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3 minutes ago, Coloringbooks said:

This song was made a year before Sophie even released Product tbf :smokes: 

(OG tweet is deleted but this was in response to her post about the session)

I think Melanie had the concept/title already going into that session about washing your mouth out with soap— and then Kyle Shearer created the bubble drop based off that. A moment :defeated:

Fair and it is a great song production-wise- I’d like her to develop on this at some point :fabcat:


wonder how her lyrics will develop now that the child theme is over completely?

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4 minutes ago, Coloringbooks said:

This song was made a year before Sophie even released Product tbf :smokes: 

and product is a compilation album of singles that were being released from 2013 to 2015, so actually by the time of that tweet there were 2 songs off it released already - bipp and elle and it happens for both of them to sample that "bubble" sound :smokes:

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30 minutes ago, venicebitch said:

and product is a compilation album of singles that were being released from 2013 to 2015, so actually by the time of that tweet there were 2 songs off it released already - bipp and elle and it happens for both of them to sample that "bubble" sound :smokes:

Ok and Sophie didn't invent bubble noises. They fit thematically with the song theme and Melanie's Cry Baby concept; I'm sure og comment was lighthearted but I just wanted to point that out :smokes: I'm a fan but I doubt she was of inspiration to Soap as a relatively underground artist with only 2 songs out


Haven't seen you here before btw. welcome to the Melanie thread

✧ I do it just to amuse me ✧

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8 minutes ago, Coloringbooks said:

Ok and Sophie didn't invent bubble noises. It fit thematically with the song theme and Melanie's concept :smokes: I'm a fan but I doubt she was of inspiration to Soap as a relatively underground artist with only 2 songs out.


Haven't seen you here before btw. welcome to the Melanie thread 

idrc if she was inspired or not i just wanted to clarify the dates you posted about


hiii!! won't be here again tho i'm not a fan of portals and that prosthetic... but i liked crybaby back in the day and even went to berlin to see her live! :thankyou: wishing yall a fun era tho 

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5 minutes ago, CoochieSwirlC said:

Why are y’all trying to somehow say that she’s copying SOPHIE by using.. bubble noises? Are we running out of things to talk about already? :lolliney:

I was kidding :hooker: but tbf it was a semi innovative idea at the time but Lana predated all of them obviously PC music queen 


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there's something that songs like Tag, You're It, Show & Tell, Nurse's Office, Test Me, and The Contortionist have in common and i can't identify what it is but i am obsessed with it


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26 minutes ago, 320kbps said:

there's something that songs like Tag, You're It, Show & Tell, Nurse's Office, Test Me, and The Contortionist have in common and i can't identify what it is but i am obsessed with it

you are soooo right! I think they all sound very dramatic but mid-tempo at the same time if that makes sense! Also the concepts here are really strong with the practical sounds and all. In all her albums she has this kind of songs that feel very unique to her and stand out.

Tag, You’re It has a very halloweeney vibe to it… also her vocals there sound like a cry for help, same as many of the songs u mentioned.


Nurces Office, Show & Tell and The Contortionist all have a chorus were she’s pushing to get free of a situation… and that can be heard in the vocal delivery. They are also veeeey heavy on the practical sounds of the theme. She even mentioned about Nueses Office how she dreamed the song and that’s why it’s her favourite from K-12.


I personally loove this style for her and hope she continues with it… it suits her voice and aesthetic so much. I’m not that sure about Test Me though… I was afraid after K-12 she would drop this kind of songs cause they feel very reminiscent of Crybaby era, but I was pleasantly surprised by the contortionist! 

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You smell just like vanilla, you taste like buttercream :krylie:
You're filling up my senses with empty calories
I feel like I’m just missing something whenever you leave :trisha:
You've got all the ingredients except you needing me :xcry:


Is this even the same person that wrote Light Shower or Battle Of The Larynx? The regression is real :bebe:


The way everything in Crybaby is genius and even the worst song there (hi, Training Wheels) is ten times better than anything in After School 

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2 minutes ago, Anonymcomenter said:

You smell just like vanilla, you taste like buttercream :krylie:
You're filling up my senses with empty calories
I feel like I’m just missing something whenever you leave :trisha:
You've got all the ingredients except you needing me :xcry:


Is this even the same person that wrote Light Shower or Battle Of The Larynx? The regression is real :bebe:


The way everything in Crybaby is genius and even the worst song there (hi, Training Wheels) is ten times better than anything in After School 

Seriously concerned Melanie is being a victim of a brain eating ameba :true:

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I replied to Kinetics insta story about Tunnel Vision and told him I hope to see more K&OL songs on the deluxe and that they make magic together with Melanie, and he said ‘thank you!’.


I tried :oic2: 



It's a beautiful life, remember that too, for me.

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