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LDR5 Pre-Pre-Release Thread - Take 2

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Fck everyone involved in it, if it meant nothing to Lana I wouldn't care but in what world are some people self-entitled enough to think their own little gratification is worth more than all the work the woman they love produced. If Lana is not ok and you spread / asked for snippets I hold you personally responsible for that. Yeah I said it


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im so I can't I'm I'm idek anymore I'm I just I don't I'm

im so fcking excited for the title and title track thoughhhhhhh

Buy 'Honeymoon' on iTunes <3

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Exactly, this is a chance for them to compensate to this!! It leaked, ok that's so sad but instead acting numb now it's better they take the advantage of this

I agree they should be addressing this and making light of the situation

Buy 'Honeymoon' on iTunes <3

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leaks are sadly always gonna happen tbh because some people don't stop to think about the artist and how hard they've worked like it think it was froot that got leaked before the release date??? like the entire album, and that's cause they shipped the vinyls too early :// (I think anyway)

I feel so so sad about Lana. I've seen messages where Ed is asked if she's still going to release the album and he says he doesn't know and that she isn't okay... Omg...


that makes me so sad and worried I love my queen so much she doesn't deserve this

Buy 'Honeymoon' on iTunes <3

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I'm sorry if management read this but honestly I'm glad that her managers aren't like doctors or firefighters I've rarely seen this level of complacency and incompetence.


the people who leak upcoming material should be absolutely ashamed of themselves


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Honestly but what were they thinking with the posters when they were aware of the amount of people having it.. putting up posters and releasing it would be one thing but this was just 'asking for it' as horrible as that may even sound. Even people on here were smart enough to predict that it's gonna leak right after the announcement.


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I always wonder how people come to the conclusion to leak music. Do they just wake up one morning and think, "today is the day". It always seems so random.



Did it really leak on a brazilian forum? Cause if that is the case I'm sure this person just had the luck to get it with an insider and wanted fame inside the forum. Not thinking about Lana for even a second.


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Fck everyone involved in it, if it meant nothing to Lana I wouldn't care but in what world are some people self-entitled enough to think their own little gratification is worth more than all the work the woman they love produced. If Lana is not ok and you spread / asked for snippets I hold you personally responsible for that. Yeah I said it

Yes. It's very sad.

Sweeping scents and blue hydrangea. Summer hail and summer stranger.

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Did it really leak on a brazilian forum? Cause if that is the case I'm sure this person just had the luck to get it with an insider and wanted fame inside the forum. Not thinking about Lana for even a second.

I have no idea. I saw it mentioned on the Reddit forum and came straight to LBs. It's sad considering the release must have been fairly close. It seems like Lana can't catch a break since being torn to shreds during the BTD era.


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