99centlips 8,526 Posted May 22, 2020 I woke up this morning and looked out the window and the sun was still there so I figured the world didn't end. Yesterday while this was going on Chuck's Instagram story had some pictures of food. I think one was a bowl of cherries. Probably made before this whole thing. I got this image of all of them in California. The whole family living in one big house. But it's not a home it's an asylum! Charlie doesn't live there and is kind of bummed he may have to visit this holiday weekend. Patty is in a room upstairs knitting and rocking back and forth in a rocking chair. She's thinking, "I knew she was no good". Rob is in another upstairs room wearing a little sea captain's hat. He spends the day looking through a telescope. He is looking for whales or land. Occasionally he will burst out, "Land Ho". In the backyard is a shed on fire and Lana is standing nearby. She is trying to eat an unpeeled lemon while dragging her nails down the side of her face. She is screaming. Chuck is in the kitchen and can be heard yelling, "OK everyone the cherry pie is finished, get it while it's hot". Paradise. R u ok? 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bummersummer 2,219 Posted May 22, 2020 I still don't get the "Lana paved the way" issues. Lana & Billie are 2 different artist with 2 different sounds.. also Billie's biggest "influence" was Aurora .Lana was one of many artist she was inspired by.. I think people are biased lol it's not so much a direct correlation or inspiration issue, but lana created both an industry & gp market for a certain kind of ~alternative packaged but still very much mainstream / pop oriented whispercore darkpop women singers~, that's undeniable. not to say that these things didn't previously exist (see: mazzy star, fiona apple, the entire shoegaze genre) but their audience was very different & the mainstream appeal almost non-existent beyond a hit song or two. 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PinkVelvet 383 Posted May 22, 2020 whats sadder is that you can imagine the valid criticism and points people were making were probably the last messages she took from all this. when tons of people are sending you explicit hate, most of it totally unwarranted, i doubt her takeaway has been the few people who attempted to criticize the post with valid concerns i want to believe this is why she doubled down, and seemingly wasn't able to see what some were trying to say.... because i think the natural response to having your words taken this way, would be 'im SO sorry for making it seem that way, that wasn't what i meant at all' like where's her apology to all the WOC she hurt? i think if this wasn't so explosive, she'd be able to see her words hurt people she wasn't intending to 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AngelHeadedHipster 2,858 Posted May 22, 2020 I think the reason for Lana's outburst is due to the record label putting pressure on her to make meaningless shitty pop songs with Jackoff. They must be comparing her to the artists she mentioned in her rant and saying why can't you be normal like them and score #1s. Why do you write about controversial topics etc. This is the reason she was pissed off. Lana is not getting the freedom to express herself in a completely uncensored manner. I feel like artists do not owe anyone politically correct statements. Artists are the people who should be allowed to explore the deepest, darkest corners of the human psyche and present the bitter truths of being a human and navigate through unexplored territories without censorship. Lana's songs hit hard because they are like a mirror to internal traumas that people sometimes try to run away from instead of facing them head on. That is why she is so ruthlessly criticized. Yes it's true. Lana shattered the glass ceiling of shiny happy fake fuckers of pop culture and made depression mainstream. Amy Lee's lyrics in Everybody's Fool perfectly sums up the way Lana is feeling about the fakeness that is promoted in mainstream music. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everybody%27s_Fool According to Amy Lee, the song talks about celebrities like Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera, who strip and sell their bodies instead of music to their listeners. Inspired by her sister's love for music artists who had false images. During an interview, Lee explained: "My little sister was really getting into these, I don't want to offend anyone, but like really fake, cheesy, slutty female cracker-box idols, and it really pissed me off. She started dressing like them and she was like 8 years old. So I gave her the talk and I wrote a song." She later revealed that the song was written for American pop singers Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera adding, "At this point, everybody knows that Britney is fake. The song is not about Britney Spears; it's about a lot of people in this industry. It's so fake, the whole Hollywood thing. 'Look at how perfect I am!' Nobody looks like that. It's all fake and it's really hurting a lot of girls' and women's self images. Where are all the normal people?" https://youtu.be/jhC1pI76Rqo Everybody's Fool Perfect by nature Icons of self indulgence Just what we all need More lies about a world that Never was and never will be Have you no shame don't you see me You know you've got everybody fooled Look here she comes now Bow down and stare in wonder Oh how we love you No flaws when you're pretending But now I know she Never was and never will be You don't know how you've betrayed me And somehow you've got everybody fooled Without the mask where will you hide Can't find yourself lost in your lie I know the truth now I know who you are And I don't love you anymore Never was and never will be You don't know how you've betrayed me And somehow you've got everybody fooled It never was and never will be You're not real and you can't save me Somehow now you're everybody's fool 8 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WilshireBoulevard 5,421 Posted May 22, 2020 Twitter is so toxic. I can understand lots of people's opinions on both sides of the spectrum, but I feel like so many things with her post has been twisted to hell, mainly because people are desperate for clout and people very well know that negative tweets gets the most likes and attention. A lot of people are pretty much dissecting her post and creating a problem that isn't even there, mainly to create this false image to feed a particular narrative they want to portray for their own entertainment. But with that being said, I can't speak much on the racism thing because I'm not black, and I don't want to invalidate the hurt a lot of black people are feeling with her post. If that's how some of them feel with her post, then who am I to say it's wrong? It's a very difficult thing to discuss tbh Yeah I'm looking at a lot of the stuff in a very "the pain behind this is valid but directing it like this is not." And not trying to police people by saying they shouldn't tweet or say things. People are upset and some people are lashing out, some people aren't upset but jump at the chance to tear women down in general lol. And they're mixing up. I think it's best for me and people like me (who are stressed and torn on this issue) to take a step back and wait for it to be over. 5 Quote locals only Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Summersault 825 Posted May 22, 2020 whats sadder is that you can imagine the valid criticism and points people were making were probably the last messages she took from all this. when tons of people are sending you explicit hate, most of it totally unwarranted, i doubt her takeaway has been the few people who attempted to criticize the post with valid concerns i want to believe this is why she doubled down, and seemingly wasn't able to see what some were trying to say.... because i think the natural response to having your words taken this way, would be 'im SO sorry for making it seem that way, that wasn't what i meant at all' like where's her apology to all the WOC she hurt? i think if this wasn't so explosive, she'd be able to see her words hurt people she wasn't intending to Yes, I think you're absolutely right. It has become increasingly clear through the years that Lana is hyper-sensitive to any criticism from the media and tastemakers in general. And yes, she did get a lot of unwarranted and unfair criticism at first. I can understand being mad about it and speaking on it. However it seems like she's completely unable to weigh it up against the rivers of critical acclaim and accolades she has recieved since the years after her debut. She's it very bitter still and it clouds her judgement sometimes. She's so keen on framing herself as the percecuted artist that she doesn't see the bigger picture and how other female artists - of colour or not - are also treated unfairly by the media a lot. Maybe not in the completely same way but unfairly none the less. It's a bad look to frame them as somehow different from herself in that regards. Love her to death, but I'm only half joking when I say she needs a spin doctor who can help formulate her thought on politics and society. Almost everytime she tries to get political she kinda puts her foot in her mouth. Often because her persecution complex gets in the way of her valid points. It's a real shame cause I genuinely think she has some interesting takes. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GreatTimes 140 Posted May 22, 2020 Now the courtroom is quiet, but who will confess Is it true you betrayed us? The answer is Yes Then read me the list of the crimes that are mine I will ask for the mercy that you love to decline And all the ladies go moist, and the judge has no choice A singer must die for the lie in his voice And I thank you, I thank you for doing your duty You keepers of truth, you guardians of beauty Your vision is right, my vision is wrong I'm sorry for smudging the air with my song La, la, la... Hope she covers this on white hot forever ;p 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lizyyygrant 516 Posted May 22, 2020 as a white woman, i can't say that what she said was racist - it really isn't my place to but i definitely do think that people are taking bits and pieces from the novel she wrote and twisting them into something they're not and i really do feel bad for her because there wasn't any malice attached to her statement, she would have just been better leaving out the names, whether she is good friends w the artists or not. i hate cancel culture, and i think people are just taking what they read and flying w it which is dumb. i'm tired “It isn’t my place, BUT..” 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
99centlips 8,526 Posted May 22, 2020 I think the reason for Lana's outburst is due to the record label putting pressure on her to make meaningless shitty pop songs with Jackoff. They must be comparing her to the artists she mentioned in her rant and saying why can't you be normal like them and score #1s. Why do you write about controversial topics etc. This is the reason she was pissed off. Lana is not getting the freedom to express herself in a completely uncensored manner. I feel like artists do not owe anyone politically correct statements. Artists are the people who should be allowed to explore the deepest, darkest corners of the human psyche and present the bitter truths of being a human and navigate through unexplored territories without censorship. Lana's songs hit hard because they are like a mirror to internal traumas that people sometimes try to run away from instead of facing them head on. That is why she is so ruthlessly criticized. Yes it's true. Lana shattered the glass ceiling of shiny happy fake fuckers of pop culture and made depression mainstream. Amy Lee's lyrics in Everybody's Fool perfectly sums up the way Lana is feeling about the fakeness that is promoted in mainstream music. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everybody%27s_Fool According to Amy Lee, the song talks about celebrities like Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera, who strip and sell their bodies instead of music to their listeners. Inspired by her sister's love for music artists who had false images. During an interview, Lee explained: "My little sister was really getting into these, I don't want to offend anyone, but like really fake, cheesy, slutty female cracker-box idols, and it really pissed me off. She started dressing like them and she was like 8 years old. So I gave her the talk and I wrote a song." She later revealed that the song was written for American pop singers Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera adding, "At this point, everybody knows that Britney is fake. The song is not about Britney Spears; it's about a lot of people in this industry. It's so fake, the whole Hollywood thing. 'Look at how perfect I am!' Nobody looks like that. It's all fake and it's really hurting a lot of girls' and women's self images. Where are all the normal people?" https://youtu.be/jhC1pI76Rqo Everybody's Fool Perfect by nature Icons of self indulgence Just what we all need More lies about a world that Never was and never will be Have you no shame don't you see me You know you've got everybody fooled Look here she comes now Bow down and stare in wonder Oh how we love you No flaws when you're pretending But now I know she Never was and never will be You don't know how you've betrayed me And somehow you've got everybody fooled Without the mask where will you hide Can't find yourself lost in your lie I know the truth now I know who you are And I don't love you anymore Never was and never will be You don't know how you've betrayed me And somehow you've got everybody fooled It never was and never will be You're not real and you can't save me Somehow now you're everybody's fool They let her release HM.....why would they suddenly now try to control her music in that regards? she’s always has a fair amount of freedom with her music IMO. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ArtDecoDelRey 15,284 Posted May 22, 2020 okay but i actually love "and this is the problem with society today, not everything is about whatever you want it to be", like go TF off 11 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vertimus 10,211 Posted May 22, 2020 The sad thing is that, even in the beginning with BTD and Paradise, she seemed to be firmly in control and somewhat 'above it all.' She was a sort of new, fresh pop goddess. That's what attracted me to her. But about the time of the public feud with Lorde, the disastrous SNL appearance and into the early UV period, and ever since, she's seemed scattered, broken, unsure of who she is and what she wants to project as an artist, a woman and an individual. The terrible NFR rollout is part of that, and so is this rant, which seems poorly considered, though I understand what she's attempting to say. She's just not saying it well, not the first, not the second. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drugsdesire 10,530 Posted May 22, 2020 whew idk how to feel about her comments about the statement now that I’ve read lanaboards. but all that I can say is that I think she really needs to take a step back and take everything in and maybe make something good of this. she’s a smart woman but she can do dumb things sometimes and this was one of them. I’m a die-hard lana stan and I’d always put anything aside to defend her; but this wasn’t the right situation to do that because she really did mess up. I’m sure her intentions were good with the statement but the delivery was just awfully executed and things escalated. twitter can be such an awful and toxic place and this situation just proved that. I’m really hoping that she’s okay and I’m wishing her the best. I’d never turn my back on lana for a situation as taken out of context as this one (sorry I just love these emoticons hehe) 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WhiteHydrangea 4,218 Posted May 22, 2020 She wrote about how she knows those girls and how she loves them, but not a single one of the mentioned girls said anything. At least to say “hey I get it it’s not a post against us but against the critics and the industry” just to back her up Well, Beyonce doesn't put her name anywhere unless she's directly profiting from it, I mean she's Beyonce and Lana's just not that appealing to the big general public... Ariana's promoting her single with Lady Gaga so she's not going to deviate her online profile from that till they go #1 on Billboard Nicki's pretty much the same only coming out of her social media breaks to secure her bag And I think Doja commented something? I saw something like that on my timeline, someone posted a screenshot of her commenting "gang sunk that dunker" or smth like dat, I don't have proof that it is real, I didn't really care about it 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
War In My Mind 2,999 Posted May 22, 2020 Honestly, she posted her feelings and that's how she genuinely felt. She was going to be dragged for posting anything on the subject, unless she wrote a 12 page article, explaining the history of women in music, black women in music, how the type of music she's making is actually quite close to the kind of music black women create, then going into how each of those black women have also been dragged from the start of the careers for making that kind of music. Then explaining the misgivings of feminism, how now mainstream music supports music that is considered sex positive and empowering. Now Lana sometimes makes music that white feminists consider regressive and damaging (because it is not necessarily sex positive), but it's the reverse side of the same coin. She is being dragged because she was not articulate in voicing her concern which was all women artists should be able to create art that reflects their genuine experience. Her mistake was being genuine and writing from her heart. While I do not think she was being racist, I think she should have reread her post and been like hmmm, this is 6 women of color and Ariana Grande, maybe I should elaborate more on what I mean here. The fact that men are often left out of this conversation, and allowed to succeed, even though there are many male artists who create music that glamorizes victimizing women is also glaring. These men are actors who perpetuate violence, while Lana writes about being in love with men, and staying with abusive men (which is a harsh reality of abusive relationships), she writes about something out of her control, where these men write about being in control.... We allow men to create, but women have to fight and are often put against each other. 7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thunder Revenant 20,997 Posted May 22, 2020 CAN WE STOP TO FORCE A RACISM DEBATE HERE? It was obviously not intended that way, she even commented on it again. And just because WOC are among the women she named, this does not automatically make it racism. Whenever you bring up a POC, the chances that this person experienced racism is as high as woman experiencing misogynie and homosexuals experiencing homophobia. That in itself is terrible. But that does not mean that bringing up a POC/woman/gay in any context that may not be 100% positive is necessarily racist/misogynist/homophobic. You can blame her for assuming that other female singers do not get shit for their art. That was really self centered, especially for a rich white woman in America. She should not have mentioned these other women. It's still stupid to try and make this about racism. 12 Quote Just do it. Just do it - don't wait! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Make me your Dream Life 90,484 Posted May 22, 2020 Regarding my opinions on her letter. I don’t see anything wrong with it. I can see how she could come across as condescending to some people but there were no anti black undertones or whatever at all. The first paragraph of her describing those artists music as sex, naked, cheating etc it didn’t come from a bad place whatsoever. She was literally just saying it to mirror what some critics thought of those woman (disregarding the integrity of their music demeaning it to just sex). In the same way to how HER OWN music was deemed as “glamorizing abuse”. It was just oddly phrased. Someone could read that and thought she’s belittling those women. She’s saying it the same way her haters would call her music boring, dull, death etc. The explicit word use like “fuck” got people brain rilled up. When Lana causally use those words lol. Some people got ticked off because Lana described Beyoncé and Necki’s music as “fucking, cheating” While describing her own music by putting it on a pedestal as “being in love, beautiful etc”.......but her whole point is that fucking, cheating, wearing no clothes is NOT bad. And you should not looking it as bad because I’ve been through it too because my music was dull, death, abusive etc. Had she wrote another paragraph praising Beastality, Nekki, etc..This whole point wouldve gotten into the twitter stans 2 brain cells. She wrongly assumed everyone got her point and went on ahead to defend her art which now for those didn’t get the first point made her seem extremely condescending and basically stroking her own ego. points were honestly made. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lustforlife 19,008 Posted May 22, 2020 the only problem of it all is her stanning poor basic bitc*es like camila and doja. 10 Quote Lust For Dead Share this post Link to post Share on other sites