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Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll


342 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Honeymoon?

    • Honeymoon
    • Music to Watch Boys to
    • Terrence Loves You
    • God Knows I Tried
    • High by the Beach
    • Freak
    • Art Deco
    • Burnt Norton
    • Religion
    • Salvatore
    • The Blackest Day
    • 24
    • Swan Song
    • Don't Let Me be Misunderstood

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I like it a lot.




Honeymoon to High by the Beach is Good-Very Good. (although Music to Watch Boys To  :eek: )

Freak and Art Deco.... Eh... They're not baaaad, but I don't really like 'em.

I like Burnt Norton, it's dreamy.

Religion: eeeeh... Once again....

Salvatore: I love it, so happy to have it!

The Blackest Day: it's not bad, but I'm not very fond of it...Some parts are very touching, though.

24 and Swan Song: I needed time to enjoy them, but now I do. But still, they're not songs that I look for in my library.

Don't Let Me Be misunderszzzzzzzzz


I think the instrumentals on this record are very nicely produced, although there are some weaker moments. I think the problem with this album (for some people) is that it sounds like it's drawn from the same pool. Add to that the fact that there are almost no upbeats, and the adjective "Boring" is very easy to throw. 


My opinion about this album is a bit like the one I had for Lady Gaga's Born this Way: some great tracks but a bunch of mediocre songs. 


MTWBT, Religion, TBD, Freak, Art Deco really break the flow, for me... :whatever:


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I like it a lot.




Honeymoon to High by the Beach is Good-Very Good. (although Music to Watch Boys To  :eek: )

Freak and Art Deco.... Eh... They're not baaaad, but I don't really like 'em.

I like Burnt Norton, it's dreamy.

Religion: eeeeh... Once again....

Salvatore: I love it, so happy to have it!

The Blackest Day: it's not bad, but I'm not very fond of it...Some parts are very touching, though.

24 and Swan Song: I needed time to enjoy them, but now I do. But still, they're not songs that I look for in my library.

Don't Let Me Be misunderszzzzzzzzz


I think the instrumentals on this record are very nicely produced, although there are some weaker moments. I think the problem with this album (for some people) is that it sounds like it's drawn from the same pool. Add to that the fact that there are almost no upbeats, and the adjective "Boring" is very easy to throw. 


My opinion about this album is a bit like the one I had for Lady Gaga's Born this Way: some great tracks but a bunch of mediocre songs. 


MTWBT, Religion, TBD, Freak, Art Deco really break the flow, for me... :whatever:

All the songs you hate I love and all the songs you love I hate lmao wtf is this?


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If Lana's telling the truth about wanting to keep a 15 month schedule between records....

isn't the next one due in Dec. 2016/Jan 2017?

Does anyone think we're actually going to get the next record then?

I can't remember the time between UV and when she announced HM but I remember she was 


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If Lana's telling the truth about wanting to keep a 15 month schedule between records....

isn't the next one due in Dec. 2016/Jan 2017?


Does anyone think we're actually going to get the next record then?

I can't remember the time between UV and when she announced HM but I remember she was 


She started talking about in literally at the end on 2014. Maybe even before. I don't remember exactly anymore.


At least according to UMG her new album is not coming out this year. She will tour this summer. I doubt that there is enough time to finish the record and she hasn't said anything about it.

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She started talking about in literally at the end on 2014. Maybe even before. I don't remember exactly anymore.At least according to UMG her new album is not coming out this year. She will tour this summer. I doubt that there is enough time to finish the record and she hasn't said anything about it.

She had the endless summer tour before honeymoon but she still released it on schedule.


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I think Lana is going to surprise drop it, being that she was on course for #1 in the US last year but Drake snuck in with his mix tape and went to #1

A surprise could allow for stategy in the new age.

Also, with the recent Billboard announcing that Spotify is now their #1 streaming source, it plays into her hands to do just that


A surprise release wouldn't have an announced date (redundant and obvious to say).


Of course, if her recent appearances at some really commercial artists concerts, while probably meaningless, could also signify a really commercial one off duet or single.

(something along the lines of Elton & Kiki Dee's "Don't go breaking my heart or Tom Jones & Art of Noise's version of "Kiss"


Still not quite sure why Weeknd doesn't officially release Prisoner as his next single.

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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Could also be a Holiday season Greatest Hits 2 record set, which puts on record her movie songs and has a Christmas single (way over due, perhaps duet with Weeknd on the Bing/Bowie song? and perhaps 3 new songs included


(again, surprise drop no official prior announcement.

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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We might get more info on her album around like August or September


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Not to doubt your music biz credentials, HOWEVER not knowing that the Billboard awards that honored Lana with the Trailblazer award were in New York City showed a lack of credentials

so a link to a statement would be a wonderful think


(actually a link to any of the statements made the last couple of days, even just one)


once bitten, twice shy, out of their statements without any link/video/and what not cannot be taken as God's word.


of course, in the rapid movement of the music industry, and what with both Drake and Rihanna and Britney and Beyoncé and others now dropping suprises forcing everyone else to do just that

one would NOT announce ahead of time that they would do so, so if asked someone would say they wouldn't do it

Otherwise it gives a heads up to someone else looking to screw Lana like Drake did when Honeymoon was released.

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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Because she had already written nine songs til December 2014. I doubt she has 9 songs by now she wants to put on a record. You never know, but I doubt it.

Well, also, one was a cover, one track was an interlude of her reading a poem, and another song is what was thought to be her track she submitted for Bond (24). That's 3 tracks that were done easily. MTWBT was one of the tracks she worked on earliest, she did that one right after UV released. that's 4 of the tracks that were done quickly. those other 9 were written, recorded, mixed, remixed, everything in the 15 months that she pushed HM out in from the time UV released. I think she's working on the next record and she's going to TRY to keep that 15 month streak like she said she wants to do but we all know Lana, she can't promise anything because nothing's every certain with her... But that Insta pic tagged "Everyday" it makes it seem like she's putting something together already.






If we get the next album in Dec. or Jan., we'll get more info around Sep. or Oct. 


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Honestly I don't see LDR5 coming out this year either. I don't think Lana's the type of person to rush her music. Everything she releases is meticulously crafted and put together, I doubt she'd release her next album if it weren't perfect. Especially considering that her next album could very well be a make or break for her career. If she makes another Honeymoon type album, I think her sale numbers are going to drop even more. Hopefully she makes something with a bit more energy next time around. Don't get me wrong, HM is fantastic but I'd really like to see a bit more energy after such a slow-paced album. Not necessarily pop Lana or BTD Lana but just something with a bit more fire.

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Ideally I'd like for LDR6 to come this year, but I'm not going to rush her because I know that whenever she releases it, it's going to be as spectacular as her last. That's something I really like about Lana, I can count on a good, solid release from her roughly every year or so. Preferably I'd like for her to go for a more upbeat, High By the Beach kinda vibe, but I'm happy either way.


Also I still don't like 24 or Art Deco.


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