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LDR6 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread

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Might as well share my brutally honest opinion.


I love the song, first and foremost. However, the last 2 lines kinda cheapen the song? Idk...it just doesn't flow well. And also I hope this is a demo because I feel like it's lacking more instruments. It could be 10/10 if she adds strings or some acoustic guitar but it's still gorgeous.

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It feels like the upcoming album could be the sequel to LFL... If what we heard so far is any indication and if the rumors are true, this could be the answer to her new found blue, out of the black... And I know people might throw stones at me, but i think that LFL might be better understood when we hear this new album... I always felt that LFL was her quest for happiness, something somehow much more difficult to attain then expected.

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According to two sources,  LDR6 would be made of new songs and scrapped songs from her previous records that did not leak. Happiness is a Butterfly would indeed fit on a record next to Yosemite or RBFY or even LIB... But then again, I keep in mind that this is Lana: she is very creative and her vision of the projects tends to shift all the time... Maybe she will just put out new songs on an EP and that's it. 

I am not super hopeful to see the light of her 25 unreleased and leaked songs, to be honest. Lana is a perfectionist: she would not release an imperfect old song just for the sake of releasing it if she did not believe in it anymore or felt that the melodies or lyrics were bit blah. 

My dream project of her would be a double album called Best American Record: the first disc would be made of a couple of new songs and of unleaked ones; the second disc would contain remastered leaked songs, including BAR, Your Girl, Yes to Heaven, Fine China, Backfire, Serial Killer, Paradise, etc. But then again, a gay can dream :P

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Nnnnn not already  :deadbanana:


I really hope she takes her time with this. I can easily wait until next year if that means UV/HM quality.

i'm flying to the moon again, dreaming about heroin... 

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I adore LFL but something is missing to me. Maybe it’s the thing that the songs are quite different from each other, but I also think it’s her vocals. Don’t get me wrong, she sounds great... but, I don’t know, less passionate? Cherry sounds a lot better sung live than the studio version because she just sounds the same to me. I think one of the reasons why I always go back to UV is how she uses her voice in different songs - she screams in Cruel World, sighs in Ultraviolence, sounds smooth and dark in Old Money, flirty in Florida Kilos and as if she’s about to cry in Is This Happiness. I really hope she brings back those emotions to this next album or EP.

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I really struggle to decide whether I think Lust for Life is one of her best albums or not because I think it has some absolute career highlights (Love, When The World Was At War We Kept Dancing, Beautiful People Beautiful Problems, Cherry, Get Free, Heroin etc) but then it also has some of the worst songs in her discography in my opinion (Coachella, In My Feelings, Change [love the song, but it's just too rushed and messy to be a career highlight], even Lust for Life to an extent).


I really hope that she either takes her time with this project making sure every song is amazing and not rushed, or releases a long EP like Paradise meaning that she doesn't have as many tracks to work on and can release it quicker. No more rushed songs pls Lanz


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All I know is that I want this album to be cohesive and to not leave us guessing (unknown release date, album aesthetic being different from album trailer etc.)

I have a feeling that’s how lust for life was supposed to/intended to be, but things switch all the time, so hopefully this album roll out is more steady and consistent

All I wanna do is get high by the beach

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All I know is that I want this album to be cohesive and to not leave us guessing (unknown release date, album aesthetic being different from album trailer etc.)

I'm still so mad we were so close to getting a really cool retro witchy era but she had to change it last minute  :crossed:


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Wasn’t there a video of her doing something and RBFY was playing in the background and it was a different part of the song, not the one where she was singing it. Or is my delusions making me make things up

All I wanna do is get high by the beach

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Best American Record


Cactus (feat. The Foo Fighters)

Wild One

Roses Bloom For You


You Must Love Me




a nature-ish concept i’m here for


she could also re-release TNC as an iTunes bonus track

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Best American Record


Cactus (feat. The Foo Fighters)

Wild One

Roses Bloom For You


You Must Love Me




a nature-ish concept i’m here for


she could also re-release TNC as an iTunes bonus track

can people finally forget about Cactus? That was for one of their projects, it was cancelled and I recall she said it wasn't that good.

Same goes for Wild One. It was registered but she never said anything about it.


Only ones that realistically have a chance of appearing are Yosemite, Architecture/BAR, Roses Bloom For You, Sylvia and Bartender.



I wonder if the butterfly track will be a lead-single, or of it's just a song she's passionate about and therefore announces/teases/uploads early. Like with Honeymoon back in the day,

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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