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  1. intensely liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Interviews Sister Chuck Grant for Nylon Magazine   
    That's one boring interview and those were 3 minutes of my life I wasted reading it 
  2. Heaux liked a post in a topic by Viva in Member of the Month (October): Poll!   
    I voted on @@Limelight because only ugly people vote on themselves 
  3. Heaux liked a post in a topic by Viva in Member of the Month (October): Poll!   
    1. @@SitarHero that shade didn't go unnoticed
    2. I don't care about the poll as long as I get more votes then Jack
    3. Who's LMDR??
    4. Thanks for the nomination
    OMG Andrew I know you secretly voted on me, my hateful stalker. 
    I honestly didn't understood that...usually irony and sarcasm comes easy but I didn't get that daddy.  can you explain what you ment  papai Evil?
  4. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by Viva in ISIL And Contemporary Terrorists   
    My 2 cents....
    1. The fact that Catholics did worst centuries ago can't be in any way or form a reason to justify the existence of ISIS, Al Qaeda and all the other radical form of Islam as a regime and a Government. People who use the fact Christians did worse makes me wanna pull my eyebrows out tbh, it's like saying the Israelis have the right to massacre Palestinians GP because Germany did worst to them and a couple radical nut jobs Islam fanatics are threatening their national sovereignty. One can't justify the other, if we do that we are doomed. I wonder what people would think if Israel started bombing Germany out of the bloom....
    2. Did you ever ask yourself why the Middle East is a concern while so many Islam-Fascist regimes are installed in Africa??
    3. Radical Islam is NOT a religion first, that's the issue. Is most of all a regime, the law which the State will operate and rule society with. Comparing it with Christiniaty is naive and not reading between the lines. Radical Islam is closer to Fascism and Nazis than to Christianity in this time and age. There ins't shades of grey in Radical Islam as a State, you are in or you are dead, that's the 2 options. There isn't a choice. That's a regime, that's fascism.
    4. Radical Islam is a lot worse then Christianity (Catholic) was in their prime because is more efficient. For several reasons:
    A) Is easier. To be a Catholic you have to go through a series of rituals: be baptized,do a  first communion, christened.... To be a Muslim you just have to become a Muslim. 
    B) Internet changed everything making Radical Islam a cancer that spreads easily. Look at those crazy lunatics having their videos of beheading human beings showed at newspapers, magazines (even respectable ones), forums.... the attention they get is in a sick way a stardom. That dude with Brit accent that is cutting people's throat in that village he lives, in that world, is a star. 
    5. Radical Islam is a disease that needs to be stopped. IMO the approach in how to stop is obviously wrong, mostly because US or most European countries invested in the called collision or war against terrorism have no interest to stop it. The answer to stop it is, and always was, in Middle East itself, the children, woman and man that live there, not in imposing western views instead of asking them: what you need? What you want? Look at how those woman live and are treated, you can't honestly believe that if they had a choice they wouldn't chose different. I'm not talking religion here, I'm talking way of living and human rights, which any form of radical regime denies it to the population and Islam is no different.
    But the different choice and path they would take may not be the one the Western world is imposing or offering. There for all those people have no where to go, no side to pick. In one side you have UK and US trying to get their natural resources and destroying their country and on the other they have crazy radicals that transformed their peaceful religion into a system made to hate everyone and destroy all non believers. It's obvious that destroying the country is just a way to propagate hate and create new terrorists, like was said when you see your family die, friends, everything is taken away, what's left? You become a easy target for Islam Fascism.
    My grandfather is a great and awarded journalist and he said to me a couple times that the real "woman revolution" didn't happen yet, that feminism as it most pure, genuine form will be a Middle East female revolution. He always say " I probably wont be alive to see it, but you will and don't miss it because it's going to a show, an amazing show. " I hope his right and I hope happens sooner than later, because look at those people, they don't even have a side to chose, one is Western trying to win over their misery and the other is Radical Islam-Fascism also trying to win over their misery.
  5. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Viva in Member of the Month (October): Poll!   
    oh that    Papai you're a grave digger, that is almost an antic 
    What can I say? Me and Bill are fabulous, even when fighting 
  6. tropicunt liked a post in a topic by Viva in Member of the Month (October): Poll!   
    I voted on @@Limelight because only ugly people vote on themselves 
  7. Jack liked a post in a topic by Viva in Member of the Month (October): Poll!   
    I'm Mary Magdalena and Lime is Judas. vote for us, the sinners fuck jesus
  8. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Viva in Member of the Month (October): Poll!   
    I voted on @@Limelight because only ugly people vote on themselves 
  9. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Viva in Member of the Month (October): Poll!   
    1. @@SitarHero that shade didn't go unnoticed
    2. I don't care about the poll as long as I get more votes then Jack
    3. Who's LMDR??
    4. Thanks for the nomination
    OMG Andrew I know you secretly voted on me, my hateful stalker. 
    I honestly didn't understood that...usually irony and sarcasm comes easy but I didn't get that daddy.  can you explain what you ment  papai Evil?
  10. Limelight liked a post in a topic by Viva in Member of the Month (October): Poll!   
    I'm Mary Magdalena and Lime is Judas. vote for us, the sinners fuck jesus
  11. Viva liked a post in a topic by Heaux in Member of the Month (October): Poll!   
    i kno i nominated jack aswell but i have to be loyal to the bae @@Viva
  12. Viva liked a post in a topic by trayertrash in Member of the Month (October): Poll!   
    Can you please have an option to vote for the Lord, Jesus Christ? Oh wait, Jack's already on there. 
  13. Viva liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Member of the Month (October): Poll!   
    Who the fuck puts Viva against Limelight?
    I split my vote in those 2
  14. Viva liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Member of the Month (October): Poll!   
    Saint Jack thanking himself
  15. Viva liked a post in a topic by Limelight in Member of the Month (October): Poll!   
    Thanks for the nom I'll probably not win but I'll at least have one vote (mine ).  
  16. Viva liked a post in a topic by trayertrash in ISIL And Contemporary Terrorists   
    I know you said that not all Muslims are terrorist, but to have the phrase Muslim Terrorists in the title is problematic. Let's not forget about the Christian terrorists like the KKK - who lynched, raped, beat and murdered people of color, Jews, Catholics & minorities in the name of Christianity. They're still very much active (mostly in southern America) and even though they aren't as violent anymore, they continue to spread their bigotry to younger generations. Army Of God - a group of anti-abortion "activist" who bombed abortion clinics and killed doctors in the name of Christianity - because you know, nothing says life is sacred more than murdering people  . Christian Identity - a group of Christian white supremacist that used the bible to defend murdering Jews, homosexuals and people of color. Let's not forgot that Christians killed Pagans for not converting during the rise of Christianity and the crusades where Christians murdered Muslims for not converting. 
    This is why I'm not religious, all they do is fight about which god has the bigger dick George Carlin reference  . Atheist have never gone to war with other atheist over who disbelieves in god more. 
  17. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Viva in Celebrity nude photos leak   
    I wish everyone in America got this outraged when NSA was spying other countries intelligence, making maps of natural resources by satelite  and profiting from hacking into others private companies Iclouds, bank data and such.
    It's 2014 so if you're a celeb and post nude pics on your ICloud you are taking a risk. Hell even taking pics is a risk these days. I'm not saying the invasion of privacy is right, obviously it isn't. What I'm saying is that, when the subject is personal (pics, opinions and many other things) you shouldn't post them on any mechanism that can be accessed by a third person.
    Unfortunately is how things are these days, so is quite naive or dumb to assume no one would ever hack ICloud when they can make tons of money from selling the material they find. 
  18. Viva liked a post in a topic by comeintomybedroom in Member of the Month (September): ULTRAVIOLENCE   
    Who was this again?
  19. Viva liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Celebrity nude photos leak   
    Ohhhhh my god let me refrain from saying something mean/////
    Guys jfc you don't just "oh let me upload this one nude to iCloud" that's not how it fucking works oh my god. It's a backup storage thing that, if you choose to use, stores ALL of the selected media (songs, photos, videos, etc). If you looked into any of the celebs reactions, you'd understand this.
    Mary Elizabeth Winstead's pictures had long since been deleted, but the hacker somehow got ahold of them through iCloud. You're acting like it's just so simple to hack this system but it's not, which should be obvious since this is like the first major time something like this has happened?? Or at least been given this much media attention idk.
    But fuck. Like, y'all are saying you don't judge or whatever that these people are taking nudes but then you have that superior undertone to the post anyway when you say "but they should've known better." Like, no they shouldn't have? It's their body and their phone and their private storage system that was hacked by some creep. They are not at fault. Fuck.
  20. Philomene liked a post in a topic by Viva in Celebrity nude photos leak   
    I wish everyone in America got this outraged when NSA was spying other countries intelligence, making maps of natural resources by satelite  and profiting from hacking into others private companies Iclouds, bank data and such.
    It's 2014 so if you're a celeb and post nude pics on your ICloud you are taking a risk. Hell even taking pics is a risk these days. I'm not saying the invasion of privacy is right, obviously it isn't. What I'm saying is that, when the subject is personal (pics, opinions and many other things) you shouldn't post them on any mechanism that can be accessed by a third person.
    Unfortunately is how things are these days, so is quite naive or dumb to assume no one would ever hack ICloud when they can make tons of money from selling the material they find. 
  21. bia liked a post in a topic by Viva in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    I think Lana let's her imagination flow a lot Sitar. She is the one that likes mafia style a Dangerous girl. She said in a interview herself that the American Dream is dead. That the mafia and politics and everything is mixed up to the point that is a new american dream. I think he probably was a paper boy, a guy who sold drugs around the area he lived.  For some reason something went wrong for him. Can happen. In the moment you start selling them you gonna be out with several cuckoo's nest people around you. He didn't necessarily need to be in the mafia or a real drug dealer to get cought up in the game. I think that he probably did some drugs but was not an addicted. I also think he wasn't  old he was just a couple years older than her. In Gangsta Boy and some other songs you can see a connection that she probably knew him since her teens. I also think Lana writes a lot about other people stories, she mix those stories in her songs. People she end meeting among her life. I take everything Lana says with a bit of salt but she said that she ends up writing about the same guy and that her songs are about people in her life. You are a writer yourself do you think is possible not to write about other people experiences as well? Specially someone like her that end up in rehab. During her time there she probably got close to many people, hear their stories and some probably didn't have pretty stories to tell. The way she talks about the place she went doesn't seem like those fantasy places celebrities go to that look more like spas. Seems to be a real Rehab with people from the real world that end up there for reasons that are not really funny fairy tales. I think Lana writes a lot about herself but I also think she writes about her own time, her generation, like an outsider looking what is happening around her. After all Jimmy, Reeve and Barrie look far away from being a gangstar don't they? I also think she writes a lot about alcohol, her love for alcohol and the fact that she can't have it anymore. like a lost love or lover
  22. blackenedrussianpoetry liked a post in a topic by Viva in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    In Body Eletric I think Lana talks about 2 specific moments in her life. I think the song is related to K. The way Lana changes who her daddy, mother and bestest friends is I think is a way to mark those 2 moments.
      Elvis is my daddy,
    Marilyn’s my mother,
    Jesus is my bestest friend
    We don’t need nobody,
    ‘Cause we got each other,
    Or at least I pretend
    We get down every Friday night,
    Dancin’ and grindin’ in the pale moonlight
    Grand Ole Opry, we're feelin’ alright,
    Mary prays the rosary for my broken mind
    You see that she changes later on who is her daddy, mother and bestest friend. At first Jesus is her bestest friend and they got each other or at least she pretends. Mary is the mother of Jesus. Lana said that she has contact with the mother of the man she sings about (in this case I think is K). Grand Ole Opry is a show that is broadcasted every friday night. Maybe they use to listen to the show together and now every friday night she goes out and pretends K is still here. Here she is more young and innocent listening to Elvis and dressing like Marylin
    I’m on fire, baby I'm on fire
    Whitman is my daddy,
    Monaco’s my mother,
    Diamonds are my bestest friend.
    Elvis, Marilyn and Jesus mark a previous period. Later her her daddy becomes Whitman, Monaco as a Mother and diamonds as bestest friend.  I think is a way to mark time in the sense she had changed and time passess as life goes on.  Is also a sign of somewhat loneliness and emptiness but also more money. Diamonds and Monaco represent opulence but also emptyness. Is a place and a thing. Whitman as father which is a poet that also talks a lot about death. Lana mentioned him several times and quoted hiis poem a child in the grass in her old missdaytona twitter account. I think the time fits with what she is talking in Body Eletric and also fits the music.
    Quote from Whitman poem child in the grass:

    Suicide’s her father,
    Opulence is the end
    We get down every Friday night,
    Dancing and grinding in the pale moonlight
    Grand Ole Opry
    We're feelin’ alright,
    Mary prays the rosary for my broken mind
    This is the trick part to me. I don't personaly think Lana ever tried to kill herself. It takes a lot of desperation to take your own life. As much as she suffers I don't see her doing it. The other thing is she is somewhat religious and obssessed with heaven. People who commit suicide in most religions don't get to heaven. To me the reference as suicide is a way to say she was desperate. You have many ways to use suicide as a figure of speech or K has commited suicide because of the life style he chose for himself and his suicide is the father, the reason, why she is alone. Opulence is the end is also interesting since her mother is now monaco and her bestest friend are diamonds. In the end she ended up with many things but whithout what she really wanted that was k.
    My clothes still smell like you,
    All the photographs say you're still young
    I pretend I’m not hurt and go about the world like I’m having fun
    We get crazy every Friday night,
    Drop it like it’s hot in the pale moonlight
    Grand Ole Opry
    feeling alright,
    Mary's swaying softly to her heart's delight
    One of the things about diying young is that you never grow old. Is a very strange thing specially when you look at pictures.  I guess that is what Lana is talking about since looking to pictures of someone who you lost and than looking at yourself in the mirror you really see how time has passed even if that person is pretty alive in your memories and in your head. In your head time stands still but in reality years has gonne by. I think here she makes that reference that her clothes still smell like him and the pictures shows her he is still young and in  her mind she pretends they got each other.
  23. Lana Rey Del Mar liked a post in a topic by Viva in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    So I was looking through Bel Air and I also think is related to that öne true love". I also think she metions Sweet Child Of mine because of the lyrics of the song and not really Axl or guns itself. I also think that when she mentions gargoyles she is talking about those gargoyles that guard the cemetery. Also Roses are the flower of love and the flower of the dead.
    Put the my thoughts on the spoiler
  24. Viva liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Virgin Radio Station Boycotts Lana   
    maybe Francesco made her throw up her pasta a la vodka while he was fingefucking her in public two days ago.
  25. Pavemi liked a post in a topic by Viva in Celebrity nude photos leak   
    I wish everyone in America got this outraged when NSA was spying other countries intelligence, making maps of natural resources by satelite  and profiting from hacking into others private companies Iclouds, bank data and such.
    It's 2014 so if you're a celeb and post nude pics on your ICloud you are taking a risk. Hell even taking pics is a risk these days. I'm not saying the invasion of privacy is right, obviously it isn't. What I'm saying is that, when the subject is personal (pics, opinions and many other things) you shouldn't post them on any mechanism that can be accessed by a third person.
    Unfortunately is how things are these days, so is quite naive or dumb to assume no one would ever hack ICloud when they can make tons of money from selling the material they find. 
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