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Ironically wasn't it Titanics videos that allowed her out of the shitty Island contract, post album to EP cut, and since they found that project corny/not worth the time. She was like "I just wanna do the weird videos" and they were like "aight....dealbreaker 🙄" like she wasn't really getting paid from any of it (I think it's like that with a lot of companies, the real money comes from concerts)?

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2 minutes ago, the ocean said:

titanic just needs to go back into his crawlspace  he is a foul null thing devoid of any humanity


i’m still annoyed over his stupid ass “puppet” song :sadcore: he’s a joke and i love the fact that he has 0 relevancy whatsoever ever since splitting with poppy 


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Also, conceptually, I wonder what a Gaga x Poppy collab would sound like (in b4 "shit") Artpop Act 2 with some Poppy collab (that would only make sense in an alternate timeline if she was with Walmart Warhol Titanic talking about pop art/art pop and the satire around popstars)....just a weird thought, lol

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1 minute ago, SoftwareUpgrade said:

Also, conceptually, I wonder what a Gaga x Poppy collab would sound like (in b4 "shit") Artpop Act 2 with some Poppy collab (that would only make sense in an alternate timeline if she was with Walmart Warhol Titanic talking about pop art/art pop and the satire around popstars)....just a weird thought, lol

I know I didn’t hear any Walmart slander in that…



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2 minutes ago, the ocean said:


walmart is bad - i used to literally live in arkansas trust me IT'S BAD

Good, another Walmart hater, it's horrid due to the lighting, atmosphere, and having to see every different American interact in one building with tragic workers 🥸.....the warehouse of it all, it makes me depressed....speaking of depressed- the mixing on Flux, can't understand wth she's saying 

EDIT: The prices though :oic3:

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Just now, the ocean said:


walmart is bad - i used to literally live in arkansas trust me IT'S BAD

Oh I know Walmart, Believe me. But they aren’t THAT bad. Sad enough that bitch’s name is Titanic & taking a little glory from our favorite dead ocean liner…



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I think Poppy is just difficult to work with tbh- she apparently had drama with all her old managers and stuff. I feel like she's gonna be leaving Sumerian in a few years or so based off her history with Island and Mad Decent. 

✧ I do it just to amuse me ✧

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Just now, COLORINGBOOKS said:

I think Poppy is just difficult to work with tbh- she apparently had drama with all her old managers and stuff. I feel like she's gonna be leaving Sumerian in a few years or so since she got dropped from both Island and Mad Decent. 

Another truth bomb, although Mad Decent has Diplo who has many ew blind items so I could believe her claim of douchebaggery, the Grimes drama was fucking funny as well

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bubblebath & flux are her best. specifically as a nirvana superfan, a few flux tracks (like lessen the damage which sounds a lot like stay away imo) made me so excited. was very surprised to see that people don't like it. probably my top two favorite types of music and she somehow mastered both with those works - truly an icon in my eyes

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1 hour ago, SoftwareUpgrade said:

This is cute :party:, just saw this in my feed

Was this the NeonZine photoshoot? I can't remember

I used to have that full shoot somewhere but no idea where it is now tbh :sadcore2:


Sounds cute but also why is Lovefool on this? That's a cover from like 2012-13 I think nnnnn

✧ I do it just to amuse me ✧

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1 hour ago, Desert lamp said:

Pyromaniac is her Firestarter by Dua Lipa moment (well the disco vibe fits the whole FN album aesthetic actually but I specifically associate it with that song)


pyromaniac is what made me a poppy STAN


like i casually liked money and bbb but the pyromaniac snippet sent my wig flying and i haven’t found it since


also i’ve found love for the other songs since obvs but that was my pipeline

 5oDY3ok.gif ZLI8w1N.png 5oDY3ok.gif

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