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A$AP Rocky Collab Confirmed for 'Lust for Life'

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loving these alternative facts! 7qLsz26.jpg

The glass room/bathroom and love story for the sixth page moments on both songs are an alternative form of rap. If you don't believe it just imagine a a rapper rapping it.


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sooo are people allowed to not like this type of rap ? or are they doomed to be labeled as "pretencious" because of it, like it's not pretencious to drag someone because of their music taste lmao

Which is what their doing? People spend too much timing fighting about what is real music, what is selling out, what makes Lana's music "shit". We can call out people being extra about her just experimenting.


I've maybe said this three times this entire era, but doing this like this doesn't "cheapen" her music like everyone keeps saying/implying. It's not pretentious to not agree with people who refuse to be level headed, have you even looked at some of the Facebook comments? They're cringy.


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Which is what their doing? People spend too much timing fighting about what is real music, what is selling out, what makes Lana's music "shit". We can call out people being extra about her just experimenting.


I've maybe said this three times this entire era, but doing this like this doesn't "cheapen" her music like everyone keeps saying/implying. It's not pretentious to not agree with people who refuse to be level headed, have you even looked at some of the Facebook comments? They're cringy.

Yes..they dislike it just cause it's rap..like music is not always deep ..it can be about having fun listening to it

...just you and me feeling the heat even when the sun goes down...

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I can't even process the fact that some people aren't excited I genuinely don't understand I already played the video so much that I'm on the verge of overdosing I mean to me it sounds like the kind of things you hear when you enter heaven and it happens that there's an orgy going on


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Yes..they dislike it just cause it's rap..like music is not always deep ..it can be about having fun listening to it

Yeah, it's not even released yet and what we do have isn't really quality enough to judge. I just don't get people who can't be level headed until things actually release for once.




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She should do an Eminem diss track

I agree with you in substance (and I'm a stan) but she should not cause it's what he's good at and he would bodyslam her career to the planet Love takes place on lol


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Which is what their doing? People spend too much timing fighting about what is real music, what is selling out, what makes Lana's music "shit". We can call out people being extra about her just experimenting.


I've maybe said this three times this entire era, but doing this like this doesn't "cheapen" her music like everyone keeps saying/implying. It's not pretentious to not agree with people who refuse to be level headed, have you even looked at some of the Facebook comments? They're cringy.


Nope I didn't I actually only talked for myself and about what I've read on this thread and elsewhere, and as cringy and ridiculous some comments may be I can understand how some people could be skeptical about this though. 

But I agree judging the song when all we have is a bad quality snippet is stupid 

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so excited for this

sooo are people allowed to not like this type of rap ? or are they doomed to be labeled as "pretencious" because of it, like it's not pretencious to drag someone because of their music taste lmao

I think it's not that you're not allowed to dislike it but the way you guys let out your disagreement is like "LANA YOUR MUSIC IS LOSING IT'S PURPOSE BY WORKING WITH THESE MEANINGLESS DUMB "ARTISTS" YOU'RE BETTER THAN THEM" which is really pretentious and annoying, you could just simply say "I'm not a big fan of rap music, I'm not really excited for this one"




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I don't care if people don't like rap or a certain artist, but some people really need to chill the fuck out lmao.




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Yeah I don't get why people on Facebook are complaining when it's an 18 track record. I'm not a rap fan myself but if Lana is doing more songs like that then I could very well become a fan lol

You call me lavender, you call me sunshine.

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There are so many people on Facebook complaining about how rap is gonna ruin Lana. Like, have you listened to her music before? She's done so many rap collabs and has done rap herself. Even OTTR and NA are alternative rap. My goodness. I wish people weren't so pretentious about music.

well they all remained unreleased for a reason LOL

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There are so many people on Facebook complaining about how rap is gonna ruin Lana. Like, have you listened to her music before? She's done so many rap collabs and has done rap herself. Even OTTR and NA are alternative rap. My goodness. I wish people weren't so pretentious about music.


I would not call OTTR or NA rap. Rap-influenced, but not rap.


And it's possible to HATE this collab without hating the idea of her doing rap in particular. 


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well they all remained unreleased for a reason LOL

True true but it still doesn't mean y'all ain't bopping or they don't exist. :hooker:

I would not call OTTR or NA rap. Rap-influenced, but not rap.


And it's possible to HATE this collab without hating the idea of her doing rap in particular.


Their bridges are definitely rap-based with the delivery and strong continuous rhyme element.


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