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Sugar Venom

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Everything posted by Sugar Venom

  1. did anyone pico the snippets??? i was gonna listen after i went to get some fruit and it was gone by the time i came back up to my room
  2. is this gonna be the next your girl
  3. i think for me lfl was too grounded. it was too real life and i want her to go back to being some magical mermaid seductress or if she wants to stay more mature then she can still be a witch or something like. mermaid motel, pin up galore, raise me up etc i hope these identities and themes make some sort of return on ldr6 and this too, she can be so cinematic !!!!! we need a ride 2.0 . i really hope this next era is not as disappointing as lfl was, as much as i hate to say this. even tho she’s probably sticking with whatever this new pop sound she thinks sounds good and her personal growth theme :/ lmao i love her but ugh i wish she would stop w the pop. it doesn’t feel authentic to her. her early pop stuff that we have is SO much better and so different from what she’s doing now. idk what is going on in her little head
  4. i wish she would at least let us know what’s going on and where she’s at with the record like even just a minute long live on ig or a vid of her listening to music in a car with the caption telling us what’s up. i don’t mind being in the dark but this is too dark like we don’t know a single thing and i miss her instagram presence lol
  5. Sugar Venom

    Zella Day

    pls i need one too i’ve already asked so many times but no answers lol
  6. omg are the extensions back
  7. lmaooooooo are we gonna do this every time she doesn’t wear makeup... she looks fine, her weight is fine, let her be my goodness
  8. i want her to do a spaghetti western inspired album . honeymoon (the track not the whole album) i think was definitely was inspired by ennio morricone's work and i want more of it . even if she wants to stay upbeat i guess she could do something like zella day's kicker which is also spaghetti western influenced and full of bops so . jay z sampled the ecstasy of gold if she wanted to go hip hop, the options are truly endless. she could give it more of a surf noir vibe like others have mentioned, those genres honestly go hand in hand & sound so perfect together (listen to the bambi molesters btw, terrible name i know but surf noir with spaghetti western influence is literally their sound and i loooooove them) the color scheme @@vodkaa mentioned would work here too probably but more dusty/vintage /desert-y, i'm thinking more 60s film or actual like 1800s sepia or whatever. but sis needs to deliver w the warm tones more lana w horses à la v mag. maybe posing with 1800s guns (with a flower in the barrel bc she probably wouldn't want to promote gun violence rn. woke legend). imagine the music vids we could get out of this please lana leak morricone
  9. can someone pico plsssss also does ariana have any more unreleased? if so can someone pls send them to me
  10. what about shortly before the lfl trailer was released and she had some interaction w rae sremmurd on twitter where they quoted a vid of her listening to their music and said something like “let’s cook something up *frying pan emoji*” and then w the cooking reference in the trailer (all the ingredients going into a pot or whatever it was lmao)i thought was connected but in hindsight i guess initiating a collab right before u drop an album trailer doesn’t give u enough time to put it on the album... i wonder if they ever followed through and if they did will it ever see the light of day? they were the ones who tweeted her so i’m assuming it would be their song and she’s the feature and idk how they are with scrapping songs but we all know lana lol also i don’t listen to them so idk where they are in terms of their own album cycle, someone who follows them pls fill us in w ur thots on this
  11. around the time of the pop up shops i remember a rumor that lana was shooting something with chuck on the beach kinda later in the day (i don’t think it was completely nighttime) i always thought it was for ldr6 but was this even real or did my adhd lie to me
  12. omg these are gorgeous!!! stealing the uv one for my itunes if you don't mind also do you still have the original pic without text?? i've never seen it before and i love it!!!!
  13. this song came out AFTER lana’s tho, so they copied her. they also copied parts of shades of cool in their song all of me as well as the music video for it
  14. omg i inherited a few of her albums from my parents but i never listened... i really liked that so i guess i’m on my way to stanhood now lmao no surprise on lana’s behalf tho, and i don’t think it’s anything to get upset over either. i remember ppl saying about the neil stuff too so.. what i always wonder is that do artists just play a song for their producer and go “i want it to sound like that” ??? like how do they end up getting it so close lmao . but anyways i wonder if this kind of sound is what the og ultraviolence album was heavily influenced by?? before they reworked it and stuff. i bet it was supposed to sound like this or at least in lana’s head that’s what she wanted to do ?
  15. the word bop only applies to work made by female artists/gay icons/pop queens . usually something more upbeat that u can dance to . not gonna lie i didnt watch those videos but im gonna assume neither are bops anyways lol azealia banks entire discography is full of bops and bangers for reference. ariana makes bops and jams. lana's unreleased bops. charli xcx bops too. u get the picture - idk if i was just out of it but the other day i was listening to lana in the car and the end of a song off uv (i cant remember which one i think it was cruel world) reminded me of the end of change and i was thinking about like an updated uv sound for ldr and i wouldn't mind that i feel like it would kind of go with the tropico visuals if she combined the sound of lfl and uv?? and i'm here for that
  16. I can't change the title of my fanart thread, and I can't go back and edit my old posts in any thread at all ?? is anyone else having these problems?? it just keeps saying Driver Error or loading foreverrrrrrr but still not doing anything
  17. i honestly haven’t read anything of his or seen many on screen adaptations nor do i have a hulu account but i will find a way to watch this bc i love sissy
  18. is it still going on? i just got home has anything happened!! edit: omg she got a tan and her dress looks gorgeous!!! and i’ve only heard snippets but i love her voice tonight
  19. a lana-fied version of the yosemite campgrounds t-shirt she’s been seen in, maybe a hat or keychain too a silk scarf for hair or around ur neck omg... a mat for turntables would be cool too neil krug lithos also i use old cigar boxes for storing my jewelry and makeup, lana del rey cigar boxes would be so cool!! like a vintage stylized painting of her on it would be so cute (i’m thinking of the vintage La Palina cigar boxes with the lady on them surrounded by like palm trees and stuff.. very lana) maybe sell the budweiser sweatshirt or the buttweiser tshirt or just do merch in the style of the budweiser logo but make it lana?? idk
  20. she is my wife now thanks
  21. lmao did they just reference shades of blue in there too?? it’s really hard to tell what they’re saying but i swear to god i heard it like around 50 seconds in..also got curious to see if apple music would have the lyrics but they didn’t so i listened to some of their other stuff to see if i could hear anymore of lana and their song All Of Me surely does sound like they took parts of Shades Of Cool and also not lana related but that song has a weird spaghetti western inspired instrumental and i’m so confused at this group lmao edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ag3omkCLu3k
  22. happy birthday lana!!!!!! we love you!!!!!!!!!!! also she doesn’t look sickly or bad lmfao. her skin is pale bc she naturally is pale, but her face has a healthy flush to it and she’s not wearing any makeup and she’s giving her lashes a break from extensions bc if u wear them constantly ur lashes can fall off, also they’re literally just like makeup in that they’re optional and she doesn’t need to have fake lashes if she doesn’t want them.. honestly i’m concerned some of y’all have never seen your own mothers and sisters without makeup . and saying that lana has to wear makeup any time we see her is fucked up lmao. why don’t y’all wear makeup every time you leave the house???? that’s what she looks naturally, that’s what most women look like naturally. let her be lmfao
  23. someone the page before mentioned heroin mv bc it the flying lyrics and i’m sure it was a joke but the first thing i thought yesterday was maybe this is for a music video ??? but probably not heroin
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