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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. Im quoting this bc we should all quote this for the next few pages ril midnite
  2. Admittedly, havent listened bc i think i can wait, but the lyrics are beautiful and washed my eyes out
  3. She’s singing like its almost the end of the fucking world and I’m feeling it too
  4. Cleanse all this clownery by streaming Venice, this has been a psa ty ty !! .. . . . !
  5. mm no 'tsokay, let's talk about how the 2 vids'll bridge together, subtext nd when the vinyls'll ship
  6. I've listened to the snippets just for the 3rd time today nd u know what. fuck
  7. let's delete this bc sometimes i do feel like a useless gay!
  8. I remember she was having a kind of party at some posh club around the neighborhood where I grew up in and not going bc i was too tired from work. Idgaf this time so yes pls this needs to happen
  9. Ooooooohhhhhhhh I'll pick u up if u come back t-_____________ ?
  10. Whatever's ooooooohn toniiiiiiite mm ok but im guessing she really might change a huge chunk of the lyrics if we're basing it off the snippet. The chorus (es?) change already indicates a kind of shift in perspective. U dont really know as much fully bc its just a snippet but. From a more detached perspective, to a more engaging one? Less directive, nd more complicit from u did it all for fame, to dancing in topanga w u. The track might seem more present and less seeped/ past-heavy if that makes sense for starters. U've already got a shift of mindset, where it's more unified, their efforts together, and its less about just him, but gives easier way to let on their relationship wordplay wise, synonymizing her openness to dance w how their relationship is going/went. I'm excited
  11. Not even gonna pretend to lie about reading the past few pages bc, yeah. but did we actually get some kind of confirmation on the songs/mv's? Also, I'm real happy about her poem for her. Like it's stupid but I felt that, and I'm glad. It almost sounds spiritual
  12. tHIS is gonna seem weird af but I want a reggaeton version ?? not even lying u b the judge of that but i'm not
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