Harlem 1,942 Posted February 21, 2017 I actually have 999:59 hours on Emerald and I think on Diamond too. I enjoyed X and especially ORAS, and I also enjoy Moon, but I'm playing nowhere as long as I used to. The pokemon generation is getting old! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlowGinFizzzz 15,359 Posted February 22, 2017 The pokemon generation is getting old! The ugly truth. Anyway, I think I'm gonna play a bit now, you've motivated me LMAO. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlowGinFizzzz 15,359 Posted June 6, 2017 They just announced Pokkén Tournament DX for Switch and Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon for 3DS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ue-CBOrLnb0 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WhiteHydrangea 4,217 Posted June 6, 2017 So ready to watch everyone play via youtube 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlowGinFizzzz 15,359 Posted June 6, 2017 Where are my Sinnoh remakes, though? 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HoneymoonSwan 3,106 Posted August 10, 2018 Where are my Sinnoh remakes, though? Omg this tea! I was POSITIVE that we would get Gen 8 and then get the Sinnoh remakes. They really surprised us with Pokemon Let's Go, and I'm not really impressed. The whole concept of a THIRD Gen 1 remake just bugs me, I'm honestly tired of Kanto's storyline and the pokemon from gen 1 aren't anything special. I also don't like how they're catering towards the Pokemon Go players. I'm still going to play the games though, the graphics look amazing. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlowGinFizzzz 15,359 Posted August 10, 2018 Omg this tea! I was POSITIVE that we would get Gen 8 and then get the Sinnoh remakes. They really surprised us with Pokemon Let's Go, and I'm not really impressed. The whole concept of a THIRD Gen 1 remake just bugs me, I'm honestly tired of Kanto's storyline and the pokemon from gen 1 aren't anything special. I also don't like how they're catering towards the Pokemon Go players. I'm still going to play the games though, the graphics look amazing. Ugh, king of saving my year-old posts from irrelevance And same, I thought we'd have the remakes by now. Instead it's UltraFlop in 2017, Let's Go in 2018, new generation in 2019 and maybe Sinnoh in 2020. And I partially agree with you on Let's Go. I don't have a problem with Kanto per se (it's been 15 years since the last proper Kanto games came out, that's before generation 4 even existed), I was actually excited about returning to the region that started it all, especially with the gorgeous new graphics. However, I hate how much they are dumbing down the games just to cater to casuals (and Go players). The worst thing is that it doesn't just happen to Let's Go only, but to all games from XY onwards, which is just sad. BTW, maybe you could change this thread's title to simply Pokémon. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HoneymoonSwan 3,106 Posted August 10, 2018 Ugh, king of saving my year-old posts from irrelevance And same, I thought we'd have the remakes by now. Instead it's UltraFlop in 2017, Let's Go in 2018, new generation in 2019 and maybe Sinnoh in 2020. And I partially agree with you on Let's Go. I don't have a problem with Kanto per se (it's been 15 years since the last proper Kanto games came out, that's before generation 4 even existed), I was actually excited about returning to the region that started it all, especially with the gorgeous new graphics. However, I hate how much they are dumbing down the games just to cater to casuals (and Go players). The worst thing is that it doesn't just happen to Let's Go only, but to all games from XY onwards, which is just sad. BTW, maybe you could change this thread's title to simply Pokémon. You're welcome boo Its not that I have a problem with Kanto, its that we've been to Kanto almost 4 times now, and it will forever remain the same. I really like newer Pokemon and I'm tired of Gamefreak making every game about Kanto. The only thing I've liked recently that was Kanto related was Alolan forms, and some of those weren't even that great. I thought we were gonna be done with Kanto when Gen 1 came to the virtual console?? I also don't like how we're not going to be able to battle in these games. I'm praying they do something fresh with this game and give us new megas (considering that they just announced that we are going to be able to mega evolve) or something... I'm also praying that we get a new eeveelution(s) because it's time for a new one. Sylveon has been beat to death, and I'm over it. At least we got pokemon walking behind us back (also, Idk how to change the title of a thread or else I'd do that) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlowGinFizzzz 15,359 Posted August 10, 2018 You're welcome boo Its not that I have a problem with Kanto, its that we've been to Kanto almost 4 times now, and it will forever remain the same. I really like newer Pokemon and I'm tired of Gamefreak making every game about Kanto. The only thing I've liked recently that was Kanto related was Alolan forms, and some of those weren't even that great. I thought we were gonna be done with Kanto when Gen 1 came to the virtual console?? I also don't like how we're not going to be able to battle in these games. I'm praying they do something fresh with this game and give us new megas (considering that they just announced that we are going to be able to mega evolve) or something... I'm also praying that we get a new eeveelution(s) because it's time for a new one. Sylveon has been beat to death, and I'm over it. At least we got pokemon walking behind us back (also, Idk how to change the title of a thread or else I'd do that) That's true, it's always pretty much the same. It's a shame, I think they really had the chance to expand Kanto with these games, make the cities and routes larger, add new locations, basically turn it into something that would be acceptable in 2018. Also, as I said, I generally like Kanto, but what really bugs me is that they manage to make everything about Kanto even when it's not about Kanto: there is no valid reason why Santalude Forest is just a carbon copy of Viridian Forest, or why most mega evolutions and all Alolan forms are for Kanto Pokémon. And yes, I totally agree, I want some new mega evolutions too (finally give me my beloved Mega Flygon ). I would love to see some new Eeveelutions (or cross-generational evolutions in general, we haven't really had that since generation 4) too, but that's definitely not gonna happen with Let's Go. Maybe in the 2019 games? If you click "Edit" on your first post in this thread and then "Use Full Editor", you can change it. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cacciatore 19,347 Posted February 24, 2019 Just finished Pokemon X for the first time (thanks a lot Citra) and I must say... WHAT A SHIT VICTORY ROAD THAT WAS! Like what the fuck was that? Who decided to make it extremely long with all those veterans and stuff? I swear I almost dropped the game at some point because I was so frustrated with that shit, but I knew I only had to defeat the Elite 4 to beat the game so I wasn't going to waste 40 hours of my life because of no damn victory road. Anyways, the Elite 4 and the Champion were too easy to defeat, and my pokemons were all at 55 ~ 60 (with the exception of my lvl. 70 Umbreon) so thats something, but I guess using Xerneas was a little bit of cheating of my part lmao anyway I didn't enjoy this one as much as the others. My final team was: Greninja (lvl. 55) Talonflame (lvl. 60) Lucario (lvl. 60) Roserade (lvl. 54) Umbreon (lvl. 70) Xerneas (lvl. 59) I always choose water types as my starters and Froakie was probably my least favorite. Popplio remaisn unbothered. 1 Quote into your eyes my face remains Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
YUNGATA 14,959 Posted February 24, 2019 Just finished Pokemon X for the first time (thanks a lot Citra) and I must say... WHAT A SHIT VICTORY ROAD THAT WAS! Like what the fuck was that? Who decided to make it extremely long with all those veterans and stuff? I swear I almost dropped the game at some point because I was so frustrated with that shit, but I knew I only had to defeat the Elite 4 to beat the game so I wasn't going to waste 40 hours of my life because of no damn victory road. Anyways, the Elite 4 and the Champion were too easy to defeat, and my pokemons were all at 55 ~ 60 (with the exception of my lvl. 70 Umbreon) so thats something, but I guess using Xerneas was a little bit of cheating of my part lmao anyway I didn't enjoy this one as much as the others. I really disliked X and Y in terms of story and city designs. It's so annoying trying to get around that main city when half of it is blocked off omg I wasted so long navigating that 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cacciatore 19,347 Posted February 24, 2019 I really disliked X and Y in terms of story and city designs. It's so annoying trying to get around that main city when half of it is blocked off omg I wasted so long navigating that Yeah, Lumiose is awful lol I've got lost countless times in those alleys trying to find the right people and shops. It got even worse when I wanted to buy some luxury balls to catch my Eeve and the shop was in the blocked section so I had to load an old save 1 Quote into your eyes my face remains Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlowGinFizzzz 15,359 Posted February 26, 2019 It's happening! https://twitter.com/NintendoEurope/status/1100395107994472449 Fingers crossed for a new Pokémon Mystery Dungeon hehe. @@YUNGATA maybe you could merge this thread with those two. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThisIsRusko 1,521 Posted February 27, 2019 Today is the Day!!! <3 gen8 here we go! (hopefully) 0 Quote The summers hot and i've been cold without you... watch me: https://www.youtube.com/thisisrusko Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yayoop 4,616 Posted February 27, 2019 Welp Sobble is my 2019 look https://m.imgur.com/gallery/Q712DmU The starters (just a link so no spoilers) The titles are pretty cool too! I’m hyped! Edit: Region image link https://twitter.com/serebiinet/status/1100760443193311234?s=21 2 Quote " /> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlowGinFizzzz 15,359 Posted February 27, 2019 Sword and Shield, I'm- :rip: The names really are getting worse and worse, huh? Judging by the trailer, the game looks gorgeous. I also think the region looks really interesting, and I'm so glad that after Hoenn (as much as I love it) and Alola (meh), we're finally getting a non-tropical environment again. I'm really intrigued, this region seems to have an interesting atmosphere, unlike anything we've seen before. I guess it's based on Great Britain, but upside down? I can't wait to see more. The only thing that bugs me is that in the artwork, the buildings all look quite big, which makes the region itself look rather small. Considering what the Switch is capable of, this would be quite a letdown. A map bigger than Sinnoh (or, ideally, even bigger than Kanto + Johto) was the least I was expecting, TBH. Also, from what I can tell, it looks rather linear too, which would definitely be annoying. The starters look cute, although they all look a bit vanilla to me. The Fire and Grass starters are really cute, though, I wonder what their evolutions will look like and what secondary types they might get. Overall I'm really excited about these games hehe. Edit: full Pokémon Direct (seven minutes): 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Charlottexseax 8,210 Posted February 27, 2019 The starters are... bad. Sobble is like Mudkip and Froakie, Scorbunny is like a Fire type Buneary. Grookey... is bad The region looks cool but I was lowkey expecting something more higkey. This is like Kalos boring cousin If it’s on 3Ds catch me playing it. If it’s on switch... bye Felicia 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlowGinFizzzz 15,359 Posted February 27, 2019 Official screenshots: The starters are... bad. Sobble is like Mudkip and Froakie, Scorbunny is like a Fire type Buneary. Grookey... is badThe region looks cool but I was lowkey expecting something more higkey. This is like Kalos boring cousinIf it’s on 3Ds catch me playing it. If it’s on switch... bye Felicia Girl, it's on the Switch lol. The 3DS is pretty much dead. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Life 4,036 Posted February 27, 2019 holy shxt this looks amazing i'm should be living in Tokyo when this comes out as well so i'm gunna be living my biggest pokemon fantasy 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites