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The more I read on Twitter, the more it seems like most of the hate is coming from people that already hated her and are using this as in excuse to go all in. She'll be fine. 

people are gonna take out of that post what they want to



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Fucking hell are people really rallying on about her being a racist? Fuck, she said the women she mentioned haven’t been scrutinised for making songs about sex and she gets it in the ear every time she mentions it, no one said anything about race, stop clutching at straws that aren’t there, it’s so fucking damaging putting that shit out there when it’s not there to begin with and it takes away from the severity of real racist acts


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Lana's post honestly was needed, especially after the way she was torn apart in 2012. However, she needs a PR team because this does look very messy to the average person.

Points were made, but it could have been more concise.

Ben and Ed must've been like "here she goes again"



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Fucking hell are people really rallying on about her being a racist? Fuck, she said the women she mentioned haven’t been scrutinised for making songs about sex and she gets it in the ear every time she mentions it, no one said anything about race, stop clutching at straws that aren’t there, it’s so fucking damaging putting that shit out there when it’s not there to begin with and it takes away from the severity of real racist acts


Microaggressions are a real thing. Racism isn't always overt and large. The smaller, more subtle ways of it do matter and have an impact. And it's most often not even known by the person perpetuating it. I don't think she was aware of intricacies behind what she was saying. And all of those women have absolutely caught flack for singing about sex.

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Microaggressions are a real thing. Racism isn't always overt and large. The smaller, more subtle ways of it do matter and have an impact. And it's most often not even known by the person perpetuating it. I don't think she was aware of intricacies behind what she was saying. And all of those women have absolutely caught flack for singing about sex.




she's surprisingly not plummeting

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Didn't she say something on the Grammys red carpet about NFR being liked by critics because it's safe? I'm sure she said something to that effect, although I don't recall her exact words. 



I believe she definitely expected the same level of praise for UV and HM, it also makes me wonder if she had any level of choice in grammys submissions, she always submitted her albums in AOTY category instead of Alternative, maybe she thought she had AOTY material with both.


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Please refrain from up typing essays about racism. Lana is surely not a racist, and you’re not drafting a thesis paper.

Anyways #PrayForDan


As a black woman in America who has experiences racism in all different forms since I was in the kindergarten, I will type up however much I want about racism and how easy it is to go unnoticed. Again, you don't have be a racist to be say something racist. Not saying Lana is A racist. Just that what she failed to look at these women and their careers with a non privileged lens. What she said reeks of ignorance because all of them have had hardships of their own from the media and public, with a lot of it being related to race.

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Microaggressions are a real thing. Racism isn't always overt and large. The smaller, more subtle ways of it do matter and have an impact. And it's most often not even known by the person perpetuating it. I don't think she was aware of intricacies behind what she was saying. And all of those women have absolutely caught flack for singing about sex.

Talking about an individual black person in a way that is not 100% positive is not microaggressive racism lol

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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I believe Lana is upset of other people getting what she wants, if you read between the lines in her latest posts you can see it. Honestly, wouldn’t surprise me to know she got close to Ariana to release DCMA since that could make her get a #1. I always think about how after Woodkid got Lana the place to film BTD video she never spoke to him again. It’s like she knows how to get the most successful person in the room, gets what she wants and then disappears. Weird.


I also believe she thinks it’s not fair for other woman to be so successful talking about their bodies, being sexual etc and her, talking about HER issues, not being THAT successful. Why every other women in the industry getting what she wants but not her? She always got what she wanted. She’s used to it.


-If I can’t have you baby, no one else in this world can-

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I believe Lana is upset of other people getting what she wants, if you read between the lines in her latest posts you can see it. Honestly, wouldn’t surprise me to know she got close to Ariana to release DCMA since that could make her get a #1. I always think about how after Woodkid got Lana the place to film BTD video she never spoke to him again. It’s like she knows how to get the most successful person in the room, gets what she wants and then disappears. Weird.


I also believe she thinks it’s not fair for other woman to be so successful talking about their bodies, being sexual etc and her, talking about HER issues, not being THAT successful. Why every other women in the industry getting what she wants but not her? She always got what she wanted. She’s used to it.


-If I can’t have you baby, no one else in this world can-

uhh, I genuinely don't think she cares about the charts and shit like this. She doesn't seem particularly cunning or cut throat

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I totally get her point but she shouldn't have name dropped those girls. I don't think she had ill intentions or anything but on the other hand I understand why people are so easily jumping to a race debate.

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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She finally snapped, and even if it came across messy, I love that she's done trying to please critics. I think losing the Grammy to an actual child (which must feel like Lorde 2.0) was the last straw. :grr: When I think about something like Lust for Life Demo vs. LFL album version...it's clear she's better when she's not trying to be safe or have a radio hit or whatever.



No idea why she's doing this TODAY, but if she's working on her next album, it might be something tiny, like Jack or somebody saying "Lana are you sure you want to do GoGo Dancer Part 2 on this album?" and she's just OVER IT and like "I will do whatever I fucking want RAWRRRR!"  :scream:   



I hope this album is nonstop old school Lana.  :sluttybunny:  :legend:  :hoe:

‘Fucking God bless us all and let’s hope we make it through this.’
~LDR, Flaunt


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Let’s be real, it’s not because of what other singers write that gets them to #1... Ariana, Doja, Beyoncé, etc... they get #1 because of the sound... they do pop songs, they release pop singles that can be pushed and liked by MILLIONS of people and general public. That’s why they get #1 not because they write “controversial’ things. So Lana if you want a #1 just push a super pop song. Love you <3

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I whole heartedly agree with Lana's post. I honestly just wish she had taken out the names off it. Lana has legit been at the receiving end of so much hatred in the past ten years, I feel like what she said is the accumulation of ten years of bullshit from critics and twitter/tumblr SJWs, I too like her am fucking fed up with people throwing the word "glamorize" whenever someone tries to be smart and explain her lyrics. It could've been worded better. Lana is obviously a fan of all the women she mentioned in her post, but I can see her frustration of seeing other women express certain views of womanhood in their music and being praised for it and her doing exactly that, but being panned as anti-feministic and problematic. 


What I get from this is that Lana wants all women, of all pans of life and horizons, to feel free to express themselves however the fuck they want and I'm here for that.

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I whole heartedly agree with Lana's post. I honestly just wish she had taken out the names off it. Lana has legit been at the receiving hand of so much hatred in the past ten years, I feel like what she said is the accumulation of ten years of bullshit from critics and twitter/tumblr SJWs. It could've been worded better. Lana is obviously a fan of all the women she mentioned in her post, but I can see her frustration of seeing other women express certain views of womanhood in their music and being praised for it and her doing exactly that, but being panned as anti-feministic. 


What I get from this is that Lana wants all women, of all pans of life and horizons, to feel free to express themselves however the fuck they want and I'm here for that.

i think this is the nicest thing you've ever said about lanz.... i'm shocked. to reiterate, she 100% needed to take the names out of the post

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So because someone faced racism and prejudice you are automatically not allowed to mention them in any non-YAAAAS-ing context or else you are a racist urself? Well ok. Get a grip of reality pls


Stan Twitter in a nutshell.

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