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Divisive Princess

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Everything posted by Divisive Princess

  1. That's the Heart Shaped Box cover that comes up when you search Lana's cover and it's not actually her but the uploader claimed it was the studio version. I have really bad secondhand embarrassment right now
  2. When I saw the title of this thread my jaw literally dropped but I was so disappointed by her answers. Well, more so the Barrie ones. She somehow managed to completely beat around the bush on those and I still don't know whether or not they're together. She also seemed kind of pissy. But mad respect for the interviewer for asking her questions that he knew people actually wanted the answers to.
  3. I really don't think that they're 'broken up' and I really don't think that Barrie is in denial. They really are probably just taking a break (and that's not me being in denial either). They seemed really good for each other.
  4. yesss omg. he's got a wife tho which is almost better but she was born to be the other woman
  5. I take back what I said before; I hope Lana gets an older man so I can stare off into the distance at inappropriate times and think about what their sex life is like on occasion (something I never even WANTED to do with Barrie, bless his heart)
  6. i get that she was 16, but the suicidal 16th birthday party kind of discredits what she said to lana mentioning dying young is glamorizing death and making it seem 'cool' but having a suicide themed party isn't?
  7. I hope so. And I hope she doesn't just go to the big cities (L.A, NY, etc,.etc) because then I'll never get to see her.
  8. Even though Frances was right, calling Lana out publicly on twitter wasn't the way to go. By doing that she literally brought in thousands of people whose business this whole thing wasn't. She should have dmed her or asked Courtney to get a hold of her so they could hash it out privately. However, I do think Lana handled it well. I just can't stress enough how frustrating it is that it was done in that manner. It made them look like 6th graders tbh
  9. This breaks my heart tbh. Its kind of weird because she was just talking about having kids with Barrie (she said he wasn't in the mood) and then this? I think they're probably just taking a break by the way it sounds; I think that she might just be giving him some time to get through his problems. But if they're done for good, I'm here for James Franco or a Jimmy Gnecco rekindling (even though that relationship seemed destructive it was still hot)
  10. that's funny 'cause lana and morrissey are the only two people i care about in this world LITERALLY
  11. Divisive Princess


    guys what the fuck is this
  12. but didn't she say he was on death row in for k? and there's a couple songs (dark paradise) that are obviously about death and it would make sense if that's who she was singing about.
  13. I believe it and not because I just believe everything she says. Let's be real here- Lana is a crazy bitch (one of my favorite things about her) and I DO think she was probably a part of something like that. As someone pointed out, She initially said 'underground scene' and I don't really think it's far fetched or weird to think that maybe that scene really DID have a daddy figure with teenage girls. My old friend was in something like that and they laid around this older man's apartment and got high all day and had different views on life. I'm not being too quick to say that she's lying here because it does happen still. But of course, knowing Lana, who knows; I just think it's plausible.
  14. Pre BTD. I actually found about her through someone who was making fun of her on Tumblr.
  15. This thread caught me off guard for a second because my name is Nina
  16. I'm jealous of you guys for being French. I'm in French 3 at school and I've always wanted a french pen pal
  17. Jade Boudoir, Whiskey Crucifix, Bardot Harlot, Vogue Misery. These all seem likely actually. Huh. Jade Boudoir, Whiskey Crucifix, Bardot Harlot, Vogue Misery. These all seem likely actually. Huh.
  18. The 'people never die in Miami' lyric makes me think of Dexter tbh....
  19. but if it actually had the cd in it, i probably would've shoplifted it tbh
  20. I was about to say something like this. I wasn't too impressed with the snippets, but I listened to the snippets of the songs we already had and even they seemed lame (and I love those songs)
  21. he's literally made so many negative posts in this thread and in the statuses and it gets annoying. even if i despised the song, it really is irritating and that's all i was saying. there's no reason to be repeatedly negative like jfc
  22. you are literally being so negative like you said you didn't like it and we got it the first time. no need to keep reminding people about how much you hate it.
  23. I literally cannot take the people hating on this song rn. It's fine if you don't like the song but let the people that do have their moment. I love the production and the lyrics and the spoken part and just holy shit. One the best parts is the sirens and violins part
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