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  1. floridashore liked a post in a topic by 111 in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    Not here for drama or anything, I'll keep my visit short. Read at your own caution. Seriously.
    I am serious. My opinions might spoil your experience. Go away.
    Oh and if you think I'm lying after all this time, good luck trying to snatch that twitter, instagram, tumblr urls for the album title after it's announced.
    Yours truly
  2. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by floridashore in Is there any Lana song that give you certain feeling?   
    Disco definitely has a really sad/eerie feeling to it.
    Yayo, Video Games, and Honeymoon all have like a dreamy trance-like feeling to me.
    Most Lana songs make me feel a certain way but those are the ones that come to mind first
  3. bia liked a post in a topic by floridashore in Saddest / Most Depressing Lana Song   
    I think like 85% of Lana's songs are sad but in different kinds of ways- like I would group Disco and Yayo together bc they're both a "desperate" and "lost" kind of sad. Terrence Loves You, Old Money, and Is This Happiness are a kind of "wistful" sad. Cruel World, Pretty When You Cry, and Noir are more "bitter" and "angry" sad. There's probably like a million more categories of ""sad"" her songs can be grouped into but I can't think of anymore rn haha.
    but to actually answer the question, I think Yayo feels the heaviest and saddest
  4. Chemtrail liked a post in a topic by floridashore in Saddest / Most Depressing Lana Song   
    I think like 85% of Lana's songs are sad but in different kinds of ways- like I would group Disco and Yayo together bc they're both a "desperate" and "lost" kind of sad. Terrence Loves You, Old Money, and Is This Happiness are a kind of "wistful" sad. Cruel World, Pretty When You Cry, and Noir are more "bitter" and "angry" sad. There's probably like a million more categories of ""sad"" her songs can be grouped into but I can't think of anymore rn haha.
    but to actually answer the question, I think Yayo feels the heaviest and saddest
  5. Bereaved By You liked a post in a topic by floridashore in Lana Song Trilogies   
    1. Yayo
    2. Ultraviolence
    3. Honeymoon
    Girl in desperation living a dark and hopeless life falls in love with the bad boy who rescues her from her old life. They're married and she's entirely devoted to him, but he becomes extremely abusive. She accepts his violence and continues to love him, living a fantasy life in her head where everything is happy- she dreams away her life
  6. CrazySister liked a post in a topic by floridashore in Lana Song Trilogies   
    1. Yayo
    2. Ultraviolence
    3. Honeymoon
    Girl in desperation living a dark and hopeless life falls in love with the bad boy who rescues her from her old life. They're married and she's entirely devoted to him, but he becomes extremely abusive. She accepts his violence and continues to love him, living a fantasy life in her head where everything is happy- she dreams away her life
  7. knoxavel liked a post in a topic by floridashore in Lana Song Trilogies   
    1. Yayo
    2. Ultraviolence
    3. Honeymoon
    Girl in desperation living a dark and hopeless life falls in love with the bad boy who rescues her from her old life. They're married and she's entirely devoted to him, but he becomes extremely abusive. She accepts his violence and continues to love him, living a fantasy life in her head where everything is happy- she dreams away her life
  8. SissyReed liked a post in a topic by floridashore in Lana Song Trilogies   
    1. Yayo
    2. Ultraviolence
    3. Honeymoon
    Girl in desperation living a dark and hopeless life falls in love with the bad boy who rescues her from her old life. They're married and she's entirely devoted to him, but he becomes extremely abusive. She accepts his violence and continues to love him, living a fantasy life in her head where everything is happy- she dreams away her life
  9. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by floridashore in Lana Song Trilogies   
    1. Yayo
    2. Ultraviolence
    3. Honeymoon
    Girl in desperation living a dark and hopeless life falls in love with the bad boy who rescues her from her old life. They're married and she's entirely devoted to him, but he becomes extremely abusive. She accepts his violence and continues to love him, living a fantasy life in her head where everything is happy- she dreams away her life
  10. floridashore liked a post in a topic by sparklrtrailrheaven in Lana Song Trilogies   
    "Super Movie"
    Lana and her man spend a beautiful summer motel-hopping on a nationwide road trip ("1949"), but things don't remain so idyllic-- the romance starts to grow cold, and Lana begins to lose her hold on her boyfriend, realizing he's changed ("Super Movie"). Finally, he abandons Lana somewhere along the road, so she ends up as a destitute motel singer who can only look back on what she once had and hope he's coming back for her ("Elvis"). 
    "Ride (w/monologue)"
    "On Our Way" 
    "Angels Forever, Forever Angels"
    This trilogy is the sequel to the first one-- Lana's become adept to life on the road since she was abandoned, relying on the kindness of strangers to get along. ("Ride"). Eventually, she finds love in one of the men that's looked after her, and asks him to take her away from all the trouble she's been facing for such a long time ("On Our Way"). Finally, they ride off to be forever "free and wild" on the road together ("Angels Forever, Forever Angels").
  11. apricockjuice liked a post in a topic by floridashore in What musical direction should Lana go in for LDR5?   
    I wish she'd do something more stripped down- I think over producing songs really takes away from her voice. I really love the idea of a better Ultraviolence, the whole "70's dreamy rock" sound is interesting and suits her well
  12. floridashore liked a post in a topic by trashangel in Lana Del Ray AKA Lizzy Grant - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    AKA is such a special album, her best work for sure.The songs are magical - they're like drug induced sparkly Nevada lullabies.
  13. floridashore liked a post in a topic by sparklrtrailrheaven in Lana Del Ray AKA Lizzy Grant - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I listened to Lana Del Ray again tonight, for the millionth time-- my feelings haven't changed. This album is genius, and it definitely saddens me that Lana will likely never return to this set of aesthetics and style of music.
    However, the genius of AKA is not *just* Lana. I give a sizable part of my respect for the album to David Kahne, as well. While Lana created killer melodies, lyrics, and concepts that would work extremely well under the guidance of any producer, Kahne had the perfect touch to push the songs from "excellent" to "god-like", in my opinion. 
    It definitely deserves repeat listens-- some subtle flourishes Kahne brought in are best noticed after you've been bowled over a few times by Lana's handiwork with the stories told and pictures painted here. To me, the perfect example of Kahne's "Midas touch" on AKA is "Pawn Shop Blues". As evidenced by a live performance and a demo, PSB was a staggeringly beautiful, tender, and poignant track when Lana was doing it on her own. However, Kahne took it to another level-- while PSB in its raw state is mournful and brimming with sadness, Kahne's instrumentation gives it depth-- it goes from being a "sad" song to something better described as "bittersweet". With the angelic echoes and trembling guitars, Kahne doesn't detract at all from Lana's lyrics-- instead, he gives them deeper meaning and manifold facets. Pawn Shop Blues becomes, all at once, a hopeful look at living for a purpose outside of yourself, a melancholy assertion on the nature of love and loss, and a somber reminder of how one can lose it all for nothing. With these extra dimensions, the track becomes infinitely interesting, as it's hard to tell where the hope begins and the desperation ends. 
    I'm rambling-- my point being, AKA is an absolutely genius record that I'll love 'til the day I die, and both David Kahne and Lana are geniuses for putting just the right elements in just the right places to create an album that is cohesive yet kaleidoscopic, and that has so many facets and subtleties that it demands repeat listens. Fabulous. Please continue sharing info and thoughts on AKA here, because it means the world to me and I want to know all there is to know about it!
    Thanks for reading all this 
  14. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by floridashore in What musical direction should Lana go in for LDR5?   
    I wish she'd do something more stripped down- I think over producing songs really takes away from her voice. I really love the idea of a better Ultraviolence, the whole "70's dreamy rock" sound is interesting and suits her well
  15. lernerderrey liked a post in a topic by floridashore in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    might not be unpopular but AKA is probably one of Lana's best works. the authenticity of it is so charming and the visuals are so unique- there's a very sweet eeriness that's kind of haunting in the best way. The creative vision behind it was brilliant. No other album is like it
  16. Solar Fields liked a post in a topic by floridashore in What musical direction should Lana go in for LDR5?   
    I wish she'd do something more stripped down- I think over producing songs really takes away from her voice. I really love the idea of a better Ultraviolence, the whole "70's dreamy rock" sound is interesting and suits her well
  17. sadgirl69 liked a post in a topic by floridashore in What musical direction should Lana go in for LDR5?   
    I wish she'd do something more stripped down- I think over producing songs really takes away from her voice. I really love the idea of a better Ultraviolence, the whole "70's dreamy rock" sound is interesting and suits her well
  18. xcx liked a post in a topic by floridashore in What musical direction should Lana go in for LDR5?   
    I wish she'd do something more stripped down- I think over producing songs really takes away from her voice. I really love the idea of a better Ultraviolence, the whole "70's dreamy rock" sound is interesting and suits her well
  19. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by floridashore in What musical direction should Lana go in for LDR5?   
    I wish she'd do something more stripped down- I think over producing songs really takes away from her voice. I really love the idea of a better Ultraviolence, the whole "70's dreamy rock" sound is interesting and suits her well
  20. kristinaj liked a post in a topic by floridashore in What musical direction should Lana go in for LDR5?   
    I wish she'd do something more stripped down- I think over producing songs really takes away from her voice. I really love the idea of a better Ultraviolence, the whole "70's dreamy rock" sound is interesting and suits her well
  21. floridashore liked a post in a topic by sparklrtrailrheaven in Lana Del Ray AKA Lizzy Grant - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Welcome to the Lana Del Ray post-release thread, a place to collect information on, discuss, and appreciate Lana’s 2010 debut album! 

    1. Kill Kill
    2. Queen of the Gas Station
    3. Oh Say Can You See
    4. Gramma (Blue Ribbon Sparkler Trailer Heaven)
    5. For K, Pt. 2
    6. Jump
    7. Mermaid Motel
    8. Raise Me Up (Mississippi South)
    9. Pawn Shop Blues
    10. Brite Lites
    11. Put Me in a Movie
    12. Smarty
    13. Yayo 
    While Lana Del Ray (commonly known as AKA) wasn’t Lana’s first studio album -- that honor goes to Sirens -- it was her debut on a record label, and her first album to be sold commercially. AKA’s history was turbulent, which probably owes to much of the mystery and misinformation that surrounds the album today:
    As noted above, the formation of AKA brought about many demos and outtakes that didn’t make the final cut, including Lizzy’s collaborations with producer Steven Mertens. Below is a helpful guide to the AKA demos, along with information on unused tracks recorded with both Mertens and David Kahne:
    Lana’s promotion of her music during the AKA era included interviews, frequent live performances, and perhaps most distinctively, the creation of self-assembled music videos for most of the tracks on the album, much like the “Video Games” visuals that would propel her to stardom in 2011. Below are a selection of these videos, plus relevant fan creations: 
    Lastly, here are some helpful links for further info and exploration of AKA:

  22. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by floridashore in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    might not be unpopular but AKA is probably one of Lana's best works. the authenticity of it is so charming and the visuals are so unique- there's a very sweet eeriness that's kind of haunting in the best way. The creative vision behind it was brilliant. No other album is like it
  23. sjrq liked a post in a topic by floridashore in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    might not be unpopular but AKA is probably one of Lana's best works. the authenticity of it is so charming and the visuals are so unique- there's a very sweet eeriness that's kind of haunting in the best way. The creative vision behind it was brilliant. No other album is like it
  24. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by floridashore in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    might not be unpopular but AKA is probably one of Lana's best works. the authenticity of it is so charming and the visuals are so unique- there's a very sweet eeriness that's kind of haunting in the best way. The creative vision behind it was brilliant. No other album is like it
  25. Elle liked a post in a topic by floridashore in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    might not be unpopular but AKA is probably one of Lana's best works. the authenticity of it is so charming and the visuals are so unique- there's a very sweet eeriness that's kind of haunting in the best way. The creative vision behind it was brilliant. No other album is like it
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