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  1. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by 99centlips in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    I really don’t think CW is about Rob. Most of UV has been clearly interpreted as Barrie-related but maybe she could’ve weaved past relationships into the songs as well
  2. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by 99centlips in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    That’s exactly what I was gonna say!
    So fulfilling to have two songs figured out at least.
  3. blackenedrussianpoetry liked a post in a topic by 99centlips in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    I’m sure now Heroin is undoubtably about Rob.
  4. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by 99centlips in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    I thought the same thing the other night. It seems like he is the missing link. 
    Although I’m not sure if the timeline works. Per the article on Recovery Road he was in rehab possibly in June of 2004, but we don’t know Lizzys movements around this time at all, this was during her gap year. I really want evidence to connect Lizzy to RR as maybe that could tell us more.
    If she met Rob first I don’t think she wouldn’t referred to him as Mikey’s best friend. Or maybe she did to refer to a band people know about, who knows.
    Additionally, his moving around a lot seems to be a few years before his death (2009-2011 roughly). I don’t think they were much in contact during this time. He would’ve came up somewhere and she was deep in working on her record at this time, in London etc.
    Before 2009 I believe he was on tour with the STG.
    There’s also absolutely zero pictures of the two of them anywhere. I think someone else said it could've been a very short fling or friendship but as she said, affected her a lot.
    We don’t know a lot but I’m gonna keep looking.
    Crazy thing is that his full name was in her Twitter this whole time!
  5. creditcardromancer liked a post in a topic by 99centlips in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    I've always thought she acted weird in the video interview cause she was high as fuck.
  6. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by 99centlips in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    guessing it means she has more than one friend/lover who passed away...lanalysis is alive and breathing forever
  7. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by 99centlips in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    I found who Rob is...okay to post?
  8. Whoopiedoo liked a post in a topic by 99centlips in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    Okay so now we know this is about Rob, whom she met when she was 19 (2005ish), living in Jersey, had a big impact on her and passed away. 
    Rob was a friend of Mikey Martin's who she was rumored to date as well. Did she date both of them? 
    "i am sleeping with your best friends" teas (Get Drunk recorded in 2007).
    Also Mikey's from SoCal, so if Rob is too..."it only takes 2 hours to Nevada"
    We have so much more information now 
    Anybody have any other info?
  9. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by 99centlips in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I love this album too besides TNC and BPBP
  10. 99centlips liked a post in a topic by Lust in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    GBA and Groupie Love's production is absolutely flawless for me, I wouldn't change a thing about their production.  
    Also am I the only one who actually loves this album? I mean it's not flawless, some songs are lacking on the production side but this album has so many gems that will go down as classics in Lana's discography, like Love, Heroin, Get Free, Cherry, and Groupie Love
  11. 99centlips liked a post in a topic by HollywoodHills in Favourite Lana Lyrics   
    I always really liked "Try hard to remember the beach, blue water from the sea, hands all over me". It's nothing amazing, I just like it.
  12. IanadeIrey liked a post in a topic by 99centlips in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Ugh yes I’ve realized too with Heroin being the first song she wrote I would’ve loved the album to be more in that direction
  13. 99centlips liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I wanna drag LFL again but I know it's gonna cause a repeat of the debates that happened in the previous pages so let me not. I'm just going to say that I'll be laughing when I watch LFL constantly getting scalped by every new album release and have it go down as her worst record in history.
    The version of LFL that was supposed to come out on May 26th with the hit singles Architecture and Yosemite remains a skinny legend
  14. 99centlips liked a post in a topic by hornymoon in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Folk is ugly and fat not even LANA could make folk skinny... give it up sis

  15. White Hot Forever liked a post in a topic by 99centlips in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Fuck we’re losing our minds over the next release and it hasn’t even been a year since LFL
  16. DominicMars liked a post in a topic by 99centlips in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    TNC is so boring and one of her worst songs released and unreleased
  17. White Hot Forever liked a post in a topic by 99centlips in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    We all know Daddy Rick just gives her what she wants and that’s why she sticks with him
  18. 99centlips liked a post in a topic by TRENCH in Lust For Life - Merch & Media Thread   
    this is honestly sad to hear.. have never seen a scamming artist store like this :/
    Macklemore has a competent team, ive bought a lot of stuff from him...fast shipping, always have stuff on stock and they reply fats for anything.....a WHITE RAPPER WITH NO LABEL HAS A BETTER ONLINE STORE LMAOOOO
    tbh imma buy Lana stuff on RedBubble, artists over there have a better sense of art direction 
  19. 99centlips liked a post in a topic by SouthInGuy in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I could go for a lush acoustic Lana. Laid back but with hints of orchestration in the back. Straight up folk? Folk no. 
  20. 99centlips liked a post in a topic by Cloudbusting in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Agreed with @Amadeus. Only TNC is folky. The rest of her acoustic stuff is that; acoustic, not folk.
  21. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by 99centlips in Lust For Life - Merch & Media Thread   
    Yeah I ordered my vinyls the day they came out too. It’s super annoying that they’re available at UO but they are saying they’re sold out LOL
    I email them occasionally and get the same response, but whatever.
    Look you have every right to be angry AF but it’s just not that serious to me. I’m sure if they had the products, they would send them out and be happy to be over this mess.
    Somebody probably fucked up how many they were getting and somebody else probably didn’t take down the products after they were sold out.
    As for the signed stuff, you can thank miss del rey herself for that she probably doesn’t wanna sign anymore and we won’t be getting them.
    Additionally, I think it was a little extra to send the stuff back after you got it, I get you were angry but I mean all we want is our stuff we ordered and when you finally get them, you send them back? And expect to be reimbursed? I would’ve just kept them and sold them if you really didn’t want them anymore.
    In all, I don’t think being super angry is going to fix anything.
    Yes they fucked up and yes it’s annoying and frustrating but in the end, it’s just merch and it’s just a company who is probably not at fault.
  22. LOVE liked a post in a topic by 99centlips in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Fuck we’re losing our minds over the next release and it hasn’t even been a year since LFL
  23. DEMONDELREY liked a post in a topic by 99centlips in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    You can hear Jonathan Wilson’s album here
    Including the track Lana is on Living with Myself, just background vocals unfortunately
  24. Flowerbomb liked a post in a topic by 99centlips in Lana Featured on Jonathan Wilson's New Album   
    Agreed, makes me think he’s just using her for promo..
  25. 99centlips liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Lana Featured on Jonathan Wilson's New Album   
    I love this song a lot (not too mad about the chorus, it seems harsher compared to the rest of the song) but it's very relaxing. Lana's involvement is pretty dissapointing. She got more lines in the BORNS song.
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