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Neon Palmmm


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I love the album, I totally get why a lot of people don't like it ad I respect everyone's opinion, but personally I love the album! I think it's a beautiful album.

Music To Watch Boys To, Terrence Loves You, Salvatore, The Blackest Day, 24, and Swan Song are my album highlights tbh! I know 24 gets a lot of hate but I just love it!


That being said, the era itself was very lacklustre? I mean, it didn't feel like it even ended it just kind of fizzled out...

I thought the Honeymoon Hotline was a brilliant idea, so creative, but then that also kind of fizzled out when she didn't follow through with it?


The album trailer was great, as was the HBTB video! And I remember how surreal it was when we first saw that image of Lana holding the big sci-fi gun because it was such a jarring change of imagery from what I was expecting after Honeymoon (the song) was released? 

The Music To Watch Boys To video was gorgeous, another highlight of the era for me!


Overall, the album was beautiful but I feel like the era didn't live up to its full potential for me? Already though Lust For Life seems to be really kicking it up and I feel this will be a truly exciting and iconic era, or at least that's my hope!


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The only good thing about that HM was like that one month when she walked 5 different red carpets and finally was doing something. Although her outfits were kinda tragic she looked cute


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HM is her best major label album by a nose over UV.* HM & 24 are fucking masterpieces. GKIT, "Salvatore", & TBD are fantastic, and MTWBT & "Freak" have moments of sheer brilliance. I do not understand the underappreciation. I can only chalk it up to y'all being pace queens. Or being focused more on promotion or videos than the music itself.


*The songs on BTD had the potential to be, but the overproduction ruined it.



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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It wasn't a bad album,it was weaker than UV but not bad,I liked almost all the tracks as usual but my favourites are HBTB,MTWBT,24,Salvatore,Freak,DLMBM & Swan Song :isee: 

I loved HBTB & MTWB videos too :dance:


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I don't hate Honeymoon, it has some good songs on it e.g. The Blackest Day, God Knows I Tried, High by The Beach, Salvatore, Freak.

But it's my least favourite of her Lana Del Rey albums definitely. Not necessarily bc I don't like slow songs or only want bops bc most of the music I listen to isn't pop and isn't catchy, but because tbh I find half the songs on it have absolutely no payoff to them and also definitely don't think the album has her best lyrics even remotely.


Although I have to admit I don't get all the hate for the album cover. I actually like it.


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I more and more have the same feeling about HM than I have about Paradise; there are some undeniably excellent songs on it, and there's albums where I love less songs, but that I love more than HM. Basically as much as I like the songs by themselves I have trouble appreciating the concept of them put together as an album. That's why I adored the songs when I first listened to them, because I was only focused on the music, and not the general ambiance. And the fact that it's cruelly lacking visuals makes it impossible for me to appreciate it as thoroughly as I could. The song from HM I listen to the most now are HBTB and MTWBT remixes :/ It's sad


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It definitely was her best album.

I totally agree with it being underappreciated but whatever.

Can't wait for LFL!

Who knows, she might top HM with LFL.  :flutter:


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HM is her best major label album by a nose over UV.* HM & 24 are fucking masterpieces. GKIT, "Salvatore", & TBD are fantastic, and MTWBT & "Freak" have moments of sheer brilliance. I do not understand the underappreciation. I can only chalk it up to y'all being pace queens. Or being focused more on promotion or videos than the music itself.


*The songs on BTD had the potential to be, but the overproduction ruined it.


I really like 24 and Blackest Day, HBTB and MTWBT. But I just don't feel the same pull I do to songs like Cruel World, Shades of Cool, or Born to Die. 

There was a review I remember about HM where the critic said that the album revolved around a more passive role that was less introspective and more of a commentator of the things around her, and I agreed with that. I do tend to like Lana best when she is either a. slow and introspective or b. uptempo, and I felt like both of those were missing from HM for the large part.


Objectively, yes, it is one of her most coherent bodies of work next to UV. 

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Her best album. Her most satisfying, complete, intricate one by far. Honeymoon, the song is indeed a fucking musical masterpiece.


I mean people that hate on hm stan for the likes of MO, Marina, allied x, melanie and whatever tumblr reject. Pay them no mind.

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