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  1. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by May in Taylor Swift Exposed By Kim   
    this stanbase has been waiting years for this, so yes
  2. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by May in Taylor Swift Exposed By Kim   
    lana has a history of posing with snakes, she's so brave!

  3. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Trash Magic * Lizzy Grant Lower East Side Jams 🎶   
    was so nice to read those comments - thank you. I'm so self critical its what stopped me from drawing so it was encouraging to read that you liked it. I will totally try to do more although i much prefer traditional drawing to digital. I love looking at more obscure sources for material etc so they'll probably all be from homemade music videos / webcam selfies 
  4. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Trash Magic * Lizzy Grant Lower East Side Jams 🎶   
    Sketched a still from lizzy index mag interview video always loved that look. only my second ever digital drawing or w/e so
  5. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by FredRed in Lana @ TW Classic in Belgium on 9th of July, 2016.   
    Thank you. It's Bob actually. Fred Red is just a name I thought of when creating my YouTube account.
  6. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by PinUpCartoonBaby in Lana Del Rey interview for Fräulein Magazine October 2011   
    Here's my translation:
    Lana Del Rey is this summer’s musical surprise. After a few YouTube videos the Internet is at the self-appointed Gangsta Nancy Sinatra’s feet.
    The music scene suddenly stood upside down as the NY based singer Lana Del Rey uploaded some songs on YouTube. Her concerts were sold out after ten minutes. Songs written by Lana herself, a powerful voice, topped with her self-made music clips with Super 8 holiday videos, stumbling stars and herself: beautiful, with huge lips, a hair curlers hairstyle and long fake nails. A bit of retro chic, a bit of a trailer park look. Is Lana Del Rey a total work of art?
    Allegedly she even grew up in a trailer park. A journalist speculated that she overdid her lip fillers on purpose to look more like the American white trash. On her Facebook page she quotes Coco Chanel: “In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.” No matter if her appearance is part of an image campaign: It worked anyway. Asked if she had to change her style for the record label she answers: “No, my clothes or music were uninteresting for those people. There was rather the question if I’d go to bed with them.”
    So who is Lana Del Rey or Lizzy Grant (her real name)? “It’s just a different name, but I stayed the same person. I wanted a name that better fits my music, that is more glamorous.” Lana Del Rey is a perfectionist. With the list of her musical idols she can’t really go wrong: Nina Simone, Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan, Allen Ginsberg, Kurt Cobain, Anthony and the Johnsons. “Hey, the list wasn’t compiled by some managers!” she emphasizes very firmly, she who just a few moments before said with her sweet singsong-like voice “I worship those artists.” Is this story about the trailer park actually true? “Oh, it’s made such a big deal out of it. Yes, I lived in a trailer park for some years. I found some really good friends there who still are my friends.”
    Lana Del Rey grew up in the town of Lake Placid, a three-hour drive from New York City. She is the oldest of three children. Aged eleven she lead the church choir. In reply to a journalist’s question asking if God would agree with her song lyrics she retorts sarcastically: “God saved my life in so many situations, so he has to agree with what I write.” When asked about it, she laughs and then adds in all seriousness: “I try very hard to be a good person. But somehow I attract crazy people. I always get in trouble because of this.”
    She doesn’t want to reveal what exact kind of trouble but living in New York is hard. In one song she sings: “Maybe I like this rollercoaster, maybe it keeps me high”. If maybe she needs these ups and downs? A little bit too defiantly she replies: “No, I don’t need them at all. To be honest, I can’t stand them at all. I’m a quite simple person.” Recently Lana Del Rey commutes between London and New York. How love things are going considering this? “I once had my great love, then I lost it, then found it once again and well, lost it again. It’s odd to fall in love again and again.” She adds with a frown: “I think it’s some DNA-thing!”
    There it is again, this fast change from kitsch to sarcasm. And even before she can be confronted with any comparison she labels herself as “Gangsta Nancy Sinatra” and her music as Hollywood Pop. “If I didn’t absolutely know that I can sing, I’d do something else!” she says confidently. Meanwhile things are going pretty well for the 24-year-old, even though a real album will only be released by the beginning of next year. To say it with the words of her idol Bob Dylan: “All I can do is be me. Whoever that is.”
  7. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lanaboards Demographics Survery 2016 [RESULTS]   
    I also want to point out one interesting thing is that for Q2, the majority of American's put their state and city where as most other people just put their country. What I conclude from this is that Americans have an inflated sense of self importance :hooker:
  8. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lanaboards Demographics Survey 2016   
  9. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lanaboards Demographics Survey 2016   
    okay results incoming guyz
  10. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Rafael in The Interview section needs your precious help!   
    Radio station: P3
    Original Interview Link: http://sverigesradio.se/sida/avsnitt/388300?programid=4067
    Date of Interview: June 26th 2014
    Link to the original audio file got removed after 30 days or due to copyright according to the page though unfortunately. Even tried looking it up on Wayback Machine but to no prevail. Good thing I extracted it in due time I guess, hope it helps 
  11. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in The Interview section needs your precious help!   
    Mods - wasn't sure where to put this, chose this for visibility, feel free to move! 
    Hi baes, so here's a little update on the most-awaited Interviews section! Basically, @@WhiteHydrangea, @, @@Valentino, @@evilentity, @ and me are mashing work like crazy and have advanced A LOT on the section. I'm delighted to announce with confidence that if we go on like this it should be open pretty soon
    However, there are some things we need in order to progress that we aren't able to do, so this thread will be dedicated to requests from the team for things like translations and if needed more, just as the thread previously made by @. If you for example know the language required for a translation and have a bit of time to dedicate Lana, it would be extremely appreciated. We will indicate you how to post your translation so that it's YOU that posts it and you get proper credit for translation as we know how tedious it can be and you deserve recognition for your help and time! And of course, you will also get credit for any kind of help you provide as this is the beauty of the project and we're particularly aware of that
    This section is building up to be the most complete, the most anally organized, and by far the most beautiful Lana interviews archive ever created, and you can be part of the team!   Requests will start from the post below, thank you in advance to everyone
  12. Macintosh Manhattan liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in We're Looking For Members to Help with the Interview Subsection!!   
    The Interview Section is underway again! Contributors @@Valentino, @@WhiteHydrangea, @ and @@annedauphine are working so hard to have this section open for you guys!! 

    Please click on the link HERE to see how you can help the team!
  13. reputation liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in We're Looking For Members to Help with the Interview Subsection!!   
    Wanna help with the currently in development interview subsection??

    i've been doing some work on the interview subsection and it is an ENORMOUS task. we're looking at making it incredibly comprehensive, including every print (magazine, online), video (shows, online exclusives), and radio interview, including transcripts of the video and radio interviews and typing out previously scanned-only interviews.  imagine needing to refer to a lana interview but not knowing which one made reference to ________. you'd need only to search the select key words in the interview subsection, using the forum's search feature to find every article she ever mentioned x, y and z. 
    it's a HUGE project, but one i am confident can be completed relatively quickly we make it a collaborative effort. we're talking every interview, from 2006 to 2013. 

    This is something i'd really like to work on because the longer this project is put off, the more overwhelming it will become with time with more and more interviews and it may never be tackled. i'm just asking people to pitch in what they can, i am not expecting you'll spend 7h a day working on this. Every little bit helps, but i must admit, those willing to do a little extra will be super duper appreciated. 
    if you're interested in helping, comment below and let me know what you'd be interested in doing, and i'll make sure you get access to the interview subsection to start pitching in

    kanye and i thank you for reading! 
    (if i get enough volunteers, i'll stop using these tiny heads everywhere, i swear)
  14. WhiteHydrangea liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in We're Looking For Members to Help with the Interview Subsection!!   
    The Interview Section is underway again! Contributors @@Valentino, @@WhiteHydrangea, @ and @@annedauphine are working so hard to have this section open for you guys!! 

    Please click on the link HERE to see how you can help the team!
  15. WhiteHydrangea liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in We're Looking For Members to Help with the Interview Subsection!!   
    Wanna help with the currently in development interview subsection??

    i've been doing some work on the interview subsection and it is an ENORMOUS task. we're looking at making it incredibly comprehensive, including every print (magazine, online), video (shows, online exclusives), and radio interview, including transcripts of the video and radio interviews and typing out previously scanned-only interviews.  imagine needing to refer to a lana interview but not knowing which one made reference to ________. you'd need only to search the select key words in the interview subsection, using the forum's search feature to find every article she ever mentioned x, y and z. 
    it's a HUGE project, but one i am confident can be completed relatively quickly we make it a collaborative effort. we're talking every interview, from 2006 to 2013. 

    This is something i'd really like to work on because the longer this project is put off, the more overwhelming it will become with time with more and more interviews and it may never be tackled. i'm just asking people to pitch in what they can, i am not expecting you'll spend 7h a day working on this. Every little bit helps, but i must admit, those willing to do a little extra will be super duper appreciated. 
    if you're interested in helping, comment below and let me know what you'd be interested in doing, and i'll make sure you get access to the interview subsection to start pitching in

    kanye and i thank you for reading! 
    (if i get enough volunteers, i'll stop using these tiny heads everywhere, i swear)
  16. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by WhiteHydrangea in Forum Suggestions   
    Can we have a little box in the top like we used to where the last announces of the forum are posted? like the one we had to announce the new member of the month interview?
    Like that way when you or the mods make thread announcements everyone can see them the minute they get online
    "translaters needed"
    "new forum update"
    "Lana Del Rey is now part of this forum"
    "Contest xyz"
    "new posting guide"
    "about forum issues"
    "whitehydrangea finally kills himself"
  17. YUNGATA liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Lanaboards Demographics Survey 2016   
  18. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Britain to leave EU after referendum, PM David Cameron to resign in October.   
    I think it's very likely Scotland will get another referendum. This one changes the entire context of Scottish independence, people will be protesting for sure.
  19. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Britain to leave EU after referendum, PM David Cameron to resign in October.   
    And I see the majority of the leave voters were 65+. Fuck the greying population I hope life expectancy lowers to 60 you useless out of touch losers who still hold the racist values you were brought up with. This whole result came from the fear monger ing from the media on immigrantion and refugees and the xenophobic attitude from the public I am certain.
  20. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Britain to leave EU after referendum, PM David Cameron to resign in October.   
    Canberra's so boring tbh come to a fun city tho depending on your field of work Canberra might be better.
    There's a few of us yes. I've met @ a few times :3 and I think @@ConeyIslandKing is in Sydney (correct me if I'm wrong). couple others that i'm blanking on atm~
  21. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Britain to leave EU after referendum, PM David Cameron to resign in October.   
    The value of the £ has already plummeted dramatically and is at its lowest since 1985. The UK economy is no longer in the top 5 best economies in the world and the FTSE has gone down 8.4%, or roughly £130 billion. Lots of banking groups have had their values wiped out in a matter of minutes - Lloyds, for example, has gone down 30%. Around half a million jobs will be lost and the GDP will be almost 4% lower than if we stayed in the EU by 2017. After 15 years, the cost of leaving the EU will be about £4300 per household per year, which works out to be £36 billion a year.
    That's just the short-term economic consequences as well. There's issues like national security, immigration and trade - along with many more - that haven't been realised yet.
  22. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by NamiraWilhelm in Britain to leave EU after referendum, PM David Cameron to resign in October.   
    It's advisory, so let's hope.
    Fortunately I recently buggered off from London to Australia let's hope I find work and can stay..
  23. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by bummersummer in Britain to leave EU after referendum, PM David Cameron to resign in October.   
    the campaign for 'leave' was essentially based on xenophobic / racist / anti-immigration sentiment & in pure economic terms the UK gain nothing from leaving the EU. this gives power to the far-right all over Europe & puts the EU in a precarious position (this last point not being necessarily bad when it comes to their usual undemocratic neoliberal decisions tho).
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