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About VegasBaby

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  • Birthday March 13

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  1. Hearing Off to the Races playing in a friends car.
  2. How was it ever funny? Shade to Lana if she really said this.
  3. idk about this celine chick but Lanas lips look enormous compared to hers. Forever a qt though.
  4. Lavender Sunshine Lilac Fumes
  5. Who's "worshipping" old albums? I'm saying I think the quality of lyrics and songwriting has decreased. Others seem to agree. She obviously had/has fillers with each album shes made but nowadays her songs seem repetitive and have no heart to them, I feel. I'm also including the directions she takes her releases in, her events, her tours. She doesn't seem to care as much or put effort in and it shows. To get all 'You don't know what you're talking about' when someone states an opinion you don't like?
  6. Becoming? lol i think that's a bit of a cop out really. when she talks about having control over the direction of her albums and music, it seems like its her in the driving seat making messy career decisions. do you think her managers would suggest she release a song called Summer Bummer?
  7. You can make decent music and make money from it. If she showed she had an actual plan or vision with her work, I'd agree but she doesn't. If she was all about making money, then what was Tropico about? Did she or anyone else make any (or much) money from that?
  8. tbh the general public will look at a title like 'Summer Bummer' and think she is not a serious artist who gives a crap about her work. thats what I would think its sad from a musician who has written songs like Yayo, Elvis (personal fave) and her unreleased albums, that she seems to want to sabotage herself. almost as if she's throwing music out towards a void and not caring about an impact or an impression. @MahaMaha summed it up for me
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