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blackenedrussianpoetry liked a post in a topic by reputation in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships
I’ve never been good at formatting. So here’s this shitty infopost for y’all!
reputation speculation
To answer some of OP’s questions
- What significance do cars play? She mentions eight in total (white Corvette, white Pontiac, blue Chevy Nova/Chevrolet, Cadillac convertible, Mercedes, pickup truck, Lamborghini, Bugatti Veyron)
Lana most likely got her theme of cars from a boyfriend in 2010. This boyfriend, called Ron, had moved in with her along with Chuck in June 2010 (i’ll explain this later). Ron was a mechanic and used the apartment as a resource for his mechanic business.
- When was she/who was she with in New York City and New Jersey? Ditto LA? Most mysterious and pressing, her time in the South?
This is a rather tricky question. Regarding the South, according to housing records, Lana actually never lived in the South. Charlie had lived in Arizona from October 2011 to May 2012, but that’s really all. I wouldn’t be surprised if Lana spent some time there in Mesa or whatever . I can see many Mexican-American influences being there pre-Tropico. For the South-East side, her parents do own properties in southern Florida.
Let’s go to the origins of property in New York City. Looking at property dates, the earliest file is Chuck moving in with Lana in July 2009. It seems like Lana was just with Chuck during her time living in New York (that beginning July 2009) and Ron, as I said previously. Although, what is most strange about this is the initial move was the the last one within NYC. The duo moved literally 0.7 away from the first apartment. What is most strange? The apartment has previous owners also with the same last names (that being Depaul & Daly). My head tells me something like, they moved there because there was some weird ass sibling special sale going on and they wanted to move away from Ron. Who knows.
New Jersey is a different story. Naomi’s first move was to New Jersey in a suburban home in April 2008. In April 2010 she moved to Jersey City. Was her move Lana related?
Naomi was already working with Lana in late 2009.
Naomi then moved out of Jersey City back to the suburbans in June 2011.
During the time period of April 2010-June 2011 (Jersey City) all of Naomi’s Lana pre-fame post-brunette photos were taken.
December 2010
February 2011
Naomi, back in New Jersey, then moved to NYC in May 2012 to August 2012. Just a 5-minute walk from Chuck & Lana’s apartment.
Mind you during the time period of the city hiatus Lana was getting shot by Chuck, Nicole, Martin and others for promo shoots. She was only brought along for National Anthem.
Naomi goes back to the suburbs. Strangely, Naomi moves back in with them in October 2016. Shortly after Lana and Chuck move out in November 2016.
Oh, and I saved the best for last.
Nicole lived with Lana and Chuck from August 2011 to September 2012. She then returned to the New Jersey suburbs.
Did Lana really live in New Jersey?
Did Lana live with Naomi at any point in time?
Did Lana live in trailer parks illegally in New Jersey?
The sibling thing?
Who was Ron?
Was Ron also a photographer?
How did Naomi and Lana/Chuck meet?
How did Nicole and Lana/Chuck meet?
What made Nicole want to live with them?
Is the Jersey City move Lana-related?
Or, did Lana happen to meet Naomi in Jersey City?
Did Chuck or Naomi go to Britain with Lana and Nicole?
Were the moves crucial to the relationship between Lana and Naomi?
Who else lived with Lana and Chuck?
What were the exact periods of coexisting living?
Why did they officially move out in November 2016?
Did they all have a lesbian foursome and Naomi/Nicole photograph an intimate moment of “Alpha Females?
tl;dr Lana got her inspiration from cars from her ex-mechanic boyfriend. She lived with Chuck in New York from June 2010-November 2016. Naomi may have lived in Jersey City to keep close contact with Lana and Chuck and she did ultimately decide to live a few blocks from them during May 2012-August 2012. In October 2016 she moved in with them, but they moved out in November 2016.
Let’s move on from the questions to some people. I’ve kinda already covered her time in New York and New Jersey.
Where do I start?
Locations I guess.
These photos and alike were taken in Charlie’s home. The one with the hose too. It’s in Hollywood.
edit: blurred image
Would like to post the address. That goes for most of these I think. He no longer lives there if mods wanted to pm me.
Um.. Lana may have cheated on Barrie with Fran. I’ll explain.
Fran had a New York apartment from October 2012 - August 2013. He then moved to Beverly Hills from August 2015 - January 2016.
Ok, call me a weirdo but I know EXACTLY where this photo was taken.
Had to blur the photo so it couldn’t be searched, but I promise you they are the same…
Now tell me how the hell was she over this man’s house in October 2012 - August 2013 when she was dating Barrie?
Blah, the dates are probably just wrong. Or maybe there’s something deeper…
After the November 2016 move they apparently went to a house in East L.A that Lana spoke about in her Glamour interview. It’s really freaking big, I guess they share it as a family or something I’m not sure. Only Chuck is the documented owner. Wth. again image blurred so y’all don’t image search it
Ok. I think that’s all I can cherry-pick. Feel free to ask me questions. I will be posting some more info tomorrow or in some days.. just needed to get this old stuff out. it will be about some boyfriends probably. and maybe some Indian stuff
blackenedrussianpoetry liked a post in a topic by reputation in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships
On google maps it says Detroit is 2 hours from nevada stemming off of the "2 hours to Nevada" line. could this be true? her mention of Detroit in G&R was always interesting to me
Dark City liked a post in a topic by reputation in Fine China
What? A "filler" is an item serving only to fill space or time. "Ultraviolence" is a song explaining the experience of an abusive relationship and the person singing is talking about how they like the relationship but want it to change. A song like Sad Girl is a filler because it has no purpose only to be there to fill space.
blackenedrussianpoetry liked a post in a topic by reputation in Werchter, BE @ TW Classic - July 9th, 2016
Pictures I found
sjatib liked a post in a topic by reputation in New Song "Coachella - Woodstock in My Mind" Out May 15
cant wait for this wong!
Embach liked a post in a topic by reputation in What would you want Lana to Reuse?
I: Party Girl
AT: Joshy & I
AT: Carmen demo acapella
M: Bel Air, the backing vocals
Embach liked a post in a topic by reputation in What would you want Lana to Reuse?
Vote for me for worst taste for the lipsters xoxoI don't hate her voice. I just have very... Strict standards -
Embach liked a post in a topic by reputation in Misheard Lana Lyrics
when in Fine China, I heard "I'm so me, Corinthians" when it said "Strong like a tree, but the unlucky one"
lili liked a post in a topic by reputation in Your Girl
She's definitely saying bed of down. I look it uyp & it means somewhere comfortable to rest.
honeymooncd liked a post in a topic by reputation in Brite Lites
I've been listening to this non stop & I'm pretty sure this is her singing to a big Hollywood Playboy saying she slept with him, or multiple people, and now she wants what they promised them, the 'brite lites'. She says she's 'taking off her wedding ring' because if she doesn't the men she's having sex will see it. She 'looks for them in magazines' to have reassurance of what they had promised her. Almost in a sense, bright lights is spelt incorrectly because she will never obtain true fame, but only the silver screens (having a low roles & parts in movies) and trampolines (having fun without any real worries). She also says 'the film is fading look at me' because the industry is dying, she even expresses this in Hollywood's Dead. She believes they should give her these Brite Lites before either Hollywood is dead or the men she fucked are.
Just my little interpretation
lili liked a post in a topic by reputation in Brite Lites
I've been listening to this non stop & I'm pretty sure this is her singing to a big Hollywood Playboy saying she slept with him, or multiple people, and now she wants what they promised them, the 'brite lites'. She says she's 'taking off her wedding ring' because if she doesn't the men she's having sex will see it. She 'looks for them in magazines' to have reassurance of what they had promised her. Almost in a sense, bright lights is spelt incorrectly because she will never obtain true fame, but only the silver screens (having a low roles & parts in movies) and trampolines (having fun without any real worries). She also says 'the film is fading look at me' because the industry is dying, she even expresses this in Hollywood's Dead. She believes they should give her these Brite Lites before either Hollywood is dead or the men she fucked are.
Just my little interpretation
Ptolemaeic Spider liked a post in a topic by reputation in Lana Del Ray AKA Lizzy Grant - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
im glad AKA flopped. wouldnt have masterpieces like BTD or UV.
mybluenectarofthegods389 liked a post in a topic by reputation in Misheard Lana Lyrics
when in Fine China, I heard "I'm so me, Corinthians" when it said "Strong like a tree, but the unlucky one"
ImenaOphelia liked a post in a topic by reputation in Misheard Lana Lyrics
when in Fine China, I heard "I'm so me, Corinthians" when it said "Strong like a tree, but the unlucky one"
Coloringbooks liked a post in a topic by reputation in Misheard Lana Lyrics
when in Fine China, I heard "I'm so me, Corinthians" when it said "Strong like a tree, but the unlucky one"
LanasLeftCheekFiller liked a post in a topic by reputation in Misheard Lana Lyrics
when in Fine China, I heard "I'm so me, Corinthians" when it said "Strong like a tree, but the unlucky one"
ionut liked a post in a topic by reputation in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread
Elle said she was thinking Lust For Life is development from BTD.. Wig. That'd make perfect sense. What an artist
Elina liked a post in a topic by reputation in Brooklyn Baby
I wonder if Brooklyn Baby has a deeper meaning. She's used it in previous songs with very different tones
shadesofloveduthenandnow liked a post in a topic by reputation in Misheard Lana Lyrics
when in Fine China, I heard "I'm so me, Corinthians" when it said "Strong like a tree, but the unlucky one"
Elina liked a post in a topic by reputation in You & Me
I think its diamonds and getting paid rather than blazed.
TayLanaHoe liked a post in a topic by reputation in Get Free
Lanaboards contradicting themselves but whats new
TayLanaHoe liked a post in a topic by reputation in Lana Del Ray AKA Lizzy Grant - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
Imagine her getting to sign an obvious fake of LFL of something oof
Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by reputation in Aaliyah
So there's no thread or mention of Aaliyah on here, I'm shook.
Aaliyah, gone but never forgotten. A legend, an icon, an artist. What are your favorite songs from her? Favorite performance, album? If you don't listen to her I'd suggest it RIGHT NOW.
lanaismamom liked a post in a topic by reputation in Misheard Lana Lyrics
I thought she said "I'm in love with a frying pan" in kill kill