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Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Lust for Life  

294 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Lust for Life?

    • Love
    • Lust for Life
    • 13 Beaches
    • Cherry
    • White Mustang
    • Summer Bummer
    • Groupie Love
    • In My Feelings
    • Coachella - Woodstock in my Mind
    • God Bless America - and All the Beautiful Women in It
    • When The World Was at War We Kept Dancing
    • Beautiful People Beautiful Problems
    • Tomorrow Never Came
    • Heroin
    • Change
    • Get Free

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I didnt write about the first part because we've heard most of it besides a couple songs. 


Coachella (Woodstock in my Mind) - 8.5/10 I love the message behind the song and appreciate the beats behind the lyrics. It seems a little unfinished and I enjoy that part of it. Sets a good tone for the second half lyrically, but is the last song of hard beats on the record.

God Bless America - 9/10 The guitar at the beginning is refreshing. The very "American" vibe I get from the first couple seconds is electric. The two gunshots after "God Bless America" is also a favorite part. Her tone "And all the beautiful woman in it" makes it seem like that part is a little secret. Like a hush-hush? Very patriotic and feminine. "Stand proud and strong like Lady Liberty shining on and on" she sings, wanting the ladies to know, they keep us strong. Overall, a great song, but not the strongest in terms of lyrics on the record. Musically, BTD reworked by an Indie artist... at its finest. 

When the World Was at War We Kept Dancing - 9/10 The first verse and the little beat in the back is reminiscent of Born to Die and the first verse. The tempo change from the verses to chorus is so great, my favorite part. "Is it the end of an Era, is it the end of America" She sings in a way that she's trying to convince herself its going to be alright, but shes still unsure. Her pitch in the chorus is amazing. The chorus is the highlight of this song. Similar to GBA, a refreshing and new song, but not the strongest on the album. 

Beautiful People, Beautiful Problems - 10/10 I love the piano in this. Also love her tone. Lyrically, I'm in total awe with this song. The melody, the instrumentation, everything is great. I was apprehensive about hearing a song with Lana and Stevie, but to me, their voices are so complementary towards each other. Her verse is VERY refreshing and sounds just like a Fleetwood Mac song back in the 70s. The pre-chorus after the 2nd verse where they're singing together is one of my favorite parts. The later end of the song makes me wanna cry, right after the bridge. They sound so desperate and sure of themselves. A standout and one of my favs on the record.

Tomorrow Never Came - 8.5/10 The Woodstock, Indie vibe is a standout on this record. Reminds me of Florida Kilos in a way. The chorus and her breathy tone makes the song great, along with Seans singing. I haven't paid too much attention to it. I know I would love it a whole lot more if I really tried. Another record highlight tho.

Heroin - 10/10 Ultraviolence tease. One of my favorites, if not, my absolute favorite song on the album. The instrumentation, the lyrics, the tone. SO dark and eerie. The beat in the chorus as she singings "Heroin" omg. "Its fucking hot, hot" this switch up makes this song THAT much better. She sounds so sad and angry, I hate it, but love it for the sake of the music. The last chorus with the layered vocals makes me cum.

Change - 9.5/10 Sounds like a literal swan song. Like she's saying goodbye to the Old Lana with this "change". I haven't paid attention to it lyrically that much, but I know its one of my favorites. Another eerie tone to it, much like its predecessor. The chorus sounds like a "war in her mind". She sounds sort of optimistic in this song. Could be political, but also could be personal. The sadest on the record.

Get Free - 10/10 Her best album closer yet in her career. The most upbeat song on the entire record. Refreshing, in the sort of way as if she's looking back on everything shes done so far. I love how the tempo progresses in the first verse, and picks up entirely in the chorus. A huge Lizzy Grant tease in this song. "Sometimes it feels like I've got a war in my mind, I wanna get off, but I keep riding the ride." I LOVE THIS. I've been mindfucked by this song.



The second half of the album is much better and original than the beginning. The first half in my opinion, is like Lana sticking to what she knows she could do. The second half is her showing us what she can do now. The record makes me question if shes as happy as she proclaims. It seems to have an underlying, VERY dark tone to it. It's very cohesive musically and lyrically, but the most confusing record I've ever listened to. After each listen, I ask myself, "What did I just listen to?" because it pulls you in being so cohesive, but it's very confusing and I can't tell you whats really confusing. This record is def my favorite by her so far. I'm excited to start finding the meanings of each song and understanding them inside and out. 

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There’s a story that goes with the song, where Del Rey calls up Lennon to tell him that she thought his part was perfect, and he says that he’s so happy because no one’s ever said that to him before. He’s John Lennon’s son, he’s lived his entire life in his father’s shadow, and Lana Del Rey has just given him his greatest ever compliment. There’s a tragedy in that, don’t you think?

“I told him, ‘I’m the one who’s honoured, I’m the lucky one; so I just want you to remember that, Sean, I’m singing with you.’”

What a sweetheart!!

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So far, GBA is giving me so many feels. Can't wait to fully experience these songs throughout the next couple of years.


BTW my dad thought the beginning of the song was from the Eagles, shows you where she got the inspiration for that one ;)


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In the interview with Pitchfork, she said there was a storyline throughout the album, and to "figure it out" when asked what the story was.... what have y'all pieced together? :creep:

All I wanna do is get high by the beach

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In the interview with Pitchfork, she said there was a storyline throughout the album, and to "figure it out" when asked what the story was.... what have y'all pieced together? :creep:

She literislly has said that for all her albums ctfu

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She literislly has said that for all her albums ctfu


I feel like the story was 10x more obvious with Born to Die and Ultraviolence. Even Honeymoon had a very reflection of the past vibe. I'm a little confused with Lust for Life's story. 

All I wanna do is get high by the beach

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does the cd have the parental advisory thing printed on it? i've seen pictures on instagram and some have it and some don't.

karma drawn up in lines / baby it's a freebie you sure look deprived

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Wow so I had to leave my house and the mail didnt come yet, so no LFL either. No problem, I thought and I went to the two music stored in my city and neither had LFL and neither knew there was an album coming



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Wow so I had to leave my house and the mail didnt come yet, so no LFL either. No problem, I thought and I went to the two music stored in my city and neither had LFL and neither knew there was an album coming


At one of the stores I went to they said that they're getting it "probably at some point today", another one "maybe today, maybe on Monday" and the third one had it listed for 28 July. :rip:


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An album. Heroin is my favourite Lana song ever and I'm not being hyperbolic. A psych electronica rock pop alt post apocalyptic future retro masterpiece. The Mason references and the images of junkies spraying the walls w their blood make me shiver. It just makes everything else she's done sound so irrelevant in comparison


World At War is inexplicably sexy and seductive. The bridge gets me hard. Especially when she sings "when the world was at waar mmm". I'm shaking


GBA is just so beautiful and melancholic. The second part of the chorus is especially gorgeous.


Get Free is a brilliant closer that I feel kinda lays the ground for her next record.  Also, I love how high in the mix her vocals are during the "OUT OF THE BLACK..." part. It gives the song another dimension. She's an INCREDIBLE producer. Blown away by her vision, genuinely



It kinda annoys me how underrated WIld Mustang is. It's hypnotising. LOVE the whistles. I feel it'd have easily been a Lizzy song had she sung it in a higher, Lizzier tone.


In My Feelings is sucha highlight poor the peeps who pretend they dislike that delicious and addictive faux trap beat aah. The bridge is insane. Such an anthem. The lyrics are fucking amazing and hilarious. "I'm crying while I'm cumming" is such a good line. I'm gonna quote it w every chance I get from now on


All in all I'm very satisfied and happy with album. I honestly expected the worst after Coachella. Glad Legend proved me wrong <3



Also, she better exploit her relationship w Gerald. A Taylor Swift tea.

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