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Beautiful Loser

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  1. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by trayertrash in Terror Attacks   
    ISIS is less than 1% of Islam
    Islam ≠ ISIS
    ISIS are extremists 99% of Muslims do no support
    Do not blame the 99% for the actions of the 1%
    If you're going to attack anyone's views, attack the people who committed and support the actions of ISIS, not people who are in the same religion. We do not hold other religions accountable for the actions a few so why do it with Islam? When people of other religions attack, we're quick to point it out as an individual's actions, but if they're Muslims we blame it on the religion and not the individual, even if they aren't connected to ISIS.
    The "us vs. them" mentality a lot of people have is why extremism continues on both sides. America has had soldiers who go into the army just for a chance to kill anyone who appears to be Muslim. We have soldiers who kill for sport, don't follow protocol, and who often aren't punished for it. America has Christian extremist who bomb mosques, attack Muslim women on the street, and murder Muslim children, all in the name of patriotism and Christianity. We have news stations that refuse to even acknowledge the destruction of schools and cities in the middle east, who won't say that the reason XYZ happened is because America did ABC. We have a major news station who has made billions off of Islamophobia and radicalizing Christians. We have military officers who lie about the reasons why they attack civilians and deny they murdered anyone at all (a lot of this are issues Chelsea Manning helped uncover)
    Those actions lead some Muslims to fear and hate Christians. They see how good people, people they know and love, are trying to escape extremism but are turned down because of religion. That bubbles up to a point where they turn to ISIS for community and understanding of their fears and hate. ISIS attacks and it leads to more Christian extremist, which leads to more ISIS recruitment. It's this fucked up cycle that we're going to perpetuate until we're all dead or make a change. We keep having this 'chicken and the egg' issue where one religion wants to say the other started it when really, it's something that's so deep historically it's impossible to pinpoint it. I don't have a full proof answer for it, but this back and forth shooting and bombing each other isn't the answer.
  2. Daisy Hearted liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Terror Attacks   
    If this is the Philippines, I sincerely hope you will be ok and everyone you know - even though I'm a new member here and I have no idea who you are. I read about some damage that happened there... it did NOT sound good.

  3. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by kitschesque in You know you're an LDR fan when...   
    I remember a day before a Lana show in Poland we decided to take a walk around the field of the festival and then I heard her songs and I told my friends GUYS I CAN HEAR WEST COAST GODDAMN IT and they were like you're crazy you're delusional
    But the closer we got the louder it was getting so others started to hear them too so we got to the rehearsal thanks to my DELUSIONS
  4. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by yyxy in Terror Attacks   
    While y'all arguing there and stuff, a city in my country is being invaded by ISIS as we speak. This is terrifying.
  5. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Terror Attacks   
    I woke up and heard on the radio about everything that happened in Manchester, I'm so sorry for what have happened. I can't imagine the fear and chaos at the moment... and all the parents who are still trying to contact their kids. But yes, I'm also glad this didn't turn out as Bataclan... that was just sick.
    I just made friends with another Lana fan yesterday who lives in Manchester - I hope she's ok. She probably wasn't at the arena yesterday, but I know it still chocks you. I was chocked when the truck hit in Stockholm (my hometown), and I wasn't even there... I live in a city quite close and was supposed to take the train home. It ended with mom having to pick me up all the way. In the meantime, I listened to the radio reporting what was going on and I just sat there and let my tears fall... I've been to the same shopping street a hundered times and I love it. Was so surreal to go there two days afterwards too.
    Stay safe everyone ♥
  6. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by viagra in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    Maybe this silence is kind of revenge for the Love leak. 
  7. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by pawn shop blues in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    I don't think we need to resort to such drastic measures. 
  8. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by Beatrix in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    I'm honestly shocked beyond words I mean if the album's not finished not even submitted to the label for print why bother with the big billboard the photoshoots the singles the buzz single coachella the live performances the entire campaign!!!
    I don't get it!!! what kind of lousy manager Ben is? and her horrific team!!!
    He's better be bluffing and the album's gonna be out on the 26th or guess we'll migrate to Halsey's base!!! 
  9. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by jvcx in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    Happy birthday!

  10. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by LaserKitten in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    Whether the album is coming on Friday or two months from now, I'm enjoying the ride. New photoshoots, new music videos, interviews, performances, active social media etc. It's great! Certainly more energetic and fun than Honeymoon (no disrespect). Anticipation is good. Once an album is actually released a lot of the other stuff dries up, so enjoy this period while it lasts.
  11. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by cherriesinthespring in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    Yeah the only thing I think we can gather as fact from his comment is that the July 21 date is fake. Otherwise he would have said "hello did you not read Paris match bitches?"
  12. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by Elle in Terror Attacks   
    My heart goes out to everyone affected by this tragedy. This was the very first thing I heard about when I woke up. Called my friend Poppy in Liverpool who is one of the biggest Ariana fans I know, and she said she ran out of there safe & sound. I'm trying to go through the list of other friends who may have attended to make sure they're alright. So shaken by this. 
  13. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by mrborntolose in Terror Attacks   
    the fact that they reported it to be a nail bomb..my stomach is turning..this is so terrible
  14. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by Harlem in Terror Attacks   
    Must feel pretty horrible to bring all your fans together to have a fun night together for this to then happen to the people you were performing for - not really about her since she probably felt safe a lot sooner than 99% because of security and access to other means of exiting rather than being in the audience struggling to run. Regardless, pretty gross for everyone
    Thank god it wasn't a bataclan incident though, with the amount of people there this could've big even worse
  15. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by latothemoon in 2017 Performance Dates   
    I bet that's true, she choreographed the Blue Velvet video as well <3
  16. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by Amadeus in Music Video Premiere: "Lust for Life (feat. The Weeknd)"   
    the boat is a reference to the refugee crisis in europe
  17. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by cathdelrey in Music Video Premiere: "Lust for Life (feat. The Weeknd)"   
    I think Abel wearing black signifies the fact that he's dead, her wearing red symbolises her love, and when Abel removes some ribbon and it floats into the night into a boat shape represents him taking it and setting it free so she can move on, but she still thinks about him and decides to jump to be with him because she can't be happy without him
  18. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by naturalbornloser in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    what if she drops the album on the 4th of july along with the god bless america video
  19. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by frankie in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    thats kind of what im thinking. if its coming on friday which is highly likely, i dont feel like she'll post the tracklist, probably just drop it and say "my album is here come get it gays" and then disappear
  20. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by Brooklyn Baby in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    Everyone sliding in to Ben's DM harassing him for the release date 
  21. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by strange weather in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    this seems unpopular--i'm actually enjoying this era! (i mean, despite her refusal to give us a clear release date, which is driving me crazy.)
    i've been into lana since born to die came out and have been on lanaboards almost as long (under a different username then) so i've experienced every era in real time, but i have to say that i'm more obsessed than ever. i know a lot of fans are losing interest or are frustrated with lana, but this era is solid gold compared to honeymoon and even UV. this is the first time lana has been content and at peace with everything and it makes all the difference. i know UV is legendary now but experiencing that era was not enjoyable. i remember we got a plethora of magazine interviews but they were mostly worrying and disappointing. lana came off as ungrateful and immature and said regrettable things that embarrassed me as a fan. now her outlook has changed and it is very welcome. i feel like all this time i've been waiting for this side of lana to come alive, for her to stop focusing on the negativity that fame brought her and to instead use it to be a force of good. i'm happy she has decided to do just that, in her own lana way. 
  22. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by delreyfreak in IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT LDR5 MATERIAL   
    Although I understand her managers' concerns for the era and the single, I'm sorry to say, but if they had actually taken more care in protecting Lana's work then this never would have happened. Considering Lana generally only works with a handful of people on each album so there's really not that many people who even have access to the material, it's utterly insane that her managers can't even protect her work.
    I agree that we should prevent any leaks being spread around this forum but at the end of the day, the only ones to truly blame for all of this mess are her managers. If they actually cared about Lana's work then none of this would be happening. Messy stans will always be messy, no matter how many times they are told not to leak stuff and spoil surprises. Lana's managers should know this by now, particularly considering Lana has a sort of cult following with a lot of unstable and over the top fans. I mean, her "fans" have stolen her car, camped out in her garage and even broken into her house. 
    I'm not trying to justify the ugly and disrespectful behaviour of people spreading things around, all I'm trying to say is that her label is completely to blame for all of this and it's a joke that they are only taking action now, once a bajillion snippets have been leaked and a still and a full portion of the music video is being spread around. The damage is done now and Lana's managers should truly be ashamed for how poorly they have "managed" her work.
    Trying to frame LanaBoards as the culprit of all this mess is immature on her label's behalf, since it is their fault they couldn't secure the material. All that happens on here is people discuss material obtained from outside sources that has spread over all corners of the internet. Of course, it is in Lana's best interest for all of us to stop the spread of her material on here, but at the end of the day, her label needs to take responsibility for what has happened and acknowledge that they have let Lana down.
  23. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by Elle in IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT LDR5 MATERIAL   

    Hello everyone. I just got off the phone with Ed Millet, Lana's manager. He is very concerned about leaked material on LanaBoards. I've expressed this to you all many times, but please think before you post!! Please do not post unleaked material from the new album on LanaBoards (links, pictures, gifs, videos) or links directing to unleaked material.

    Please know that the LanaBoards mod team and I as well as Lana's team is taking this very seriously. Ed & Ben have an account here on LanaBoards and are planning to make a post explaining the severity of the situation soon.

    To members who want to help with the situation, please do not hesitate to use the "Report" feature on any post you find questionable. The mod team and I moderate all of the threads pertaining to LDR5, but using the report feature makes it easier and faster for us to catch any violations.

    You all have a lot of eyes on you, including the myself, the mod team, and most importantly - Lana's team.

    Thank you.

  24. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Songs Lana should cover   
    Being a U2 fan too, I was so happy when Lana posted on her Instagram story that she went to their concert..! And I think she would make a superb cover of U2's "If God Will Send His Angels".
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