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Lipsters Awards 2017 (1/14) » RESULTS p. 45 CEREMONY starts at p. 30

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Okay so I have realized I have very bad friends because my “friend” @ let me down so anyway pray for her. I am here to make it clear and introduce to you the next set of winners!



with 47 votes.





with 26 votes.




with 25 votes.





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congrats slow and bekim- you two deserve it



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Will update.


Most Active: @salvatore

Best Username: @TROPICUM

Best Taste: @@Trash Magic

Worst Taste: @@Terrence Loves Me

Nicest Member: @Clampigirl

Rudest Member: @reputation

Sassiest Member: @Bekim

Status Updater: @Bekim

Veteran Member: @@Trash Magic

Underrated Member: @@subversive light

Banned Member: @

Biggest Stan: @graham4anything

Biggest Lana Hater: @Constantine

Hybrid Fan: @SlowGinFizzzz

Most Extra: @Bekim

Most Iconic:

Most Triggered

Attention Whore

Peace Keeper:

Most Problematic:

Hottest Member:

Favorite Leaker:

Biggest Liar:

Best New User:

Delete It Fat:

Big Eyes:

Christina Lucci:

Leak of the Year:

Drama of the Year:

Lipster of the Year:

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