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Make me your Dream Life

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  1. Surf Noir liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    wth r people licking toilets for 
  2. poetic jess liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    wth r people licking toilets for 
  3. maxthehitman liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    Long read, i'm dissecting this for the others: 
    How long does the virus last on diff surfaces? 
    - The virus can stay on metal, glass, plastic surfaces up to 9 (nine) days. ***up to 28 days in low temps***
    - Cardboard up to 24 hours.
    - Plastic and stainless-steel surfaces: and up to 2-3 days *make sure to know how to clean ur phone properly, throughly 
    - Copper surfaces, for only 4 hours. 
    Things to kill the virus faster? 
    - Alcohol : 61-72%
    - Hydrogen peroxide bleach .5%
    - .1% household bleach, check out sodium hypochlorite, it's a white powder usually used as cleaning agent, basically bleach.. <-
    - The article states scientists aren't sure how long the virus lasts on clothing. 
  4. Macintosh Manhattan liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    as in the painkiller? reading atm btw thanks 
    straight from the article, basically confirming nothing's really confirmed:
    There has been no research into ibuprofen and the new coronavirus (Covid-19).
    But there has been some for other respiratory infections, suggesting ibuprofen is linked to more complications and more severe illness - although we don't know that the ibuprofen itself is causing this, according to Paul Little, a professor of primary care research at University of Southampton.
    Some experts believe that ibuprofen's anti-inflammatory properties may "dampen" the body's immune response. 
    Prof Parastou Donyai at the University of Reading says: "There are many studies that suggest ibuprofen use during a respiratory infection can result in worsening of the disease or other complications." 
    But, she says, "I have not seen any scientific evidence that clearly shows a totally healthy 25 year old taking ibuprofen for symptoms of COVID-19 is putting themselves at additional risk of complications."
    Ibuprofen side effects: I've taken the liberty of listing the ones that might be more respiratory system related than others:

    I'm thinking the similar side effects, if anything, could be connected since they're similar symptoms of covid19.
    And due to the nature of ibuprofen having main side effects for those already w respiratory symptoms, especially since it's literally listed on the site that it could cause an increased risk* of blood clotting, heart attacks and stroke. 
    The article mentions paracetamol, w acetominophen (usually over the counter too, so it's less risky) as a better alternative, since it does the similar, with less side effects. 
    tl;dr : check out the list. no scientific research has yielded anything significant, but the article opts more for the use of paracetamol. main ingredient, acetominophen. 
    @ I think it'd b real great if we could get all the important factual details surrounding the biology of the virus eidt-posted on the first page. What do u think ? 
  5. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by TROPICUM in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    The only thing I know is that I won't see the light of the day until further notice and I'm okay with that

  6. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by triangles19 in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    A lot of love to all of you.
  7. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    To anyone self-isolating, find a youtube video with a valid code for audible and download that book you've been putting off reading. Allthemed docs on youtube have some interesting documentaries. Now's the time to explore that niche interest you're too busy to look into on a daily basis. Light a candle, drink plenty of fluids, stay safe <3
  8. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by Aquemini in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    Yeah, I'm living in the UK rk and have elderly relatives here. Needless to say, they are particularly concerned as he is essentially looking to "cull" these vulnerable groups and has released a public statement that many families should prepare to "lose their loved ones". There have also been many budget cuts to the NHS, so it will struggle to cope if things progress (which is likely). The health secretary is talking about quarantining all those over 70, and I'm really worried about one of my relatives in particular who lost his wife recently. He is very lonely, and even little things like going grocery shopping help with his mental health. He is 87 and has a breathing condition, so I don't want him to catch this and suffer. However, the mental suffering will also take a toll on him and he is such a kind, giving person that it hurts to see him confused and upset like this. However, all we can do is take things one day at a time and utilize technology such as skype. It's not the same- but better than nothing and adaptation is key. Also, to anyone that is a UK citizen or holds dual citizenship, signing petitions is a small way to let our voices be heard. I'll link some below if anyone's interested:
    Also, Caroline Polachek has posted to her insta stories presenting with coronavirus like symptoms. Hope she gets better soon, and hope all those who attended her concerts in London aren't badly affected.
  9. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by sjatib in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    I live in Spain and here we have been confined for two days already, still 13 more to come. Many artists have been developing nice ideas such as Instagram live festivals and concerts -free ones, of course-, and I thought that that kind of initiatives are beautiful and community reinforcing, specially with all the terrible things that are coming on the economic and social side, and are already starting to happen (lots of bussineses closing, people getting fired by hundreds, a huge crisis resembling -or even worse- the one happened in 2008). It would be very beautiful if Lana decided to make a little acoustic concert from her IG, too.
  10. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by Aquemini in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    Although this pandemic has swept us all of our feet (at least in terms of world preparedness), statistically speaking we were overdue a widespread highly infectious disease (or virus in this case), seeing as Swine Flu was over 10 years ago and (thankfully) Ebola didn't spread as quickly on as wide of a scale. The fact that this occurs in a time of great political turmoil is also food for thought regarding what qualities make a successful government and what will be the main factors motivating future voters to favor certain candidates over others. If anything can be gained from watching this devastation unfold on a global scale, it is that health supersedes all else (even economic gain) and that the harder, better, faster, stronger (great song by daft punk!) mentality of consumerism and materialism that has ruled supreme in recent years is not sustainable. If we want to truly enjoy all the good life has to offer, we need to take care of each other and our environment. Although they say tragedy inspires great art, coming together to try and value or neighbor's rights as much as we value our own generates even more inspiration- inspiration from the beauty of shared ideas as opposed to fragmented division and isolation.
    That's not to make this political- rather looking beyond who you voted for and seeing each other as all essentially more similar than we are different- could be the lesson of this testing time. After all, healthy workers are more productive and support the economy. So it's in mutual interest that we preserve our world and the people in it, rather than consign ourselves to believing it's too late to make a shift towards better times
  11. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by Barry in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    Nice videos of Italians singing out their windows with each other https://twitter.com/leonardocarella/status/1238511612270690305
  12. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by Surf Noir in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    it's really tiring to see misinformation and mass hysteria being spread around so much. majority of cases are mild, resembling a cold or mild fever/flu. it's usually not dangerous unless you are 60-70+ or already have a depleted immune system. you can stock up on lysol and hand sanitizers all you want but the reality is that coronavirus is a virus and those products only really kill bacteria so it probably won't do much. and also, just because somebody has a cough does not mean they have the coronavirus, it's sad that even has to be said.
    however it's still good to take precautions and follow reputable news and medical sources to keep yourself updated on what's going on. this is still a major issue but spreading mistruths and hysteria does more harm than good.
  13. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by Kurac na Biciklu in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    Well I called the hospital to ask... nothing publicly announced but it was espected I guess
    No... bus for 4 hours seem 2 risky a move now. Someone will probably come tomorrow to pick me up
  14. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    Okay but Ebola had a very high death rate and the country that it most recently broke out in basically had no health care or facilities to deal with sanitization and prevent the spread so um, just saying, it's not really comparable and we really should not refer to ebola as "overhyped". 

    But what IS overhyped is the fact that everyone in countries other than China is dead scared they'll get the coronovirus when it hasn't even reached over 20 cases anywhere else as it's been a very manageable and steady incline. For Wuhan though, we will have to see. 
  15. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by Life in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    they are hyped up, but for good reason honestly. the reason they don’t become as serious as killing millions off is down to how safe we’ve made containing an outbreak. quite honestly, Ebola could have wiped out a large proportion of the human race ala the Black Plague and the Spanish flu. Viruses like these have the potential to do that, which is why they’re widely reported and people are made aware quickly.
  16. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    Yeah this is why I'm still on the edge about it, cause it was subtitled videos, but they are the same videos that were taken down from the original posters. 
    I'm just wondering why we haven't seen more footage from inside hospitals treating patients, showing that it is calm and that most patients are okay. 
    I'm not sure about America but you can usually get it free in Australia. 
  17. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    So I was doing some personal research this morning after the WHO update.
    I fell down the rabbit hole of what most people call "conspiracy" and "fear mongering" but it seems for real.
    Like the videos of people just lying dead on the street in Wuhan, nurses crying and shouting that they can't take it anymore because so many are dying. Nurses saying over recorded phone calls that the deaths are over 100,000 but it's being covered up, and that the government has not been helping with lack of supplies or anything... Idk. 10,000  dead I could believe. But maybe not 100,000 without Wuhans citizens actually realising.
    The spread rate is so high now that the reported cases alone are growing exponentially.
    And we all know that there are so many more cases than what is being detected. It's probably more than triple.
  18. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    As much as this is true, we should all be taking further measures, more than we usually do when there's regular colds going round. Even if you don't die or get super super ill, you could spread it to someone who does die.
    When the swine flu was going around in 2009/10? I knew of two perfectly healthy young adults that died from it. So if I got the coronovirus, as a healthy young adult, id still be really worried. 
    I guess I just know of a lot of people who have died from the regular flu too .my mum and sister worked at a special school where the kids will actually die from a regular cold cold as a lot of them have had weak immune systems from birth, and one of their favourite students did die. And it was really hard on the staff after that, like they all knew who was sick at the time and most likely passed it to this poor kid (he was 11), but we're trying not to blame anyone. 
    I also don't visit my grandparents when I'm sick or have recently been sick because I know they could possibly die if they got sick at their age too.
    I would love everyone to actually get used to really good hygiene because of this, rather than just go on as normal without a care. We should all get used to it. Not saying everyone is absolutely shit at it currently, but we all need to take responsibility because a time will come when all of our lives actually depend on it. 
  19. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by maxthehitman in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    At the moment ALL world governments are trying to keep a positive view on this matter. They are also colaborating with each other in
    hopes to contain as much as possible this new deadly virus.
    One thing is for sure, the Chinese government are not telling the whole truth to outsiders, so as to not scare people into a worldwide panic.
    But the fact is the death toll is much higher than is being said and ALOT more people have been infected.
    With todays global traveling by jet airlines more and more people are spreading the virus.  - All it needs is one person on the airplane with the virus
    sitting in their seat for more than 3+ hours to infect the rest of the passengers (and crew). Airplanes re-circulate the air inside and are pressurized, which means
    if you got one person with a virus,  alot more inside those airplanes will be carrying it too.
    Some people are more immune than others to these things, but this new virus has so far killed 80+ people and is spreading worldwide. The Death toll is rising and
    no cure has been found yet.
    This whole thing kind of sounds like that film "World War Z", but do NOT WORRY that people will be turning into zombies.
    There are no zombies in this matter.
    This is a deadly virus which kills by destroying your immune system and respiratory system (Lungs etc.).
    CHECK often your local news broadcasts and/or radio.
    Look at this website - https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/summary.html
    If you know of someone infected - contact your local police and hospital as soon as possible. This is serious !
    One good thought to think about is  that we have specialized people that deal with these sorts of virus and they may find the cure - or
    at least "something" that will give a little comfort to those which have already been infected.
    Be safe , and live safe 
    and DON´T PANIC ! ( not yet)
  20. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by Hannus in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    Same, all schools and universities are closed, students had to leave the dorms, everybody (who has the option) works from home now, and there are rumors that from friday we won't be allowed to leave our houses. i wonder how long this will last, i really hope it'll be over by easter
  21. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Lady Gaga   
    Just want some sort of promo single before it’s actually here...
  22. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by Total TKO in Lady Gaga   
    She really knew she was about to put out the album for every gay and suburban mom to dance to while in self-isolation hey? 
  23. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by domandapiano in Lady Gaga   
    Yeah those pics are AMAZING. I get the whole robot thing isn’t necessarily the most original thing in the world but damn she did the damn thing and she did it BEAUTIFULLY.
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