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About HowYouGetThatWay

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  1. What does this mean for Honeymoon?? Will we not get that on anniversary day either?
  2. Any Canadians noticed the price was 65.99 CAD then dropped down to 47.99 CAD on the cdn storefront..... And guess who purchased at that first price....
  3. was anyone successful getting a refund for the lighter from the UK store?? mine came with an unfinished engraving, like a chunk of the R is missing....im so fckng upset
  4. i think im too old to look to celebrities as role models, but i really do admire how fucking good she is at what she does (and her ability to trigger nostalgia for things ive never even experienced ahah)
  5. I agree with everything you've said here!! The obi looks cute but it could be better. Also for some reason the assai variant is already being resold for like 200+ on discogs.... One of the comments on the listing was like ' at this point just print off ur own and put it on ur album' 😭
  6. anybody here recieved their white vinyl from her online canadian store?? they said my package shipped but its been a week and it hasnt moved from "Parcel Data Received, Shipment In Route to US Export Warehouse". I know thats not long but my friend lives near me an she got hers already so im scared.....
  7. oh wow!! thank you for this <3<3!! the other pics looked sooo neon but its def more on the minty side....redemption!!
  8. does anyone have more pics of the green indie vinyl yet? I'm not happy with the pics ive seen so far; I have pick-up scheduled for tmrw and really debating cancelling my order and going for the target variant instead!!
  9. Anyone know if there's gonna be listening parties in Canada?? 🥲🥲🥹🥹
  10. ahh okay thanks! im sure they're about to receive a tonne of cancellation emails with the UK discount code going around LMAO
  11. does anyone know how to cancel an order from the US store? is emailing the only way? (my friend placed an order on the UK store for me with the discount so i'm getting it from there instead)
  12. AH thanks for finding that! okay good to know, I just managed to find a listing today for a 39 euro repress... 10 euro difference isnt too bad! thank u sm for your help <3
  13. Does anyone remember the original cost of the NFR! vinyl in 2019? (standard black version, any currency is fine) I only Just got into vinyl last year and i'm playing catch-up. for some reason NFR! is the most scarce record where I'm located , incredibly difficult to find in person and buying it online is giving me bonkers pricing. Just want to know what it was originally worth...is this the work of scalpers or just high demand/low supply?!?!
  14. Hey guys! I think ive asked for this one before but could someone figure out guitar chords for I Don't Wanna Go??? Please!
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