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Say Yes to Heaven

Freak Music Video Premiering February 9th

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You know what, I actually enjoyed the video ! Sure there are some flaws : the Debussy part with ONLY the underwater scenes, the fact that you can sense that it's recycled ...

But when I place this video in the context of UV, it makes me happy : the rural scenery, the sun, her clothes, "Jim" ... It's like justice was made (I too, have a UV video coming up by the way ! :D )


And I'm a big detractor of everything that's come after Tropico (Shades of Cool passed the test, though)



Edit : here's the music video I was talking about, if anybody's interested : 



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Freak, wherein we learn:


Interscope probably only budgeted for 2 videos, and the third is yet another personal vblog of LDR-style ambiguity that will never be broadcast outside of Youtube (because of obvious drug references). FJM probably participated as a friend, and it seems he is a little drug sympathetic too (or at least admits to dropping acid recreationally at Taylor Swift concerts).


As for LDR's relation to FJM in the video, there are lots of things uncertain for me. I don't know if she's real to FJM or whether FJM imagines her; it's interesting that he can only dance with her after he takes the acid (and it's interesting that only LDR can give him the acid, and she takes none?). If she is real, then one can speculate on whether she is trying to kill FJM (giving him acid in an initially high place--as with her left-hand tattoo, which gets airplay), or whether she is abstaining from the acid and other drugs (flash to koolaid dripping down her chin, and maybe it's just koolaid) in order to be a "designated" acid tour guide.


As for the beautiful dancing underwater girls, my only criticism here, is that, as perfect as Debussy's Clair de Lune is for background music, it's such an easy solution for background music, that I wouldn't have minded her trying to compose something herself for that (or maybe hiding another video within Freak, e.g., Life is Beautiful might have been an ironic twist). It would have made the video more personal and informative, imo. But I still like the Freak video as non-redundant with her other work (even given the visual overlap with MTWBT). Now I wonder if she'll ever release the video for Honeymoon she's mentioned.


Finally, I dislike the heaven interpretation for the "floating girls" segment, because people like Mark Dice have already condemned the Freak video on youtube, saying in effect it promotes satanism (aka suicide) and cultism as false paths to heaven. I do think people are "garden pathed" into thinking about Jonestown and Manson, but I don't see any strong suggestion on the part of either FJM or LDR about suicide, satanism, or cults being desireable. I haven't taken (or recommend) drugs, but I'm knowledgeable enough to understand people don't take drugs to go to heaven but to attempt heaven-like experiences on earth. So maybe the POV of the video is that, in this particular case, Father John Misty got lucky with respect to his trip and had a nice time, which is the most straightforward interpretation of the floating girls I can think of (and if you watch till the end, you see FJM get inserted into their slo-mo frolics).

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In b4 @@annedauphine comes on here saying she's crying because of how great it is. 


I did cried hoe





But seriously as much as it's Lana's best looks period and she looks so hot I had to command 1987565 fans on amazon, it's like everything from the HM era so far... beautiful but boring. And I don't care anymore how much people judge me for stanning I know what it is in my mind!


Also! Auburn hair Lana can get it by moving a millimetre of her perfection she looks so damn healthy, happy, and at ease I'm extremely happier now that it's done


Edit: just adding that the ending is absolutely marvellous when you look at it with the right mood, it's incredibly soothing and calm and flowing and really jut beautiful, I wish there was more of Lana though. 


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I love this video so much! So beautiful and dreamy and just amazing. Definitely one of my favorite videos along with Video Games, Carmen, National Anthem and Shades Of Cool. #WhereISAnnedauphineWhenWeNeedHer.


I'm yodelling sis I was on Skype skinning myself alive, now that the hype is gone I'm a bit calmed and I do think it would have been better for UV era, I prefer the video muted cause I can't stand Freak but I'm still going to make a poster for it bc she snatched all my follicles at how visually beautiful it was


Edit: yeah I've read the pages before and I agree with everything that's been said both about the good and bad parts. It's DEFINITELY better than MTWBT in my book but I wouldn't say it's my favourite of hers, it has the potential to be a real movie if it was better edited it's a bit frustrating but honestly it's too beautiful for me to even care. 


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I'm yodelling sis I was on Skype skinning myself alive, now that the hype is gone I'm a bit calmed and I do think it would have been better for UV era, I refer the video muted cause I can't stand Freak but I'm still going to make a poster for it bc she snatched all my follicles at how visually beautiful it was





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Is it true that the Shades of Cool video was meant to infer that Mark was Beau as an older person wth the ghost of Lana (who died in the video before) as part of the trilogy?

I am not sure if that is the official thought or just some, but it sure appears that way


and the brilliant Ultraviolence video (that most here seem not to like) was the perfect preface to Honeymoon in some ways


and the mermaids/underwater girls again make the videos of Music to Watch  continuous  (Like Honeymoon is anyhow as said in my earlier post on this)


as for exposure? Where in America would something like this be shown? Damn ass conservatives here are LOL making a big fuss about Beyoncé's superbowl performance (same way the made a big deal

about Janet Jackson years ago, which led to CBS later using that as a way to get Dan Rather fired)...


Where is any video "exposed" in 2016 in America?  It's not like it used to here, unfortunately.

(am talking about the USA here, can't talk about other countries.)


But all the big music mags are talking about it

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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This video was everything, I live :oprah:

She looked SO GOOD!!!!

I would have preferred if it focused more on Lana herself and less on that guy who is just really in a desperate need for a good shave, but still the scenes with Lana in that dark house are just amazing. Amazing. I'm totally satisfied with this video.

I'll just pretend the last 5 minutes don't exist. It's okay, I did the same with Carmen's video. That also has this weird footage with classical music over it, although only 1,5 minute of it there. IDK why Lana does that but whatever, the point is the video itself is great.

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It was kinda meh. The visuals were beautiful but it was quite clear they were just slapped over the top of Freak just so the footage could be released in full. 


Although I usually tend to prefer music videos with story/plot lines, I have come to accept that Lana doesn't always go down that route, and I've come to love her videos like West Coast, Shades of Cool, and so on, that are more focused on the visual aspect of things rather than the story. But with Freak, the visuals didn't even make sense at all. At least Music To Watch Boys To followed a theme of Lana reversing the male gaze and watching the boys instead. But Freak just doesn't have a meaning at all to me. It's a bunch of old footage with a new song slapped over the top, and 5 minutes of more old footage with a song that has absolutely nothing to do with the song Freak, or the video at all.

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Random thought I just had... in the Ultraviolence video, you can see Lana licking Fran's fingers. I wonder if this has anything to do with the shot of Lana in the Freak video, putting LSD on FJM's tongue? I doubt its a coincidence, especially considering the Freak video was the initially planned UV video. I wonder if Lana re-shot the UV video but still wanted to incorporate the tongue part into the new video?


Not sure of the significance of these two shots, but thought it might be worth mentioning. 

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It was kinda meh. The visuals were beautiful but it was quite clear they were just slapped over the top of Freak just so the footage could be released in full. 


Although I usually tend to prefer music videos with story/plot lines, I have come to accept that Lana doesn't always go down that route, and I've come to love her videos like West Coast, Shades of Cool, and so on, that are more focused on the visual aspect of things rather than the story. But with Freak, the visuals didn't even make sense at all. At least Music To Watch Boys To followed a theme of Lana reversing the male gaze and watching the boys instead. But Freak just doesn't have a meaning at all to me. It's a bunch of old footage with a new song slapped over the top, and 5 minutes of more old footage with a song that has absolutely nothing to do with the song Freak, or the video at all.

It's meaning is to come to california and be a freak like me too = join my cult following of stans on Lanaboards and enjoy heaven = Quaadir and Christina gifs (this is why the girls were barely moving during the chours, like gifs those too, are repetitive)

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The chorus of "The Blackest Day" goes along so well with the dark room scene...It syncs up perfectly :defeated: Lyk when she says darker and darker the camera zooms in on the owl and the bear.....Did anyone else notice that?? I really wish she releases more footage of that dark room scene and sets it to Blackest Day :flutter:  ....Its either that or someone here make it pleeez :kiss:


Also the bridge of TBD goes along well with FJM & LDR Heaven Sequence with the smoke. 

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She's not trying anymore, and it's relatively sad to see this attitude ingrained into her persona. The video felt so vapid, hollow, without proving any sort of cinematographic climax and whatnot we were expecting from an eleven minute video. Let's not bring into the equation the UV recycled footage that further solidifies my point, that's just preposterous and, I would have thought, rather inconceivable when she's used these elements before, as in I didn't expect them to make another appearance. Moreover, I'd say her live performances felt quite lackluster, she seemed so off whilst singing West Coast and VG, but that differs from each and everyone's viewpoint.


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Random thought I just had... in the Ultraviolence video, you can see Lana licking Fran's fingers. I wonder if this has anything to do with the shot of Lana in the Freak video, putting LSD on FJM's tongue? I doubt its a coincidence, especially considering the Freak video was the initially planned UV video. I wonder if Lana re-shot the UV video but still wanted to incorporate the tongue part into the new video?


Not sure of the significance of these two shots, but thought it might be worth mentioning. 

Yeah I thought of this too when I first saw the video. Maybe her label thought the drug references weren't suitable so they made her lick fingers instead? :rip:


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