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"Boomerang" interview on France Inter radio

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Q: Your third album Honeymoon comes out today, you have revealed the records drop by drop these last few months. We thought everything was under control but 2 days before, the album leaked on the internet. What happened?


A: Well it only got leaked in the last eight days, right? That's pretty good! I know the Weekend's album leaked like 2 and a half weeks before. And oh uh it's impossible, you know it happens. Finale goes to the factory so it's manufactured 3 months before. So usually someone takes it.


Q: And how do you live it as an artist?

A: If it's a week away, I don't mind. But if it was like 3 months or 6 months I would like wanna die, it's terrible. Because, everybody consumes things so quickly so if they will hear it 6 months before it's out they won't buy it.


Q : And it also imposes the concern about control, Lana Del Rey, it's impossible to control everything nowadays. Are you into controlling (stuff)?

A : I, yeah kind of but nothing ever worked. It doesn't matter if I try really hard or if I surrender. It's the chaos ... ridiculous.


Q : In the music video High By The Beach, you bring out a huge gun and explode a helicopter. What happened there(in your mind)? You lost control then!

A : Yeah, I blew up a paparazzi.


Q : This summer the singer Miley Cyrus said that showing guns in a video is worse than showing her breasts.

A : Well she has very nice breasts so it's very easy for her to say.


Q : It's true that on an album called Honeymoon you're not expecting a kalashnikov! It's a pretty singular conception about the "couple"(=pair, relationship)

A : i know, I have good intentions and then what ends up happening is the opposite.


Q : Maybe after all there is a real misunderstanding about you Lana. Behind the melancholic ghost, a little washed out, there is a real rebel.

A : Yeah, maybe I'm like a violent demon.


Q : Against what are you rebelling, for what would you like to rebel nowadays?

A : I think I rebelled a lot for good reasons ... against a lot of standards especially musically. But now I just want peace and any (?coughs) and I think that's where I got the idea for Video Games.


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I'm so extremely fascinated by how she believe in psychics and stuff, I wish I could discuss this with her. It's a long interview too even if there's a lot of unrelated stuff. When she said "Bonjour"  my heart sank in my chest oh my God. And the HBTB clean version is ugly. Thank you for the translations guys! I recorded it and I'm putting it on my masterpost xx


- Well... She has very nice breasts so it's easy for her to say.


I'm exploded on the floor b y e :deadbanana:


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- I have a song I used to sing for all my auditions. I don't even know if I know how it still goes. It was called "Smile". (clears throat)




What kind of auditions is she referring to? AFAIK she didn't try to be an actress or a broadway singer, then where did she audiition, for what?

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Well, over the years, me and my managers fought/thought (?) a lot about many tours and I always asked if I could send a hologram of myself ! (laughs) But I think until this year, the technology was really expensive. But who knows ?

Ha, Lana would want to send out a hologram instead of herself, wouldn't she? She really does hate touring, doesn't she?


If it's a week away, I don't mind. But if it was something like 3 months or 6 months, I would like ... want to die. It would be terrible. Because everybody consumes things so quickly, so if they hear it six months out, they'll never buy it.

#BlackBeauty You know she hated the Nowels leaks.


I mean yeah but nothing ever works (laughs) It doesn't matter if I try very hard or if I surrender, it all ends in chaos. It's ... Ridiculous ...

Glad to see she's at least coming to acceptance of the inevitability of leaks though.


- Earlier this year, Miley Cyrus stated that showing guns in a music video is worse than showing your breasts. Do you agree ?


- Well... She has very nice breasts so it's easy for her to say.

Meh. I beg to differ.  :crossed: 


- There's definitely a 50's movie star way about you, in the overall look, in the glamour, in the mystery you arouse, too. Of which movie could you be the heroin ?


- Hmmm ... Maybe Elizabeth Taylor. Because she had so many wonderful husbands. (laughs) She lived a lot of lives ! (laughs).

Get it girl!

I haven't had to hide anything for ten years. Unless it's so deeply seeded that I don't even know ! (laughs)




Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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