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About tripticks

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  1. She's adding shows on her FB page.
  2. August 8th https://www.instagram.com/p/CvKjPBgMWjo/
  3. Local news is onto her: https://www.5newsonline.com/article/entertainment/lana-del-rey-possible-northwest-arkansas-show-instagram-posts/527-ac668549-daae-4c99-b72d-5e34603a6420
  4. Not me (who knows Tulsa well) zooming in on the background trying to figure out where she is
  5. In the announcement, she specifically said that's not what's happening.
  6. https://twitter.com/therealmikedean/status/1395423071188647938
  7. I'm a librarian and look at publishers' advance catalogs all the time -- nothing new from S&S or anyone else yet. Sorry.
  8. Just spent 20 minutes on Reddit trying to find this because I so distinctly remember it, but I have no idea when they posted it. Struck me as interesting because didn't they talk about she pulled that stuff in the BTD era, when her more...casual attitude toward professional behavior hadn't really set in yet?
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