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  1. Sonora liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in STAN WARS: 4th Quarter Album Releases - Who are you supporting? [POLL ADDED]   
    Christ, I feel the same way.
    I think her discography is terribly overrated and overhyped, and her "saving grace" -- her ability to perform and put on a show -- really isn't all that great as it's been made out to be. She is NOT the female Michael Jackson, imo. While she is a great technical performer; hitting every mark, every note, carrying herself with the "perfect" amount of sass, etc, it all seems very calculated, and not at all genuine. Every move she makes seems so deliberate, the way she moves her body (not sure how to describe it, she's technically doing the moves correctly but doesn't move like an actual dancer), her voice, although brilliant, can be so affected in its delivery, portraying perfect amount of pain, the perfect amount of playfulness, the perfect amount of forcefulness. Perfect, perfect, perfect. I don't know. Her interactions with her fans and banter while on stage seem so insincere, right down to the way she smiles, throws her head back and laughs, and that single tear that falls as she looks off into the distance while performing something that "moves her". It's as though there's something kind of robotic that's holding her back. It's as though her fixation on her image and appearing a certain way transcends to the stage and effects her delivery. I just can't get into it, as much as I want to and as talented as she undoubtedly is. I've just never once gotten the impression that she gets truly lost in her performances. 
    I feel like Britney at her peak, Freddie Mercury, two very different artists from one another -- are those on par with MJ for putting on a great fucking performance. Beyonce doesn't deserve to have her name mentioned in the same sentence as him. 
    I touched a bit on her legendary, iconic status here. Basically, her team marketed her as a ~legend~ and ~iconic~; these were not bestowed upon her through the usual means of time passing and retrospection as they ought to be be. Funny how carefully worded press releases, demands for media outlets, and certain marketing can give someone a title and status that should only be earned in time and not as a hungry grab for a crown the public never set upon their head, if that makes any sense. 
    ANYWAY, I said a lot more than I was meaning to and I only popped in here to mention a couple of op-ed pieces I feel hit the nail on the end in regards to both Beyonce's and Rihanna's career. The first touches on what @@elllipsis mentioned about her lack of notable songs despite her supposed status in music...
    Beyonce: An Icon Who's Struggled to Make Iconic Music?
    Like She's the Only Girl in the World: The improbable, unstoppable success of Rihanna
      -- Choice quote:
              "Mariah, Whitney, Beyoncé, Gaga—these stars feel like stars. Rihanna feels like something else: a one hit-wonder several dozen times over."
    (What is this accuracy? What a succinct way of putting it.) 
  2. James19709 liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Black Beauty   
    I definitely remember this.
  3. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Lana Nominated at the World Soundtrack Awards 2013   
    I'm so sick of this vilification of cats here on the forum.
  4. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Officially Announces TROPICO, "Coming to a City Near You"   
    she's so ~ ~ ~ mysterious ~ ~ ~ but tbh theres no way this fame starved bitch is gonna leave the 'scene' 
    she's just angry about the leaks and about her ex-fans that lack the strength of 'character' 
    trying to draw them and everyone else back in with a bit of head fuckery is all 
  5. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Full Radio.com Interview: Lana Del Rey on the Leaks, the Imitators & the Haters   
    I totally overlooked the "eight years ago" part at first ( at a possible reference to Sirens or her other early recordings) but I'd been meaning to contact Steven Mertens for months since @@Trash Magic and I put some things together about him (which perhaps belong in Lanalysis). When I saw she mentioned him by name in this article, I got on that immediately and sent him an e-mail. I'll report back any response, but please don't bother him in case it interferes with my attempts to correspond with him.
    In addition to sharing the bill with her at a Cross-Pollination show, and playing in her backing band as TPD noted (he's the guy that looks sort of like McNulty from The Wire in the Canal Room videos), Mertens has actually been referred to in at least two other interviews with Lana. Remember that Megan and Menace in the Mornings interview?
    (You can listen here at around 5:20.) Regina Spektor (who TPD notes Mertens also played for) is married to Jack Dishel who was in a band called The Moldy Peaches. Guess who else was in The Moldy Peaches? Steven Mertens. I wasn't completely convinced at first that that's who she was talking about (I thought it was more likely another Moldy Peaches member, Adam Green, since his initials are AG, likely a red herring) until @@Trash Magic pointed out something I'd missed-- in that Mizrahi interview she said:
    A little digging shows that Steven Saint = Steven Mertens (see here and here).

  6. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Full Radio.com Interview: Lana Del Rey on the Leaks, the Imitators & the Haters   
    Perhaps you should try not to invalidate her feelings by attributing them to PMS and hormones?
  7. Kerrigan liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Lana Nominated at the World Soundtrack Awards 2013   
    I'm so sick of this vilification of cats here on the forum.
  8. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Full Radio.com Interview: Lana Del Rey on the Leaks, the Imitators & the Haters   
    Perhaps you should try not to invalidate her feelings by attributing them to PMS and hormones?
  9. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in Lana Nominated at the World Soundtrack Awards 2013   
    Never heard of this awards show in my life tbh.
  10. Alicia liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Full Radio.com Interview: Lana Del Rey on the Leaks, the Imitators & the Haters   
    Perhaps you should try not to invalidate her feelings by attributing them to PMS and hormones?
  11. lola liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Full Radio.com Interview: Lana Del Rey on the Leaks, the Imitators & the Haters   
    Perhaps you should try not to invalidate her feelings by attributing them to PMS and hormones?
  12. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Full Radio.com Interview: Lana Del Rey on the Leaks, the Imitators & the Haters   
    Aw, baby.
    I've been so hyped on the idea of a new Lana release that I don't even know how to react to it potentially coming later. She still seems passionate about the idea of the album and even about "Black Beauty" itself. I really hope it makes the album, however long it takes. Being a fan of Lana since Born to Die's release has been a lot like getting spoiled. There are so many leaks and she's been pretty consistent in putting out new stuff even if certain ideas fall to the wayside. I do have to wonder how ready fansites are for a drought.
    What the hell is she talking about with Steve Mertens, though? Is that something to do with Sirens? I mean 8 years ago would have been 2005 OMG channel the vibe of May Jailer with the voice and songwriting talent of Lana Del Rey. PLEASE.
    Should I merge this with the other Radio.com thread since that article was just kind of an introduction that used snippets of this interview?
  13. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Full Radio.com Interview: Lana Del Rey on the Leaks, the Imitators & the Haters   
    I disagree tbh. I think all her Lizzy Grant era lacked was an audience. She has it now. I'd personally love for her to go back to that sound.
  14. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by Quentin in Full Radio.com Interview: Lana Del Rey on the Leaks, the Imitators & the Haters   
    and a special shout out to the homie who made rick's website
  15. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by lola in Full Radio.com Interview: Lana Del Rey on the Leaks, the Imitators & the Haters   
    she sounds p sad in this. i don't think she likes touring, it's all work and she doesn't get to "live". and the songs were from rick's page, it's not like someone hacked her and leaked the songs, rick's the one responsible for the songs leaking imo. did anyone notice how she didn't mention emile haynie? let's pray 4 a lou reed collab & a david kahne comeback. i'd rly prefer for her to keep writing her own songs tho 
  16. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Full Radio.com Interview: Lana Del Rey on the Leaks, the Imitators & the Haters   
    If that's not bitterness, well...
    Opinions, though.
  17. FROGGO liked a post in a topic by trashtrashtrash in Full Radio.com Interview: Lana Del Rey on the Leaks, the Imitators & the Haters   
    shout out to whoever leaked black beauty 
  18. Trash Magic liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in LOVELANALIKELIFE-ANALYSIS: Relating Songs to Known/Assumed Lana Songs   
    I know Lanalysis is for analyzing Lana songs, but what about analyzing songs that others have written about Lana? Remember this gem by our very own @♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life?

    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom

    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom

    Hello, My Angel, take me to Wonderland
    Hello, my angel's name: Lizzy Grant
    Lana, please let me, be your friend
    Lana trust no one but I buck the trend

    Hello, My Angel, take me to Wonderland
    Hello, my angel's name: Lizzy Grant
    Lana, please let me, be your friend
    Lana trust no one but I buck the trend

    ...and what's this? Lana referring to herself as an Angel Headed Hipster??

    A coincidence? I think not.
    Most eerily prophetic: the new Angels Forever, Forever Angels , a song we had no prior knowledge of before the leak. Think about it. The leak came last month, this song was written in November. Think about that.
    Oh, but you say, that's just a coincidence. Is it? Is it really?   

    The very lyrics state: LANA TRUST NO ONE, BUT I BUCK THE TREND. Is it really crazy to think that despite Lana's untrusting and guarded nature, 4L bucked the trend and saw past all that? That Lana and 4L were in fact, the best of friends and Lana felt as though she could confide in him with anything... even intense feelings of hatred towards arguably the world's most successful and popular popstar in recent times?

    Here we are witness to an intimate moment between two great friends. 4L is currently in the midst of "bucking the trend".
    Let us examine another one of LoveLanaLikeLife's songs: Lady Gaga Ain't No Hoe
    Keep reaching... for that rainbow   
    Lady Gaga, you ain't no hoe
    Called you a bitch, would be a no-go

    I interpret this song as 4L's tongue-in-cheek lyrics about Lana's true feelings about Lady Gaga. The first line is clearly a "subtle jab", telling her to "keep reaching", but then quickly covers it's tracks -- "for that rainbow" -- to make the line inspirational and a reference to her work with the LGBT community. 

    "Lady Gaga, you ain't no hoe"

    This could be interpreted as "Lady Gaga, you ain't hot shit", a la "So Legit".

    "Called you a bitch, would be a no-go" 

    Lana called Gaga all sorts of rude things, but knows that currently, these sorts of insulting comments would not fly with Gaga's popularity. 

    I believe 4L penned this song knowing that Lana was no longer in a position to write songs about the popstar she despised oh-so-much. In a sense, he is throwing himself onto the flames for his friend and is yet again proving himself worthy of bucking the trend. 

    So Legit leaked last month, a couple weeks after we learned of the content of the song. 4L wrote this song in January, 7 months prior. It's becoming more and more apparent that he's obviously a member of Lana's small circle.   

    This too would explain his sudden absence from the forum. I would imagine that Ben forced 4L to leave the forum, believing he would share private information with us forum members -- and so he did, in a cryptic sort of way. I also have reason to believe that Ben is behind the disappearance of 7 or so exclusive 4L videos, as he didn't want any more information to leak about the upcoming album era and Lana's personal life. I just hope Ben was wasn't too harsh on 4L

    Let's all take a moment to say a prayer for 4L, hope is doing well and is blessed in life, and thank him for the gifts he unknowingly bestowed upon us. We owe him that, at the very least. What an iconic legend.   
    :legend: :legend:
  19. Chris Cuomo liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in LOVELANALIKELIFE-ANALYSIS: Relating Songs to Known/Assumed Lana Songs   
    I know Lanalysis is for analyzing Lana songs, but what about analyzing songs that others have written about Lana? Remember this gem by our very own @♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life?

    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom

    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom

    Hello, My Angel, take me to Wonderland
    Hello, my angel's name: Lizzy Grant
    Lana, please let me, be your friend
    Lana trust no one but I buck the trend

    Hello, My Angel, take me to Wonderland
    Hello, my angel's name: Lizzy Grant
    Lana, please let me, be your friend
    Lana trust no one but I buck the trend

    ...and what's this? Lana referring to herself as an Angel Headed Hipster??

    A coincidence? I think not.
    Most eerily prophetic: the new Angels Forever, Forever Angels , a song we had no prior knowledge of before the leak. Think about it. The leak came last month, this song was written in November. Think about that.
    Oh, but you say, that's just a coincidence. Is it? Is it really?   

    The very lyrics state: LANA TRUST NO ONE, BUT I BUCK THE TREND. Is it really crazy to think that despite Lana's untrusting and guarded nature, 4L bucked the trend and saw past all that? That Lana and 4L were in fact, the best of friends and Lana felt as though she could confide in him with anything... even intense feelings of hatred towards arguably the world's most successful and popular popstar in recent times?

    Here we are witness to an intimate moment between two great friends. 4L is currently in the midst of "bucking the trend".
    Let us examine another one of LoveLanaLikeLife's songs: Lady Gaga Ain't No Hoe
    Keep reaching... for that rainbow   
    Lady Gaga, you ain't no hoe
    Called you a bitch, would be a no-go

    I interpret this song as 4L's tongue-in-cheek lyrics about Lana's true feelings about Lady Gaga. The first line is clearly a "subtle jab", telling her to "keep reaching", but then quickly covers it's tracks -- "for that rainbow" -- to make the line inspirational and a reference to her work with the LGBT community. 

    "Lady Gaga, you ain't no hoe"

    This could be interpreted as "Lady Gaga, you ain't hot shit", a la "So Legit".

    "Called you a bitch, would be a no-go" 

    Lana called Gaga all sorts of rude things, but knows that currently, these sorts of insulting comments would not fly with Gaga's popularity. 

    I believe 4L penned this song knowing that Lana was no longer in a position to write songs about the popstar she despised oh-so-much. In a sense, he is throwing himself onto the flames for his friend and is yet again proving himself worthy of bucking the trend. 

    So Legit leaked last month, a couple weeks after we learned of the content of the song. 4L wrote this song in January, 7 months prior. It's becoming more and more apparent that he's obviously a member of Lana's small circle.   

    This too would explain his sudden absence from the forum. I would imagine that Ben forced 4L to leave the forum, believing he would share private information with us forum members -- and so he did, in a cryptic sort of way. I also have reason to believe that Ben is behind the disappearance of 7 or so exclusive 4L videos, as he didn't want any more information to leak about the upcoming album era and Lana's personal life. I just hope Ben was wasn't too harsh on 4L

    Let's all take a moment to say a prayer for 4L, hope is doing well and is blessed in life, and thank him for the gifts he unknowingly bestowed upon us. We owe him that, at the very least. What an iconic legend.   
    :legend: :legend:
  20. evilentity liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in LOVELANALIKELIFE-ANALYSIS: Relating Songs to Known/Assumed Lana Songs   
    I know Lanalysis is for analyzing Lana songs, but what about analyzing songs that others have written about Lana? Remember this gem by our very own @♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life?

    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom

    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom

    Hello, My Angel, take me to Wonderland
    Hello, my angel's name: Lizzy Grant
    Lana, please let me, be your friend
    Lana trust no one but I buck the trend

    Hello, My Angel, take me to Wonderland
    Hello, my angel's name: Lizzy Grant
    Lana, please let me, be your friend
    Lana trust no one but I buck the trend

    ...and what's this? Lana referring to herself as an Angel Headed Hipster??

    A coincidence? I think not.
    Most eerily prophetic: the new Angels Forever, Forever Angels , a song we had no prior knowledge of before the leak. Think about it. The leak came last month, this song was written in November. Think about that.
    Oh, but you say, that's just a coincidence. Is it? Is it really?   

    The very lyrics state: LANA TRUST NO ONE, BUT I BUCK THE TREND. Is it really crazy to think that despite Lana's untrusting and guarded nature, 4L bucked the trend and saw past all that? That Lana and 4L were in fact, the best of friends and Lana felt as though she could confide in him with anything... even intense feelings of hatred towards arguably the world's most successful and popular popstar in recent times?

    Here we are witness to an intimate moment between two great friends. 4L is currently in the midst of "bucking the trend".
    Let us examine another one of LoveLanaLikeLife's songs: Lady Gaga Ain't No Hoe
    Keep reaching... for that rainbow   
    Lady Gaga, you ain't no hoe
    Called you a bitch, would be a no-go

    I interpret this song as 4L's tongue-in-cheek lyrics about Lana's true feelings about Lady Gaga. The first line is clearly a "subtle jab", telling her to "keep reaching", but then quickly covers it's tracks -- "for that rainbow" -- to make the line inspirational and a reference to her work with the LGBT community. 

    "Lady Gaga, you ain't no hoe"

    This could be interpreted as "Lady Gaga, you ain't hot shit", a la "So Legit".

    "Called you a bitch, would be a no-go" 

    Lana called Gaga all sorts of rude things, but knows that currently, these sorts of insulting comments would not fly with Gaga's popularity. 

    I believe 4L penned this song knowing that Lana was no longer in a position to write songs about the popstar she despised oh-so-much. In a sense, he is throwing himself onto the flames for his friend and is yet again proving himself worthy of bucking the trend. 

    So Legit leaked last month, a couple weeks after we learned of the content of the song. 4L wrote this song in January, 7 months prior. It's becoming more and more apparent that he's obviously a member of Lana's small circle.   

    This too would explain his sudden absence from the forum. I would imagine that Ben forced 4L to leave the forum, believing he would share private information with us forum members -- and so he did, in a cryptic sort of way. I also have reason to believe that Ben is behind the disappearance of 7 or so exclusive 4L videos, as he didn't want any more information to leak about the upcoming album era and Lana's personal life. I just hope Ben was wasn't too harsh on 4L

    Let's all take a moment to say a prayer for 4L, hope is doing well and is blessed in life, and thank him for the gifts he unknowingly bestowed upon us. We owe him that, at the very least. What an iconic legend.   
    :legend: :legend:
  21. Rafael liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in LOVELANALIKELIFE-ANALYSIS: Relating Songs to Known/Assumed Lana Songs   
    I know Lanalysis is for analyzing Lana songs, but what about analyzing songs that others have written about Lana? Remember this gem by our very own @♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life?

    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom

    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom

    Hello, My Angel, take me to Wonderland
    Hello, my angel's name: Lizzy Grant
    Lana, please let me, be your friend
    Lana trust no one but I buck the trend

    Hello, My Angel, take me to Wonderland
    Hello, my angel's name: Lizzy Grant
    Lana, please let me, be your friend
    Lana trust no one but I buck the trend

    ...and what's this? Lana referring to herself as an Angel Headed Hipster??

    A coincidence? I think not.
    Most eerily prophetic: the new Angels Forever, Forever Angels , a song we had no prior knowledge of before the leak. Think about it. The leak came last month, this song was written in November. Think about that.
    Oh, but you say, that's just a coincidence. Is it? Is it really?   

    The very lyrics state: LANA TRUST NO ONE, BUT I BUCK THE TREND. Is it really crazy to think that despite Lana's untrusting and guarded nature, 4L bucked the trend and saw past all that? That Lana and 4L were in fact, the best of friends and Lana felt as though she could confide in him with anything... even intense feelings of hatred towards arguably the world's most successful and popular popstar in recent times?

    Here we are witness to an intimate moment between two great friends. 4L is currently in the midst of "bucking the trend".
    Let us examine another one of LoveLanaLikeLife's songs: Lady Gaga Ain't No Hoe
    Keep reaching... for that rainbow   
    Lady Gaga, you ain't no hoe
    Called you a bitch, would be a no-go

    I interpret this song as 4L's tongue-in-cheek lyrics about Lana's true feelings about Lady Gaga. The first line is clearly a "subtle jab", telling her to "keep reaching", but then quickly covers it's tracks -- "for that rainbow" -- to make the line inspirational and a reference to her work with the LGBT community. 

    "Lady Gaga, you ain't no hoe"

    This could be interpreted as "Lady Gaga, you ain't hot shit", a la "So Legit".

    "Called you a bitch, would be a no-go" 

    Lana called Gaga all sorts of rude things, but knows that currently, these sorts of insulting comments would not fly with Gaga's popularity. 

    I believe 4L penned this song knowing that Lana was no longer in a position to write songs about the popstar she despised oh-so-much. In a sense, he is throwing himself onto the flames for his friend and is yet again proving himself worthy of bucking the trend. 

    So Legit leaked last month, a couple weeks after we learned of the content of the song. 4L wrote this song in January, 7 months prior. It's becoming more and more apparent that he's obviously a member of Lana's small circle.   

    This too would explain his sudden absence from the forum. I would imagine that Ben forced 4L to leave the forum, believing he would share private information with us forum members -- and so he did, in a cryptic sort of way. I also have reason to believe that Ben is behind the disappearance of 7 or so exclusive 4L videos, as he didn't want any more information to leak about the upcoming album era and Lana's personal life. I just hope Ben was wasn't too harsh on 4L

    Let's all take a moment to say a prayer for 4L, hope is doing well and is blessed in life, and thank him for the gifts he unknowingly bestowed upon us. We owe him that, at the very least. What an iconic legend.   
    :legend: :legend:
  22. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in this content is no longer available   
    Please make a melodramatic status update about you leaving so we can beg you to stay and give you attention   
  23. phahad liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in LOVELANALIKELIFE-ANALYSIS: Relating Songs to Known/Assumed Lana Songs   
    I know Lanalysis is for analyzing Lana songs, but what about analyzing songs that others have written about Lana? Remember this gem by our very own @♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life?

    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom

    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom

    Hello, My Angel, take me to Wonderland
    Hello, my angel's name: Lizzy Grant
    Lana, please let me, be your friend
    Lana trust no one but I buck the trend

    Hello, My Angel, take me to Wonderland
    Hello, my angel's name: Lizzy Grant
    Lana, please let me, be your friend
    Lana trust no one but I buck the trend

    ...and what's this? Lana referring to herself as an Angel Headed Hipster??

    A coincidence? I think not.
    Most eerily prophetic: the new Angels Forever, Forever Angels , a song we had no prior knowledge of before the leak. Think about it. The leak came last month, this song was written in November. Think about that.
    Oh, but you say, that's just a coincidence. Is it? Is it really?   

    The very lyrics state: LANA TRUST NO ONE, BUT I BUCK THE TREND. Is it really crazy to think that despite Lana's untrusting and guarded nature, 4L bucked the trend and saw past all that? That Lana and 4L were in fact, the best of friends and Lana felt as though she could confide in him with anything... even intense feelings of hatred towards arguably the world's most successful and popular popstar in recent times?

    Here we are witness to an intimate moment between two great friends. 4L is currently in the midst of "bucking the trend".
    Let us examine another one of LoveLanaLikeLife's songs: Lady Gaga Ain't No Hoe
    Keep reaching... for that rainbow   
    Lady Gaga, you ain't no hoe
    Called you a bitch, would be a no-go

    I interpret this song as 4L's tongue-in-cheek lyrics about Lana's true feelings about Lady Gaga. The first line is clearly a "subtle jab", telling her to "keep reaching", but then quickly covers it's tracks -- "for that rainbow" -- to make the line inspirational and a reference to her work with the LGBT community. 

    "Lady Gaga, you ain't no hoe"

    This could be interpreted as "Lady Gaga, you ain't hot shit", a la "So Legit".

    "Called you a bitch, would be a no-go" 

    Lana called Gaga all sorts of rude things, but knows that currently, these sorts of insulting comments would not fly with Gaga's popularity. 

    I believe 4L penned this song knowing that Lana was no longer in a position to write songs about the popstar she despised oh-so-much. In a sense, he is throwing himself onto the flames for his friend and is yet again proving himself worthy of bucking the trend. 

    So Legit leaked last month, a couple weeks after we learned of the content of the song. 4L wrote this song in January, 7 months prior. It's becoming more and more apparent that he's obviously a member of Lana's small circle.   

    This too would explain his sudden absence from the forum. I would imagine that Ben forced 4L to leave the forum, believing he would share private information with us forum members -- and so he did, in a cryptic sort of way. I also have reason to believe that Ben is behind the disappearance of 7 or so exclusive 4L videos, as he didn't want any more information to leak about the upcoming album era and Lana's personal life. I just hope Ben was wasn't too harsh on 4L

    Let's all take a moment to say a prayer for 4L, hope is doing well and is blessed in life, and thank him for the gifts he unknowingly bestowed upon us. We owe him that, at the very least. What an iconic legend.   
    :legend: :legend:
  24. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in LOVELANALIKELIFE-ANALYSIS: Relating Songs to Known/Assumed Lana Songs   
    I know Lanalysis is for analyzing Lana songs, but what about analyzing songs that others have written about Lana? Remember this gem by our very own @♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life?

    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom

    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom
    Boom Boom Lana, Boom Boom

    Hello, My Angel, take me to Wonderland
    Hello, my angel's name: Lizzy Grant
    Lana, please let me, be your friend
    Lana trust no one but I buck the trend

    Hello, My Angel, take me to Wonderland
    Hello, my angel's name: Lizzy Grant
    Lana, please let me, be your friend
    Lana trust no one but I buck the trend

    ...and what's this? Lana referring to herself as an Angel Headed Hipster??

    A coincidence? I think not.
    Most eerily prophetic: the new Angels Forever, Forever Angels , a song we had no prior knowledge of before the leak. Think about it. The leak came last month, this song was written in November. Think about that.
    Oh, but you say, that's just a coincidence. Is it? Is it really?   

    The very lyrics state: LANA TRUST NO ONE, BUT I BUCK THE TREND. Is it really crazy to think that despite Lana's untrusting and guarded nature, 4L bucked the trend and saw past all that? That Lana and 4L were in fact, the best of friends and Lana felt as though she could confide in him with anything... even intense feelings of hatred towards arguably the world's most successful and popular popstar in recent times?

    Here we are witness to an intimate moment between two great friends. 4L is currently in the midst of "bucking the trend".
    Let us examine another one of LoveLanaLikeLife's songs: Lady Gaga Ain't No Hoe
    Keep reaching... for that rainbow   
    Lady Gaga, you ain't no hoe
    Called you a bitch, would be a no-go

    I interpret this song as 4L's tongue-in-cheek lyrics about Lana's true feelings about Lady Gaga. The first line is clearly a "subtle jab", telling her to "keep reaching", but then quickly covers it's tracks -- "for that rainbow" -- to make the line inspirational and a reference to her work with the LGBT community. 

    "Lady Gaga, you ain't no hoe"

    This could be interpreted as "Lady Gaga, you ain't hot shit", a la "So Legit".

    "Called you a bitch, would be a no-go" 

    Lana called Gaga all sorts of rude things, but knows that currently, these sorts of insulting comments would not fly with Gaga's popularity. 

    I believe 4L penned this song knowing that Lana was no longer in a position to write songs about the popstar she despised oh-so-much. In a sense, he is throwing himself onto the flames for his friend and is yet again proving himself worthy of bucking the trend. 

    So Legit leaked last month, a couple weeks after we learned of the content of the song. 4L wrote this song in January, 7 months prior. It's becoming more and more apparent that he's obviously a member of Lana's small circle.   

    This too would explain his sudden absence from the forum. I would imagine that Ben forced 4L to leave the forum, believing he would share private information with us forum members -- and so he did, in a cryptic sort of way. I also have reason to believe that Ben is behind the disappearance of 7 or so exclusive 4L videos, as he didn't want any more information to leak about the upcoming album era and Lana's personal life. I just hope Ben was wasn't too harsh on 4L

    Let's all take a moment to say a prayer for 4L, hope is doing well and is blessed in life, and thank him for the gifts he unknowingly bestowed upon us. We owe him that, at the very least. What an iconic legend.   
    :legend: :legend:
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