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Everything posted by FredRed

  1. Yes! Flo needs love too. Yes.
  2. Is this real? https://twitter.com/Bob_Turn/status/1281657864734617602?s=09
  3. It was nice to see her upbeat and happy. She's very excited about this release. I hope she has the same zeal for the record. Oh yeah the record. Interscope: Lana you forgot to mention the record. Lana: I did once already and my stans, fans, glands, whatever they are know more about the release than I do. Give me some space please!
  4. Fake update. A little bit of a new Lana song has leaked. Summertime Gladness The fan through the window was making me wet Not the electric one a real one named Brett Peering through the window where he shouldn't have been He was tall, muscular and beautifully thin We danced by the ocean which was vivid and mild Nine months from now I'll be having Brett's child
  5. This just in! Late change. New album cover is a retro shot of the HOLLYWOOD sign on fire. New album title, "Video Flames"
  6. "If the 4th of July can be on a Saturday then I can release my album on a Saturday."
  7. FredRed

    TikTok Updates

    Yikes I won't download. Her stuffs gets cross posted by someone anyway so it's not like we'll miss anything. Twitter, instagram, Lanaboards. Chinese breath mint! (Relax just a bad joke)
  8. FredRed

    TikTok Updates

    That's the video I posted a while back in COCC thread!! See Lana listens to me.
  9. Chuck and Joanna do look alike. When I was younger people said I looked like Superman (Christopher Reeve). We're not related.
  10. I have mentioned this before. In one of my videos I wanted her to do an exercise where she writes 10 songs, no cursing, no reference to famous people songs etc. and no basic love song stuff. Let her creativity take her to different places. No more, "we couldn't get higher, our love was on fire, my baby's flat tire, sext on the wire, my lover's a crier, Mom called me a liar" and on and on. Love you Lana.
  11. If Kim Jong Un launched a nuclear missile they'd blame it on Lana. We'd all be listening to her as we waited for the blast.
  12. WASP is an American thing. White Anglo Saxon Protestant. Associated with being wealthy, east coast, entitled. Google WASP mom and you'll get more.
  13. I know it's hard to keep up sometimes. I need to do an after post disclaimer: What goes on in Lana's personal life or with her family is really none of my business and I certainly wish no harm to her mother.
  14. So let's see where we're at. Lana Del Rey's mother Patty is dead. RIP Lana Del Rey has a child via surrogate. Lana Del Rey has a younger half sister. Half sister by father or mother, truth is not known at this time. Recently discovered files reveal Lana Del Rey is actually a holographic projection created by the Russians to have the masses blindly hang on her every word while creating controversy and social unrest at the same time. Truth! It's all so clear to me now.
  15. Who's related to who? https://i.redd.it/z1hlfeb2lls11.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B0amXQlCAAItv5I.jpg
  16. Well cheating on your mother with your father is a mommy issue, to her. To the world it's still a daddy issue. Lana's relationships are complex to say the least.
  17. "Younger sister" looks like Elizabeth Holmes of Theranos fame. Or infamy. Just an observation, I'm sure she's a wonderful person. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Holmes#/media/File:Elizabeth_Holmes_2014_cropped.jpg
  18. Lana with freckles and kittens. World melts.
  19. The album cover and the lyrics are not as important to me as Lana's voice!! She has some great lyrics and some clunky ones. Rhymes that you need to hold your breath and close your eyes to hear. But beyond all that is her God given voice. Obviously she is singing so her voice is showcased but I wish maybe they had a person brought in, a vocal coach or second producer just to focus on having Lana's voice shine through on every song. Not just tweak it in the studio but focus on it like it's an instrument. What do I know. I just found this and am moved. take a listen. Maybe not the correct thread but enjoy anyway.
  20. Can you imagine what Interscope has to go through with her? Lana: My new album will be called, "Ejaculation Over the Country Club". Interscope: Lana please we let you have NFR, can you tone it down a bit? Lana: How about Emily Sucking Dickinson? Interscope: :facepalm:
  21. She also told us exactly how many steps from the beach to her "facility" or something like that so maybe we can trust her numbers this time. Oh God if Lana ran everything on her own. The album would leak and she'd say, "oh I must have released it, that's odd."
  22. Happy Birthday Lana! Wow 35 and you can finally run for President!! (Lana that was just a joke, please don't tweet that running for President is on the table)
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