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Baby V Alex

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  1. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Britney Spears   
    That's a common mistake in the fanbase, because of the lyrics BUT no, the song was on the Demo CD of Blackout that Britney was listening in her car.
    Also Original Doll tracks aren't that powerfull, only Mona Lisa is the only one I can think of.
  2. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Britney Spears   
    It means that you have a heart, she is very sweet, one of the most down to earth celebrities I know, and after all the bullshit she gets everyday you feel bad for her.
  3. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Britney Spears   
    that beautiful moment when you realize that we don't need "Does Lana likes Britney" threads

  4. vrsyva liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    If lana is here, she hate us all 4 sure so hey lana :3
  5. vrsyva liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Lizzy Grant/May jailer Old Myspace. (New Information)   
    OMG I missed a lot on this thread D: can somebody re-post this I can't see them
  6. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Britney Spears   
    Gimme More >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  7. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Britney Spears   
    Heaven on Earth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  8. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Britney Spears   
    ^^ My reaction to this delusional post

  9. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Britney Spears   
    Old Britney? New Britney? Is she a robot?

    *With all due respect
  10. The Siren liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Kesha   
  11. Olympia liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Cher   
    Autotune is not bad if you know how to use it ex.
    Good use: Believe
    Bad Use: Heidi Montag
  12. Actor liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Lana Del Rey Resources, Tutorials & More!   
    Design Packs
    Born to Die (Thanks to Hot Design Packs)
    Fonts: Steelfish &  League Gothic  Textures from the booklet (blood) Album Photoshoot (Nicole Nodland) Logos (Lana Del Rey EP Logo & Autograph) Fonts
    Rainbow (BTD Font) [PNG files of every letter]
    Rainbow (BTD Font) [Thanks to BadKid/FMI go to the second page on this thread]
    Impact (Lana Del Ray Album Font) [You Can Find it on Your PC]
    Haettenschweiler (Kill Kill EP Font) [You Can Find it on Your PC]
    Nueva Std Light (AKA Alternative Red Cover Font/ "A.K.A Lizzy Grant")
    Nueva Std Bold (AKA Alternative Red Cover Font/ "Lana Del Rey")
    Radio FM (Paradise Font) 
    Garage Gothic (BTD The Remixes EP Font)
    Adobe Caslon Pro Italic (BTD Album Credits/Numbers)]
    Brown Regular (Ultraviolence credits)
    Trixie Plain (UV booklet)
    Record Labels Logos
  13. hayden del rey liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    Now I have a question...
    do we have a full footage of her show at the living room?
  14. Elina liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in [Contest] Win either 'Ride' or 'National Anthem' 7" Vinyls!   
    this is from Dec 2012 
  15. fishtails liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Lana Del Rey Resources, Tutorials & More!   
    Design Packs
    Born to Die (Thanks to Hot Design Packs)
    Fonts: Steelfish &  League Gothic  Textures from the booklet (blood) Album Photoshoot (Nicole Nodland) Logos (Lana Del Rey EP Logo & Autograph) Fonts
    Rainbow (BTD Font) [PNG files of every letter]
    Rainbow (BTD Font) [Thanks to BadKid/FMI go to the second page on this thread]
    Impact (Lana Del Ray Album Font) [You Can Find it on Your PC]
    Haettenschweiler (Kill Kill EP Font) [You Can Find it on Your PC]
    Nueva Std Light (AKA Alternative Red Cover Font/ "A.K.A Lizzy Grant")
    Nueva Std Bold (AKA Alternative Red Cover Font/ "Lana Del Rey")
    Radio FM (Paradise Font) 
    Garage Gothic (BTD The Remixes EP Font)
    Adobe Caslon Pro Italic (BTD Album Credits/Numbers)]
    Brown Regular (Ultraviolence credits)
    Trixie Plain (UV booklet)
    Record Labels Logos
  16. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Paris Hilton   
    Her right eye on the cover, lol, it's on vacation
  17. bluechemtrails liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Dayglo Reflection [Bobby Womack feat. Lana Del Rey]   
    [bobby Womack]
    The earth is but a dayglo reflection
    like turn that with rain you only light
    I'm falling to myself but I'm not going
    waiting for the day to bring me light
    [Lana Del Rey]
    Is everything, is that everything, is everything
    the only thing I ever dreamed is you and me
    'cause I've layed down I take you down
    and I love it every step of your way
    [Lana Del Rey]
    Watching from a distant constellation
    eyes I can see the world unchanging hills
    there's still unfalling [????]
    time with you is that love is the only truth
    [Lana Del Rey]
    Is everything, is that everything, is everything
    the only thing I ever dreamed is you and me
    'cause I've layed down I take you down
    and I love it every step of your way
  18. LilyBrik liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in LANA SLEUTHING   
    Maybe she used to have a crush on him because in spanish when you change you single name to a married name is: "Del couple's last name" = Lana DEL REY
  19. RomanCrystal liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Brooke Candy   
    So in omgitsandrew status we were discussing her song list, and how difficult it's to track them, so I'm going to post what I could get :3
    Das Me
    Everybody Does
    Dumb (Red Bull Catwalk Studio) 
    Pussy Make the Rules Ft. Lakewet *
    Don't Touch My Hair Hoe
    I Wanna Fuck Right Now
    Acapulco Blue (Final Mix)*
    Brooke Candy* (listen here)
    Henny Pop (Double)*
    Angry Birds*
    *Not available on her soundcloud
    DL errthing here: https://soundcloud.com/brooke-candy

    Freaky Prince$$ - Brooke Candy (Fan Made Mixtape) Download Here
    1. Das Me / 2. Trill / 3. Henny Pop (Double) 2.0 / 4. Stack / 5. Everybody Does / 6. Don’t Touch My Hair Hoe / 7. Acapulco Blue / 8. Dumb / 9. Angry Birds / 10. Pussy Make The Rules / 11. I Wanna Fuck Right Now
    I'm going to update the list
  20. eyelovelefteye liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Dayglo Reflection [Bobby Womack feat. Lana Del Rey]   
    On the live version Damon Albarn says
    Watching from a distant constellation
    Eyes that can see the world in changing hues
    Visions still unfolding, sweet [imagi???]
    Time reveals that love's the only truth
  21. coldsparklingmountaindew liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Charli XCX   
    I like her mixtape but i didn't download it because is just one miz and I can't find it in different files
  22. LilyBrik liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Is "Beyoncé" just a big rip-off of Lana Del Rey?   
    The funniest part of these is people not getting it OMG 
  23. Fireffie liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Strangest Rumor You've Heard About A Celebrity   
    that's a rumor she started, tho
    That Lana, Lindsay and Gaga had a party together :what:
  24. SalvaWHORE liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Pokémon   
    2013 Gen 6




    Our queen loves Pokémon too



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