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  1. Anarchy liked a post in a topic by Off To The Races 2010 demo pls in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    In this month you got:
    1. A full 8 tracks EP
    2. The EP instrumentals
    3. An unreleased song
    You can bop to these 3 and wait two fucking weeks for FEAR.
  2. Diet Mountain Dew liked a post in a topic by Anarchy in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    DG just leaked the love instrumentals
  3. Anarchy liked a post in a topic by hornymoon in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    Why are her boobs so..BIG like I'm scared but all I can see are her big greek tiddies, they're full of her unreleased material 
  4. Anarchy liked a post in a topic by wraith in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    are the demo snippet leaks not enough? or the 8 tracks we got last friday lol? just fkn wait the 3 weeks till its on itunes
  5. AKASAKA SAWAYAMA liked a post in a topic by Anarchy in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    y'all smell that obesity?
  6. BBMbby liked a post in a topic by Anarchy in California   
    she did NOTHING
  7. deepseafishing liked a post in a topic by Anarchy in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    she's cute i guess
    leak superstar demo
  8. Anarchy liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    The point being that it's not trying to be deep...she's writing simple, happy songs to reflect how she's feeling...simple and happy...away from the pretension of feeling that she needs to be deep or serious. What's not clicking
  9. LonelyHeart liked a post in a topic by Anarchy in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   

    a dance pop heaven
  10. Anarchy liked a post in a topic by fl0ridakil0s in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    Enjoy Your Life lyrics are so "Beautiful People Beautiful Problems"
    Rich people telling you to enjoy your beautiful problems
  11. Anarchy liked a post in a topic by hornymoon in Lana attends Justin Bieber's Churchome service - April 3rd 2019   
    hillsong or churchome or whatever it is, that shit is weird and she's fully become an la weirdo, lana there's still time we can go back to new york loving you was really hard
    I feel like those white sorority friends got her into this weird LA jesus is super cool and vegan cult thing they were probably like "omg lanz it's the latest thing it's just so cool and like u get to drink matcha while u talk about how cool jesus is! they even have fermented cucumber water!"
  12. clementines liked a post in a topic by Anarchy in California   
    she did NOTHING
  13. Anarchy liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    What's wrong with being in love and happy....who hurt you girl
  14. Anarchy liked a post in a topic by Bloody Valentine in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    You're giving it too much thought. She changed her name 'cause she wanted a name that represents the way she is and the way she thinks now. It's her way of saying "I'm not like I used to be. I changed, I've grown, this is who I am now". That doesn't mean the stuff she made before was fake lmao. What you're saying doesn't even make any sense at all.
  15. Anarchy liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Trumatic to say the least.
  16. Anarchy liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I wonder if her voice will ever be in this condition again. Masterful, and the atmosphere of that entire tour was unlike anything else. She was feeling the music, and her vocals were loud and clear. 
    We really took that era for granted.
  17. Anarchy liked a post in a topic by LanaFlowers in Lana's lacking live performances - a discussion   
    I completely agree with what you said here, I think she's lost her spark and it shows. You could tell at first she was so shocked & grateful to be performing for all these people, to have so many adoring fans screaming her name, shouting how much they love her -and I bet she was also worried she'd lose it all if she didn't keep fighting for it. But the very thing she spent years chasing, fame, ended up making her miserable instead of happy. Negative and often spiteful criticism, the typical invasion of privacy from paps all celebs have to deal with, stalkers, creeps, backstabbing hoes and clout chasers.... I think they ruined it for her. And I'm sure a lot has happened that we don't even know about, both in her personal and professional life. She spent years fucking with mostly younger, less successful men, who treated her quite badly. She hasn't had a baby yet, which is something she has wanted for years. Several projects of hers have fallen through, and she hasn't achieved half of what she should. We can only speculate as to why that is. It could be laziness/flakiness, it could be anxiety, or there could even be people in the industry causing her problems and actively sabotaging her. A lot could be going on behind the scenes that could have her feeling frustrated, tired, and doubting herself. I hope it's just a phase she will eventually get over <3
  18. Anarchy liked a post in a topic by renaissance in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I just think like it's not that deep - Love contains most of the bubbly mainstream pop songs of the album and Fear will contain more of the deep/emotional ones. What I will always respect about Marina is that she ALWAYS switches it up and tries new things. All of her albums have been vastly different, and because of this of course her music is going to be polarising. Again, it's not that deep - I personally didn't like FROOT as much but I'm loving what I've heard from this album so far. Of course I'd love her to go back to the TFJ sound but the more I think about that the more I kinda don't want that - she did that sound so perfectly back in 2010 and we have an amazing album to show for that so if I ever wanna hear that sound I can just ..... listen to that album???
  19. Anarchy liked a post in a topic by delreyfreak in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    Here are my two cents on the era so far (since everyone else is sharing their thoughts)...
    Baby - This song is a BOP. Yes, it's a little more "basic" compared to what she usually releases but I think her voice sounds amazing and the melodies are very catchy.
    Handmade Heaven - I loved this song from the first play. I felt that the lyrics in the chorus were a tad repetitive but it's continued to grow on me and I can say it is overall a really beautiful song with a great message. The music video, although simple, is beautiful. I think it was a great way to officially start the era.
    Superstar - I can't say I absolutely love this song, but I also can't say I hate it. Overall it's a really good song, however, compared to Marina's usual standard I can't help but feel the production is a little cheap and, while the lyrics are sweet, they lack the emotional depth I usually expect to see from Marina. Overall I still like the song though.
    Orange Trees - I really love this one! I will admit the lyricism is a little weaker in this one too - there is no profound statement, no social comment and nothing deeply interesting about the lyrics. However, I'm enjoying seeing this lighter side to Marina. The song is fun, lighthearted and brings a smile to my face. The bridge is fantastic - the melodies and production at that point within the context of the song really stand out to me. Sure, the song is more "generic" compared to what Marina usually creates but I still sense the quirky and eccentric Marina we've always known and loved in the "oo-oo-oo-orange" parts of the song. Also, the music video is FUCKING GORGEOUS. Y'all should repent for saying the music video is ugly. These are her most stunning aesthetics.
    My overall thoughts - I like the thematics of this album so far. The aesthetics and the messages of Handmade Heaven and Orange Trees seem to be quite nature-centric which I absolutely love, especially at a time of great environmental destruction. I think Marina has been influenced by the political context surrounding climate change and intentionally wanted to reconnect with nature in her music, and using that as an avenue to "return to her roots", so to speak. The LOVE side of the record so far feels very fresh, light and nature-centric. I'm guessing some of her darker and more intellectual songs will be saved for the release of the full album. Songs with titles like To Be Human, Soft to Be Strong and End of the Earth sound like typical "Marina"-esque titles that will explore heavier topics. Am I a little disappointed by what I've heard so far? Yes. Because I miss the emotional depth and social critiques offered by Marina on most of her other tracks. However, I recognise these are just the first few songs of the album, and I'm sure there is still a lot more to expect, especially as we've heard nothing of the FEAR side of the album. 
  20. Anarchy liked a post in a topic by pawn shop blues in Lana's lacking live performances - a discussion   
    i mean, her effort has taken a big hit since 2016, but it really hasn't affected her shows/ticket sales at all, so why should she care? her shows have only gotten bigger, she can go down to the barricade and recognize a lot of fans because of the number of times theyve come to her shows, a lot of her fans scream/sing the lyrics and completely drown her out, a lot of BTD songs were written close to or over a decade ago, all of her performances are just for the fans so it's not like she has to worry about going on TV and getting criticized in the media for putting in a bad performance. 
    in 2012-2015 she was still proving herself, first as establishing her persona and then having to show that she wasn't a one hit/one album wonder, as well as fighting off the "she doesn't know how to sing/she's not authentic" criticisms thrown at her. she was also experiencing fame for the first time after having worked for it for a number of years. a lot of the 2012-2015 performances I loved (especially 2012-2013) because they just seemed so cathartic for her, which is way more interesting to watch. but now she just seems over a lot of it. Over the songs, over the LDR persona, over trying to climb higher on the fame ladder. She seems just to want a more simple life at this point (with occasional private jet flights). Unless she makes bad financial moves, she can probably retire right now from the money she's made (and continues to make in sales and show tickets). She's experienced enough of the bad parts of fame to probably not want more of it. On top of that, she has finally earned respect in her industry which she didn't have at all before. People know she's the real deal and there's nothing more to prove. She accomplished what she set out to accomplish in life (at least in this point of her life). 
    I don't blame her at all, but I also can't buy when people say she's just comfortable on stage. She's never looked less comfortable. I really miss her new york "take me or leave me" energy she had at one point and when she seemed to give more of a fuck. 
  21. Anarchy liked a post in a topic by Noel in Lana's lacking live performances - a discussion   
    I really miss her passion, if she's still expressing the same passion when on stage I'm personally missing it every time. It doesn't look like she's overwhelmed, or having fun, or nervous. She's just there- like Clampi said she used to be out there cry-singing or smiling with certain lines and it didn't matter that there were no dancers or props because she was so present and expressive. It's like her own lyrics don't effect her anymore, her own story doesn't effect her anymore- and if it doesn't that's fine! She's years away from Lizzy, so I wish she would fill sets with songs she connects with, that bring out emotion in her now.
    I loved when she would dance around the stage but it wasn't choreographed, when she just did what she felt and went with the moment. I loved seeing her at Lolla Brazil last year, I think we got a little taste of that Lana back. She looked like she was having fun and not trying to hit choreographed or pre-planned movements around the stage.
    I know I'm out here beating a dead horse lmao
  22. Anarchy liked a post in a topic by Fetish in Lana's lacking live performances - a discussion   
    Why do people apologize for critiquing her live shows? If you pay to hear her sing live and she's barely singing, don't you deserve a refund? Or at the very least, the right to complain lmao
    Hearing how people save up money to see her and then get subpar performances is sad. You paid money to see her, yes you are entitled to a good performance that had effort put into it.
    Her older performances were really good, where she gets into the song and she's alone on stage. Her vocals were unique, everything was uniquely Lana. From the dropping down low during body electric, the way her hands would move during songs and her hugging her lead guitarist during solos. It's sad to see how 'dead' she's become. I think criticism over time really wore her down. She's also mentioned having health problems.
    And god, digressing but her performances on that one french show, she looked impossibly beautiful. I'm always sad I got into Lana so late that I completely missed 2012 Lana. OH AND THAT ICONIC LANA AT THE SWEDEN SHOW, where she does The Hairflip during Cola. RIP that Lana.
  23. Anarchy liked a post in a topic by UltraHeroin in Lana's lacking live performances - a discussion   
    To be really honest, the other day I was watching her OTTR perfromance at Lolla Brazil 2018 and I just started laughing at her at one point in the bridge. I'm sorry, I know it's bad but it's true, I started laughing, she was trying so hard to make those vocals ''powerful'' while sloppily doing those stupid movements, her hands were going everywhere in the air, you could barely hear her in contrast to her really pushing herself to execute good powerful vocals, like....it was really cringy. 
    Don't get me wrong, the songs that she does perform alone, with no choreo and no dancers, like Video Games, Ride, BTD, her medley, even SS, still sound extremely wonderful and amazing, especially with her improved vocals. But on those songs with choreo and with a ''thing'' prepared for them, the display that she puts on is kind of cringe and not good at all. 
    When she did Honeymoon in LATTM, heavenly, amazing. Same for Yayo, amazing sounding every time. Those late-tour performances of TLY are just wonderful. But Cherry, WM, OTTR, LFL turned out to be really embarassing performances. 
    Remember the first ever Cherry performance, where that twerking move at the mic was fucking REAL and hot and she sang almost everything? It turned into a hot mess, where the verses are horribly shakey, the chorus is just loud backing track and that move at the mic turned into her just crouching down on a really slow pace, nothing sexy about it. People say stuff like: Yo that Cherry performance was sooo grEaT, but...the only effort that she did was sing 2 long notes and that's it. Same with OTTR obviously, LFL was never a good choice for a live performance and the only good thing about WM is when she's sitting on the piano singing the first verse. After that, everything breaks down into another stupid cheeky/cheesy choreo that leads to a very underwhelming performance.
    Glad that she still does West Coast sometimes, that's always good. 
    I forgot about NA which is another atrocity of a performance..
    As for why she reached this point, It's nothing but just her turning more and more basic, which is sad.
  24. Anarchy liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Lana's lacking live performances - a discussion   
    As already said before - there is no excuse for playing any BtD song but Summertime Sadness and Video Games. Born To Die and Blue Jeans should be optional tracks for a setlist but that's it.
    The shows are played to audiences featuring over-obsessive-stans either way, so there is no reason to bring the "bUt BtD iS hEr mOsT pOpUlAr aLbUm". EVERY other artists switches their live-sets to mainly new songs when they release an album. For Lana it's a highlight if she decides to perform MTWBT 3 years after it's release and if she "adds some spice" to her setlist it means she's doing Lolita or OTTR
    The worst thing is when she comes around with the "the band has not learned the track yet" excuse. Her instrumentals aren't that complex and if the band was actually not able to learn those new songs, she should ditch them.
    Maybe her vocals have improved, but every tour after the Paradise-tour was a big decline. By now, she has those annoying backgroundforeground-dancers that do cringy moves while Lana herself performs the most commitment-issues-loaded, half-assed version of the  "choreo".
    And she barely even sings and lets the backing vox do all the work.
    But then, most of the fans are only there to celebrate their stan-ism, to shout and cry and sing along and behave like a child. I can see why there is not really any use in putting effort into performing. If she actually hits some great notes, noone will hear it because they all scream their lungs out with their pathetic YAAAAASS-ing anyway.
  25. Anarchy liked a post in a topic by Doll Harlow in Lana's lacking live performances - a discussion   
    I truly feel like this relates to what that pilot instructor said to her... she doesn't trust herself. She shows up and lets the playback and band do half the work for her and she goes and takes photos with the front row. I think she thinks that she has made it (she has) and now she just gets to coast by. But... she isn't exciting to watch in that state of mind. She's best when she's actually trying.
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