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  On 4/11/2019 at 11:42 PM, LanaFlowers said:



but until then

may I always keep my eyes level to this skyline

assessing the glittering new development

off of the coast of Long Beach

never to heaven or revenant

because I have faith in man as strange as that seems in times like these

and it’s not just because of the warmth i’ve found in your brown eyes

but because I believe in the goodness in me

that it’s firm enough to plant a flag in


or a rosebud


or to build a new life




It’s times like this as the marine layer lifts

off the sea on the dock with the candle lit

that I think to myself

there are things you still don’t know about me

like sometimes I’m afraid my sadness is too big

and that one day you might have to help me handle it






I love it.  :kiss3:

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For my maiden post on this board I thought I'd share my thoughts about her poetry:


I might be alone in this but I actually think she's taking the piss in a lot of these poems. People are reading really deep into some of the verses (and that's fun, don't get me wrong) but I think that some of them are actually quite literal.


"My love making is my legacy" is a prime example. Almost all of her music is about boyfriends, so ... yes. Somewhat literally. I'm sure that line has more than one meaning, but there's no way that obvious interpretation is accidental. She doesn't do anything by accident.


And I think Cypress is about letting go of LDR and embracing herself more.  "I saw you in the mirror". She started parting her hair down the middle instead of on the side. I also think the "u" and "w" thing is on purpose in the middle verses and I think she possibly uses it to relate to things online. I haven't gotten any further than that, but I don't think the inconsistency between using "you" and "u" in the same poem is accidental. "Stoic blue" = still writing her sad music despite all the criticism, and/or still sad despite all the success. She always wears jeans (well, until this Instagram baddie business ...)


I think that selfie was probably taken quite awhile ago, because her hair is shorter (about the same as the Skechers pic) and I think the original pic of the house was on her Instagram some months ago. I mean, I think I read that she said she started writing these poems last October, so that fits. For me, that selfie really doesn't fit with the poetry ... unless you consider that she really isn't taking it all that seriously, and as I said at the start, I don't think she is.


Those binding slats worry me (I can't believe I'm talking about them ... what even is my life) because those don't look like how you'd bind an actual book, but rather, how you'd get a school assignment bound with those thick plastic rungs. I hope it's just her personal draft copy and that it's an actual book, but for a $1 .... maybe not.

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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OK maybe I hallucinated but yesterday, I'm sure Lana had 417 IG posts (I notice numbers) and now she has 416.


What did she delete and why, hmmm?


Cannot see anything obvious missing but I wouldn't notice tbh. I just noticed the number changed.

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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  On 4/15/2019 at 5:16 AM, RormanNockwell said:

OK maybe I hallucinated but yesterday, I'm sure Lana had 417 IG posts (I notice numbers) and now she has 416.

What did she delete and why, hmmm?

Cannot see anything obvious missing but I wouldn't notice tbh. I just noticed the number changed.

Nope, it doesn’t look like she deleted anything... this was from the other day after she finished posting her new poems:

  On 4/13/2019 at 12:45 AM, Elle said:

Aside from switching her profile picture, she has also changed her bio to a line from one of her poems. She also updated her "highlights" section recently.


But she did add two more posts since then -

“I love this shoot my sister did of grimes for cultured magazine – and cool video by mud barker








“Jesse has a new album out!”



• 4.18.14 • 5.1.14 • 9.20.14 • 5.28.15 • 6.14.15 • 7.28.16 • 7.24.17 • 10.23.17 • 10.24.17 • 1.25.18 • 2.5.18 • 12.5.18 • 10.3.19 • 10.11.19 • 11.16.19 • 8.6.23 • 9.21.23 • 10.1.23 • 5.17.24 • 5.19.24 •

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"Marina released new music"

"Weyes released new music"

"Jesse released new music"

*teases a 100 snippets from her album*


I BET she is teasing us & enjoys how fags beg her to release new music. It's a game to her.

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“It comes in waves”


• 4.18.14 • 5.1.14 • 9.20.14 • 5.28.15 • 6.14.15 • 7.28.16 • 7.24.17 • 10.23.17 • 10.24.17 • 1.25.18 • 2.5.18 • 12.5.18 • 10.3.19 • 10.11.19 • 11.16.19 • 8.6.23 • 9.21.23 • 10.1.23 • 5.17.24 • 5.19.24 •

SF • ATL • ATL • IND • ATL • CHI • LDN • NYC • NYC • DC • ATL • NYC • PDX • SAN • KS • CHI • AL • MD • AL • AL


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