء السيئة لطالما كان مذاقها جيدا هذا ما الفتيات مثلي يفعلنه يخسرنك لا تقل لي الآوان قد فات لا تقل لي الآوان قد فات هوليود ماتت ألفيس يبكي فيشيس يشتعل رولند يحتضر و في الأضواء أنت جميل بشكل ممرض قل وداعا, أنت جميل بشكل ممرض ------------------------------------ Haven't typed in Arabic for ages or spoke it this way so this was hard for me (guess what song it is) Edit: I just checked it with google translate and it sounded a bit off so I fixed 2 words only, otherwise I'm ok with how it turned out Hollywood's Dead baby! Our love was a once in a lifetime What was to stay forever, was Halka since time immemorial But you're the magnificence of the fifties In suede boots blue But it was a cover for all the problems that occurred with Always I fell in love with the wrong person Bad things have always been good taste That's what girls like me, they do Akhsirnik Do not tell me it was too late Do not tell me it was too late Hollywood is dead Alves cry Feaches ignites Roland dying In the spotlight You are beautiful nurse Say goodbye, you are a beautiful nurse but sickeningly beautiful is beautiful nurse google oh.. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theeternalstars 4,578 Posted August 7, 2016 Don't think anyone's done a Mandarin translation yet - so this is a translation of part of my favourite Lana song. It's more of a holistic translation rather than word-for-word. You can actually sing it, but some of the phrasing is a bit awkward WEST COAST “西岸” Verse 1 在美国西岸,有一个俗语 如没有喝酒,那就没乐趣 但你拥有歌曲,你心里有歌曲,歌曲 Verse 2 在美国西岸,我有这感觉 什么都能发生,所以我离开 你,这个时刻,你,为了歌声,再见,再见 Pre-chorus 你爱我更深但我推开,我的皮肤滚烫 你说你想我,我也想告诉你 一样 但我突然失去表达的能量 你的爱,你的爱,你的爱 Chorus 我看见他的身体摆动, 他香烟已点燃,他举起双手 我站在阳台上告诉他 亲爱的,我爱你,我爱你 (also i am secretly proud some bits actually rhyme) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PlaceboHoliday 658 Posted August 7, 2016 Hollywood's Dead baby! Our love was a once in a lifetime What was to stay forever, was Halka since time immemorial But you're the magnificence of the fifties In suede boots blue But it was a cover for all the problems that occurred with Always I fell in love with the wrong person Bad things have always been good taste That's what girls like me, they do Akhsirnik Do not tell me it was too late Do not tell me it was too late Hollywood is dead Alves cry Feaches ignites Roland dying In the spotlight You are beautiful nurse Say goodbye, you are a beautiful nurse but sickeningly beautiful is beautiful nurse google oh.. I know sickeningly is nurse because in Arabic you write them the same way but the way you pronounce them is different, so unless I specify with tiny markings around the word what I meant it'll choose what seems fitting.. I assume google translate associated beauty with a person.. feaches is vicious but I couldn't find his name written in Arabic so I guessed, but with Elvis I don't know why.. The rest sounds unlike the actual lyrics because I wanted to translate it in a way sounded better to me.. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lanalouis1 2,513 Posted August 7, 2016 part of black beauty in German, Schwarz Schönheit, (I'm in the process of learning it so tell me if I messed up) Ich male mir die Nägel schwarz, Ich färbe meine Haare ein dunkler Braunton Denn du deinen Frauen Spanisch, dunkel, stark und stolz magen Ich male den Himmel schwarz Du hast gesagt, wenn du deinen Weg haben Du würdest eine Nacht alle heute machen So würde es die Stimmung der Seele passen Oh, was kann ich tun? Nichts, mein Spatz blau Oh, was kann ich tun? Das Leben ist schön, aber du hast keine Ahnung Die Sonne und die Ozean blau Ihrer Pracht, tust du es nicht sinnvoll, Du Schwarze Schönheit , oh oh oh Schwarze Schönheit , oh oh oh Ich male das Haus schwarz Mein Hochzeitskleid aus schwarzem Leder zu Du hast keinen Raum für Licht Liebe auf Sie verloren Ich halte meine Lippen rot Um wie Kirschen im Frühjahr erscheinen Liebling, kannst du nicht alles, was wir können Scheinen so dunkelblau ah beautiful!! German is so underrated as a language and I hate it when everyone says it is harsh and not beautiful like Spanish or French, I'm so glad to be learning it!! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites