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Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Lust for Life  

295 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Lust for Life?

    • Love
    • Lust for Life
    • 13 Beaches
    • Cherry
    • White Mustang
    • Summer Bummer
    • Groupie Love
    • In My Feelings
    • Coachella - Woodstock in my Mind
    • God Bless America - and All the Beautiful Women in It
    • When The World Was at War We Kept Dancing
    • Beautiful People Beautiful Problems
    • Tomorrow Never Came
    • Heroin
    • Change
    • Get Free

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Maybe by the time something is done

I'll be able to be honest, capable

Of holding you in my arms without letting you fall



When I don't feel beautiful or stable :(

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Surprised no one has pointed out how Lana is likely paying (genius) homage to a Neil Young classic on Get Free.


"Out of the blue

and into the black

You pay for this,

but they give you that

And once you're gone,

you can't come back

When you're out of the blue

and into the black. "

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When I don't feel beautiful or stable :(

Maybe it's enough to just be where we are because 



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Tomorrow Never Came
When the World Was at War We Kept Dancing

Get Free
Summer Bummer
Coachella - Woodstock in My Mind
In My Feelings
Groupie Love
Beautiful People Beautiful Problems
God Bless America - And All the Beautiful Women in It
13 Beaches
White Mustang

Lust for Life

My current ranking

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Track-by-track thoughts:

  • Love and Lust for Life are definitely the most radio friendly. I think Love is great, but I tend to skip it since I've known it for a while.
  • Lust for Life is good, but forgettable imo. I have nothing against it, just have no motivation to listen to it.
  • 13 Beaches is the best song on the album. The focus on the little details makes the song. That muffled recording at the beginning, the radio frequency sound effects throughout the song, it really makes a huge difference. The way the chorus starts so dramatically reminds me of Born to Die.
  • I found the swearing on Cherry (for some reason I always want to call it Peaches?) comical at first in a good way, but now I just really like it without it being funny. The chorus is killer.
  • White Mustang was one of my first favorites on the album, still is. Don't know what to say other than it's so good. Wish it was longer, but not at the expense of it becoming more repetitive.
  • Summer Bummer grew on me, but now I'm finding I'm getting tired of it a lot quicker than the other songs. Not sure why. The opera-sounding background vocals are pretty incredible and add to the eeriness as they grow louder and louder.
  • When Lana sings "Groupie Love" in the song, it's so hypnotizing, and it's even better with A$AP singing with it too at the end. Literally makes me feel high without being high.
  • In My Feelings- can't get into this song that much, not sure why.
  • Coachella - this is probably one of my most listened to out of what was released before the entire album was released. I think it's a cute song, but the quality definitely seems a little subpar compared to the rest of the album. I love it, but I understand the hate. I really like the story the song tells though.
  • God Bless America - The first time I listened to this song, I was a little underwhelmed. The second time, I was listening to it in my car and it just clicked for me. Really, really, really enjoy it now. The way she sings the chorus, paired with the vintage vocal effects, the gunshots, and the melody, just wow.
  • When the World - I like this one. I think it's a good concept for a song. Her singing is beautiful in the chorus, and the prechorus or end of the verses reminds me so much of her older and unreleased stuff.
  • BPBP - Gorgeous. Not much to say. Just a good one.
  • Tomorrow Never Came - This song I probably have the least connection or opinion on. Just haven't really got into it. I'm indifferent. It's pretty good, but forgettable for me, but I still enjoy listening to it. Sean sounds so much like his dad. 
  • Heroin - One of my favorites. The frantic vocals remind me of Noir. Just such a great song. The prechorus ("Life rocked me") is to die for, and then the chorus comes in and somehow makes it even better.
  • Change - Truly one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard. The imagery of the lyrics combined with her beautiful singing and the gorgeous piano that somehow fits perfectly with the imagery she's describing in the lyrics. It truly creates an this atmosphere of wind blowing, autumn, and a change coming. It's insanely gorgeous.
  • Get Free - Need more time to work on this but I like it. More frantic vocals that remind me of Noir.

Overall album thoughts:

  • I think 13 Beaches, Cherry, and White Mustang are the best 3 consecutive songs on the album.
  • BPBP and TNC definitely feel like they came from a different time period.
  • This album is very different from anything else I've ever heard, and very different for Lana too even though it's very clearly her style and her sound. There's no way I could've ever predicted a sound like this or even known it could've existed, as weird as that sounds.
  • This album is only continuing to get better and better for me. I wasn't feeling it that much the first listen.
  • I LOVE how she incorporates Lana with Lizzy Grant and her unreleased style. Some of her melodies and the way she sings things here, I never thought I'd ever hear on released material. She keeps her "Lana" style for most of the album, while incorporating her more Lizzy/unreleased style here and there.
  • I think this will be my favorite album of hers. BTD will always have the most sentimental value to me and can't be replaced. It has a special place in my heart. However, this album is the most listenable to me. I love the diversity and just every song is so good. UV and HM are great albums too, but they're often too heavy for me to listen to in full. I feel like I could listen to this album in full and not feel so depressed and worn out from it, I could just fully enjoy it. 
  • I love how much she's matured in what she sings about. I was getting tired of her same repeated song themes. It's really refreshing to see a mature approach to things, and to hear her singing about the world and something larger than her and her relationships.
  • It's hard for me to pick favorite songs, because I love each song for their own reasons, and they're all so good. I think my top 3, if I had to pick, might be 13 Beaches, White Mustang, and Heroin though. If the whole album was similar to those songs though, I think it'd be too dark and depressing like her past albums.

  It’s not about having someone to love me anymore

This is the experience of being an American whore

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Flop Mill is tanking, lmao at him thinking he'll pass up Lana & then actually dropping to #3 https://instagram.com/p/BW6BXatgsI0/

And he dropped to #3 because a fucking Disney Channel movie soundtrack snatched his weave. :lmao:

I'm in love with the green on the grass and the trees, the scent of my sidewalks perfumed by the rain/ I'm in love with the tunes that colored my youth/ and the smudges of autumn that spill through the pane/I'm in love, just in a different way/ and that's okay.

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Is Cherry about her being in love with someone that doesnt love her back????

Or is it thst shes so in love nothing else matters and everything else is turning to shit?


She sings a lot about his touch and lust ect but then shes singing about scenes on fire, ruined peaches, she keeps saying bitch ect

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It's not even a favorite (or least favorite, somewhere in the middle) but White Mustang will not leave my head. Like I'll just randomly start singing it and I'm like  :biblio:



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I love in Heroin when Lana sings "like the heavy metal that you hear" because in the background you hear a heavy metal guitar riff for like 1 second. Such a classic touch. :bop:

I'm in love with the green on the grass and the trees, the scent of my sidewalks perfumed by the rain/ I'm in love with the tunes that colored my youth/ and the smudges of autumn that spill through the pane/I'm in love, just in a different way/ and that's okay.

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