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  1. Anthem liked a post in a topic by Viva in Does Lana regret becoming famous?   
    I think Lana always craved (a lot) fame. Thing is that's not ALL she craves, in Lana's case is a little more complex then someone like Kim K or Paris Hilton because she also craves being deserving of such fame.
    The fame Lana craves is not empty or fame for fame, she wants and craves fame with credibility and approval. The approval and credibility comes in the form of recognition of her work and her as a person and artist. The fame she craves needs approval from the public, the industry, critics, needs credibility and substance because that's how she sees her art and that's how she wants to be seen: credible and most of all relevant.  
    She wants to be famous because of her music, others to consider her music/art  as beautiful as she does. That's another one of her addictions, that in my opinion, highly influence her work: Beauty.  She's addicted to beauty as well. If what she considers beauty is for your or my taste, that's another story. But her addiction to beauty is undeniable: her description of landscapes as beautiful, her description of man, her own description, the way she describes America beauty as a culture/country in the past and the contrast with the present. Her words of beauty also need to combine with beautiful visuals, hence why her videos are carefully crafted, even the ones we consider shit like the Iphone video or the Poltergeist video.
    A credible, relevant artist with beautiful videos and beautiful voice and lyrics, that' how she wants to be perceived. Fame for fame is not what she craves, would be a lot easier for her to be satisfied is was just that, since isn't I guess we will see her get annoyed for the rest of her album releases. And no, she wont stop doing music, because like any other addict they don't stop until their crave gets satisfied, so until she finds the credibility she searches for she wont stop
    I think she doesn't regret fame, she does have a butt hurt feeling and attitude towards the industry, mostly and specially the US and their critics.
  2. Viva liked a post in a topic by phahad in Oscar de la Renta dies at 82   
    Died of cancer apparently, was my favorite fashion designer. rest in peace  
  3. Viva liked a post in a topic by trayertrash in Kesha Taking Dr. Luke to Court   
    It's disgusting that people think she's lying because she still worked with him. Does that mean that women in abusive relationships weren't really abused because they were still in a relationship with that person? Does it mean that children who are molested by their parents are lying about it because hey, they didn't tell anyone about it when it happened. As someone who has experienced sexual, emotional and physical abuse I find it disgusting that y'all think she's lying about any of this. It seems that anytime a woman speaks up about past abuse she's labeled a liar or a gold digger or has some sort of alternative motive. Maybe Kesha finally hit a breaking point in her life where should couldn't hold it back anymore. Maybe she has slowly tried to come forward about it over the years but didn't have the strength until now. She's openly tried to get out of contract with him for years, have you ever wondered why? I can't help but to feel anything but heartbreak for Kesha. I know what it's like to have people tell you you're lying about your abuse and your rape. I was raped and abused by an ex boyfriend. The rape was seen as a lie because we were dating and apparently screaming "no" "get off of me" "stop it" "please I'm begging you to stop" "I don't want to do it" "get off now" is consent if you're already in a relationship and the abuse was seen as a lie because I was afraid to talk about it while we were still together, it took me months to even speak about it. I lost friends over it because "if it had happened I would've called the cops". It's fucking hard to call the cops when you fear for your life. When someone who "loves you" is able to do these really awful things to you, you fear what they'll do if they hate you. Same with Kesha, when someone is supposed to build you this amazing career and be supportive of you and your work but realistically controls every aspect of your life it's hard to get away from them. Kesha could have been in fear of what Luke could do to her if she did tell. I'm proud of her for coming forward about this. I think abuse in the entertainment industry is something society completely ignores. Look at how many women in the business stepped forward decades after their abuse, is it really that hard to think it could happen to Kesha? I honestly think a lot of people disbelieve Kesha because of what the media portrays her as (overly sexual, alcoholic, drug addict, party girl) but really, all of those actions are common for victims of abuse. I think everyone needs to shut the fuck up with their conspiracies or whatever negative shit they have to say about her. The way people just casually call her a liar is exactly why so many victims of abuse are afraid to speak up about it. The worse thing you can do to a victim of abuse is to call them a liar and act like anything that did happen was their fault. 
  4. Viva liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    I was responding to the many people i have seen on this forum who think that lana's sole motivation is to materialize her inner world and pointing out a different facet. yes, she has the very human desire of being respected and admired and there are many dynamic motivations and desires at play. and yeah, these are all very human things, although ultimately, i prefer bear things

  5. butterflies liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Del Rey @ Vogue Dubai Fashion Experience 30th of October!!!   
    I expect something like this tbh


  6. Viva liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Kesha Taking Dr. Luke to Court   
    "The rep adds, "Her statements are false. It is important to note that these are just the latest in a series of bizarre public statements and actions by Kesha and her mother over the years, including Kesha's claim her vagina is 'haunted,' her drinking her own urine on her reality show, and her mother dressing up as a penis on the television show."
    That's weird, because I don't remember Luke being at ALL concerned with Ke$ha's statements before - he was pretty much quiet about them all...but now that she's exposing the truth about him, he suddenly feels that they're 'bizarre'? 
    It is a weak attempt to try and discredit Ke$ha. He is a disgusting scumbag and I hope he suffers greatly because of this. 
  7. Viva liked a post in a topic in Kesha Taking Dr. Luke to Court   
    I wonder who's going to produce Katy's album if the guy responsible for her career is going to jail.
    I really admire Ke$ha for doing this. I've always thought that se had lots of talent (singing as well as songwriting) but was always forced by her contract to be what they wanted her to be. The Harold Song (her best song hands down) truly showcases what she's capable of. There's so much vulnerability and truth in the lyrics. The deconstructed version shows that she doesn't need Dr. Luke's cheap ass production to make great music and write good songs.

    Dirty Love is also really good, it's actually better than most of her songs and wasn't produced Dr. Luke.
  8. Viva liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Kesha Taking Dr. Luke to Court   
    It's always a dilemma ...
    Either way she is telling the truth, then it's really a terrible thing to happen and I am sorry for her. Rape is such a horrible thing and it would be understandable that it took her some time to get over it and talk about it.
    The other option is that she is lying for some reason, which would make her a major b*tch. Things like this also have happened, because rape something that terrible and people are very sensitive about this topic (with reason). However, there are women abusing it, tainting the credibility of REAL rape victims and of course ruining the life of an innocent man.
    I wonder how this will turn out.
  9. Limelight liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Del Rey @ Vogue Dubai Fashion Experience 30th of October!!!   
    I expect something like this tbh


  10. lazybooklet liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana nominated for an EMA: Best Alternative   
    Lordmore in the same category as Paramore,, Fall Out Boy and 30 Seconds to Mars 
    watch 5 Seconds of Boredom winning over Charli the Great and Sam Not-made-for-hook-ups Smith
  11. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana's Grammy Submissions 2014   
    I can't if that wins over Tropico. 
  12. TIARNZUS liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Del Rey @ Vogue Dubai Fashion Experience 30th of October!!!   
    I expect something like this tbh


  13. ilovetati liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Del Rey @ Vogue Dubai Fashion Experience 30th of October!!!   
    I expect something like this tbh


  14. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Viva in Kesha Taking Dr. Luke to Court   
    This is going to get nasty isn't? His rep didn't make him look good. When you need to use stupid things a pop star does to defend your client and not straight up deny the accusations , something is wrong.
    "Kesha spilled her guts to her shrinks in rehab about sexual and physical abuse at the hands of Dr. Luke ... so she claims.
    Sources connected to Kesha's lawsuit against Luke tell TMZ ... when the singer went to rehab in January for an eating disorder, she "spontaneously" began telling doctors stories about Dr. Luke ... that he drugged her, sexually abused her and physically assaulted her. The sources say the doctors kept notes that will become evidence in her lawsuit.
    The sources say Kesha's doctors advised her she needed to stay as far away from Dr. Luke as possible and one suggested she might die if she didn't heed their warning.
    As for why Kesha never went to the cops, the sources claim Kesha had a Stockholm-type syndrome ... she had been with him for more than 8 years at the time, and she didn't have "free will." 
    As for Dr. Luke, his rep tells TMZ, "That's preposterous. Just because someone says something to a doctor doesn't mean they weren't fabricated or part of an overall pre-planned campaign."
    The rep adds, "Her statements are false. It is important to note that these are just the latest in a series of bizarre public statements and actions by Kesha and her mother over the years, including Kesha's claim her vagina is 'haunted,' her drinking her own urine on her reality show, and her mother dressing up as a penis on the television show."
    Source http://www.tmz.com/2014/10/16/kesha-and-dr-luke-rehab-abuse/#ixzz3GPfVHBJX
  15. Viva liked a post in a topic by Mafiosa in Lana's Grammy Submissions 2014   
    It seems as if they're trying to stop her from winning?
    She'll be up against pop heavyweights that have a much larger fan base and a lot more exposure/fame than her. It's an unfair situation. UV is definitely not a pop album.
    Pray for the good sis
  16. lazybooklet liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana's Grammy Submissions 2014   
    I can't if that wins over Tropico. 
  17. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Viva in Kesha Taking Dr. Luke to Court   
    I think if Kesha remains alone on this sue he wont go to jail, because to prove rape after 10 years is basically impossible. I do believe she wont be alone tho, I think we will see more girls coming forward, let's hope Gaga is just a support act in this horror story and not another victim.
    I do believe his punishment will come from the International community, more then US's industry. I think the world is different at this moment. Every country/culture has their on rules in what is tolerable and what's not and a hit is only a hit when is international. Look at Chris Brown, you may think he got away with it but he was denied visa to the UK, Singapore,  Japan and Brazil among other countries. He was kicked to the curve by Rock in Rio and isn't singing at any major festival outside America. Yes he was sitting at the Grammy's, 1 year after almost beating Rihanna to death, but his ass was ignored at the Brits Awards.
    I doubt any major artist will touch him any time soon,  America may tolerate this but their international career would suffer a major damage. Bitches like that get treated like Ebola in South America and in this day and age the likes of Gaga, Katy, Rihanna can't afford a loss like SA or Japan/Singapore. 
    Why you think Gaga didn't release the DWYW video with R Kelly?? Can you imagine the size of the damage to her image when people outside US find out a woman as famous as her was working with a well known rapist? Worst, a rapist of underage girls?? I mean I know America Industry seems to don't care much, but here for example, I saw legends from artists to footballers lose their careers for a lot less.
    Dado Dolabella was a very famous, hot young actor, quite a good one. He had a fight with his girlfriend in a club, also a famous actress, and things got nasty. He beat her, punched a cleaning lady. In the end the law gave him basically what Chris Brown got but the industry and society as a whole were a lot more severe. He lost his contract with Globo International, lost his leading role in 2 major movies, and was black listed in several of the most high end night clubs.
    Rape/ Pedo/ Domestic violence in Asia and SA is the Ebola. 
  18. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by Viva in Kesha Taking Dr. Luke to Court   
    I think if Kesha remains alone on this sue he wont go to jail, because to prove rape after 10 years is basically impossible. I do believe she wont be alone tho, I think we will see more girls coming forward, let's hope Gaga is just a support act in this horror story and not another victim.
    I do believe his punishment will come from the International community, more then US's industry. I think the world is different at this moment. Every country/culture has their on rules in what is tolerable and what's not and a hit is only a hit when is international. Look at Chris Brown, you may think he got away with it but he was denied visa to the UK, Singapore,  Japan and Brazil among other countries. He was kicked to the curve by Rock in Rio and isn't singing at any major festival outside America. Yes he was sitting at the Grammy's, 1 year after almost beating Rihanna to death, but his ass was ignored at the Brits Awards.
    I doubt any major artist will touch him any time soon,  America may tolerate this but their international career would suffer a major damage. Bitches like that get treated like Ebola in South America and in this day and age the likes of Gaga, Katy, Rihanna can't afford a loss like SA or Japan/Singapore. 
    Why you think Gaga didn't release the DWYW video with R Kelly?? Can you imagine the size of the damage to her image when people outside US find out a woman as famous as her was working with a well known rapist? Worst, a rapist of underage girls?? I mean I know America Industry seems to don't care much, but here for example, I saw legends from artists to footballers lose their careers for a lot less.
    Dado Dolabella was a very famous, hot young actor, quite a good one. He had a fight with his girlfriend in a club, also a famous actress, and things got nasty. He beat her, punched a cleaning lady. In the end the law gave him basically what Chris Brown got but the industry and society as a whole were a lot more severe. He lost his contract with Globo International, lost his leading role in 2 major movies, and was black listed in several of the most high end night clubs.
    Rape/ Pedo/ Domestic violence in Asia and SA is the Ebola. 
  19. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Viva in Kesha Taking Dr. Luke to Court   
    I think if Kesha remains alone on this sue he wont go to jail, because to prove rape after 10 years is basically impossible. I do believe she wont be alone tho, I think we will see more girls coming forward, let's hope Gaga is just a support act in this horror story and not another victim.
    I do believe his punishment will come from the International community, more then US's industry. I think the world is different at this moment. Every country/culture has their on rules in what is tolerable and what's not and a hit is only a hit when is international. Look at Chris Brown, you may think he got away with it but he was denied visa to the UK, Singapore,  Japan and Brazil among other countries. He was kicked to the curve by Rock in Rio and isn't singing at any major festival outside America. Yes he was sitting at the Grammy's, 1 year after almost beating Rihanna to death, but his ass was ignored at the Brits Awards.
    I doubt any major artist will touch him any time soon,  America may tolerate this but their international career would suffer a major damage. Bitches like that get treated like Ebola in South America and in this day and age the likes of Gaga, Katy, Rihanna can't afford a loss like SA or Japan/Singapore. 
    Why you think Gaga didn't release the DWYW video with R Kelly?? Can you imagine the size of the damage to her image when people outside US find out a woman as famous as her was working with a well known rapist? Worst, a rapist of underage girls?? I mean I know America Industry seems to don't care much, but here for example, I saw legends from artists to footballers lose their careers for a lot less.
    Dado Dolabella was a very famous, hot young actor, quite a good one. He had a fight with his girlfriend in a club, also a famous actress, and things got nasty. He beat her, punched a cleaning lady. In the end the law gave him basically what Chris Brown got but the industry and society as a whole were a lot more severe. He lost his contract with Globo International, lost his leading role in 2 major movies, and was black listed in several of the most high end night clubs.
    Rape/ Pedo/ Domestic violence in Asia and SA is the Ebola. 
  20. Viva liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Kesha Taking Dr. Luke to Court   
    I've been reading a lot about this and yes, it's terrible. Dr Luke is not just a shit hit-maker/record producer, he's a horrible person. He's an authoritarian and he wants to control everything - Britney Spears' Femme Fatale, Miley Cyrus' most famous singles, Katy Perry's career, etc. I do believe in Kesha, she's not a drama queen and she never really wanted lots of attention. It's so sad because she is so talented. She can sing, write, produce and she has such a nice personality. 
    I don't think Lukasz will go to jail. Look at R. Kelly, some rumors say that he raped teenagers and he's still there... releasing albums, videos, performing. But I do hope he loses his job... it would be immoral if someone wants to work with him after all this freaking mess. Good luck, K$!
    P.S.: Wow at Gaga supporting her 
  21. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Viva in Kesha Taking Dr. Luke to Court   
    As most of you know by now Kesha filled a Civil Lawsuit against Dr. Luke accusing him of assault, battery and rape. It's bizarre her description of what he did. I do believe in "Innocent Until proven Guilty" and I do believe in not putting Dr.Luke in a cross or hanging him at the moment. But I also think that Kesha  is telling the truth. Probably took her years to be able to talk about or even acknowledge the terrible and abominable things that happened to her. Since she was in rehab I imagine she got there the support and courage she needed to be able to finally tell her story.
    "The most incendiary allegations revolve around sexual abuse — specifically, how Dr. Luke allegedly forced her to snort illegal drugs and gave her "sober pills," which Kesha says were really a form of gamma-hydroxybutyrate, more commonly known as the date rape drug.
    On one occasion, the lawsuit reports, "Ms. Sebert took the pills and woke up the following afternoon, naked in Dr. Luke's bed, sore and sick, with no memory of how she got there. Ms. Sebert immediately called her mother and made a 'fresh complaint,' telling her that she was naked in Dr. Luke's hotel room, she did not know where the clothes were, that Dr. Luke had raped her, and that she needed to go to the emergency room."
    Here is the entire lawsuit with the court documents
    Dr Luke says is a lie and all she wants is getting out of her contract.
    Now Pebe, Kesha's mom, made public a email she send to Dr Luke where she mentions Lady Gaga as someone who will support Kesha's statement. In another words or Gaga saw - heard something or she was also a victim. This is beyond nasty tbh. 
    "We, me and Kesha and her friends, like Lady Gaga, are going to make all of this Really PUBLIC, in the next few days. Luke date raped Kesha when she was 18. Nicky Hilton's birthday? Paris Hilton's house? Luke gave Kesha pills. She ended up naked in his hotel room 2 days later. No longer a virgin?"
    What a mess. Imagine the testimonies to this case? Everyone in pop 2007 plus...Rihanna, Miley, Katy Perry....I believe a man that gets away with such abominable actions for over 10 years wouldn't stop at just one victim, if all is true, this is one sick monster. I hope Gaga is just a testimony because imagine if he did that to her as well, or other girls? What a disgusting mess and for sure is not going to end well.
  22. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by Viva in So Legit   
    Do ypou know what Gaga is really good at? Promoting herself. So in my opinion Gaga laughs at that song while eating popcorn high as shit while writing more crapy songs for the world to hear. Gaga has a sense of humor and also enjoys free press specially with a harmless song that is not a big deal or even offensive to her anyway. Lana can be a little pisss with this leak but Gaga probably doesn't give a shit and thinks "what the fuck I put myself into? those fans are fucking sick. Better hire more security. They are nuts" 
  23. intensely liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Interviews Sister Chuck Grant for Nylon Magazine   
    That's one boring interview and those were 3 minutes of my life I wasted reading it 
  24. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by Viva in ISIL And Contemporary Terrorists   
    My 2 cents....
    1. The fact that Catholics did worst centuries ago can't be in any way or form a reason to justify the existence of ISIS, Al Qaeda and all the other radical form of Islam as a regime and a Government. People who use the fact Christians did worse makes me wanna pull my eyebrows out tbh, it's like saying the Israelis have the right to massacre Palestinians GP because Germany did worst to them and a couple radical nut jobs Islam fanatics are threatening their national sovereignty. One can't justify the other, if we do that we are doomed. I wonder what people would think if Israel started bombing Germany out of the bloom....
    2. Did you ever ask yourself why the Middle East is a concern while so many Islam-Fascist regimes are installed in Africa??
    3. Radical Islam is NOT a religion first, that's the issue. Is most of all a regime, the law which the State will operate and rule society with. Comparing it with Christiniaty is naive and not reading between the lines. Radical Islam is closer to Fascism and Nazis than to Christianity in this time and age. There ins't shades of grey in Radical Islam as a State, you are in or you are dead, that's the 2 options. There isn't a choice. That's a regime, that's fascism.
    4. Radical Islam is a lot worse then Christianity (Catholic) was in their prime because is more efficient. For several reasons:
    A) Is easier. To be a Catholic you have to go through a series of rituals: be baptized,do a  first communion, christened.... To be a Muslim you just have to become a Muslim. 
    B) Internet changed everything making Radical Islam a cancer that spreads easily. Look at those crazy lunatics having their videos of beheading human beings showed at newspapers, magazines (even respectable ones), forums.... the attention they get is in a sick way a stardom. That dude with Brit accent that is cutting people's throat in that village he lives, in that world, is a star. 
    5. Radical Islam is a disease that needs to be stopped. IMO the approach in how to stop is obviously wrong, mostly because US or most European countries invested in the called collision or war against terrorism have no interest to stop it. The answer to stop it is, and always was, in Middle East itself, the children, woman and man that live there, not in imposing western views instead of asking them: what you need? What you want? Look at how those woman live and are treated, you can't honestly believe that if they had a choice they wouldn't chose different. I'm not talking religion here, I'm talking way of living and human rights, which any form of radical regime denies it to the population and Islam is no different.
    But the different choice and path they would take may not be the one the Western world is imposing or offering. There for all those people have no where to go, no side to pick. In one side you have UK and US trying to get their natural resources and destroying their country and on the other they have crazy radicals that transformed their peaceful religion into a system made to hate everyone and destroy all non believers. It's obvious that destroying the country is just a way to propagate hate and create new terrorists, like was said when you see your family die, friends, everything is taken away, what's left? You become a easy target for Islam Fascism.
    My grandfather is a great and awarded journalist and he said to me a couple times that the real "woman revolution" didn't happen yet, that feminism as it most pure, genuine form will be a Middle East female revolution. He always say " I probably wont be alive to see it, but you will and don't miss it because it's going to a show, an amazing show. " I hope his right and I hope happens sooner than later, because look at those people, they don't even have a side to chose, one is Western trying to win over their misery and the other is Radical Islam-Fascism also trying to win over their misery.
  25. Lirazel liked a post in a topic by Viva in ISIL And Contemporary Terrorists   
    My 2 cents....
    1. The fact that Catholics did worst centuries ago can't be in any way or form a reason to justify the existence of ISIS, Al Qaeda and all the other radical form of Islam as a regime and a Government. People who use the fact Christians did worse makes me wanna pull my eyebrows out tbh, it's like saying the Israelis have the right to massacre Palestinians GP because Germany did worst to them and a couple radical nut jobs Islam fanatics are threatening their national sovereignty. One can't justify the other, if we do that we are doomed. I wonder what people would think if Israel started bombing Germany out of the bloom....
    2. Did you ever ask yourself why the Middle East is a concern while so many Islam-Fascist regimes are installed in Africa??
    3. Radical Islam is NOT a religion first, that's the issue. Is most of all a regime, the law which the State will operate and rule society with. Comparing it with Christiniaty is naive and not reading between the lines. Radical Islam is closer to Fascism and Nazis than to Christianity in this time and age. There ins't shades of grey in Radical Islam as a State, you are in or you are dead, that's the 2 options. There isn't a choice. That's a regime, that's fascism.
    4. Radical Islam is a lot worse then Christianity (Catholic) was in their prime because is more efficient. For several reasons:
    A) Is easier. To be a Catholic you have to go through a series of rituals: be baptized,do a  first communion, christened.... To be a Muslim you just have to become a Muslim. 
    B) Internet changed everything making Radical Islam a cancer that spreads easily. Look at those crazy lunatics having their videos of beheading human beings showed at newspapers, magazines (even respectable ones), forums.... the attention they get is in a sick way a stardom. That dude with Brit accent that is cutting people's throat in that village he lives, in that world, is a star. 
    5. Radical Islam is a disease that needs to be stopped. IMO the approach in how to stop is obviously wrong, mostly because US or most European countries invested in the called collision or war against terrorism have no interest to stop it. The answer to stop it is, and always was, in Middle East itself, the children, woman and man that live there, not in imposing western views instead of asking them: what you need? What you want? Look at how those woman live and are treated, you can't honestly believe that if they had a choice they wouldn't chose different. I'm not talking religion here, I'm talking way of living and human rights, which any form of radical regime denies it to the population and Islam is no different.
    But the different choice and path they would take may not be the one the Western world is imposing or offering. There for all those people have no where to go, no side to pick. In one side you have UK and US trying to get their natural resources and destroying their country and on the other they have crazy radicals that transformed their peaceful religion into a system made to hate everyone and destroy all non believers. It's obvious that destroying the country is just a way to propagate hate and create new terrorists, like was said when you see your family die, friends, everything is taken away, what's left? You become a easy target for Islam Fascism.
    My grandfather is a great and awarded journalist and he said to me a couple times that the real "woman revolution" didn't happen yet, that feminism as it most pure, genuine form will be a Middle East female revolution. He always say " I probably wont be alive to see it, but you will and don't miss it because it's going to a show, an amazing show. " I hope his right and I hope happens sooner than later, because look at those people, they don't even have a side to chose, one is Western trying to win over their misery and the other is Radical Islam-Fascism also trying to win over their misery.
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