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Everything posted by HEARTCORE

  1. i thought it's "and i'm best, yes" ?

    Charli XCX

    teCHnically it's an ExClusive for bmK...i'm Yielding tO their Unofficial Rules by not Posting it...Me iS good

    Lykke Li

    the video edit of Never Gonna Love Again is up on iTunes btw, kinda random but it's a nice version of it so worth downloading

    Charli XCX

    finally managed to find Diamonds....not entirely sure what to think of it.
  5. the linked playlist, which includes Lana, was updated 1 day ago, which is probably why her account is being read as "active 1 day ago"

    Charli XCX

    @@SitarHero is a GOD at these
  7. I think it's confirmed that the account is legit but I don't think anyone knows what that track is (who is Brandon? is it her playing? is it an instrumental?)

    Watch this

    im a Brooklyn babyyyyyy
  9. or PWYC and have it teased then cancelled ..................

    Charli XCX

    im literally scouring the internet and i cant find any trace of the Moroder song although multiple places are saying it leaked FUCK me
  11. i hope we don't have the mess of UV and end up getting 5 jabillion versions of the lead single....
  12. im just glad she's not using octogenarians or Kurt Cobain lookalikes anymore....gimme those hot boytoys
  13. I'm pretty sure that it's about him as well, she did say something about them having to break up because he had stuff he needed to deal with, which could easily have been drugs. Pretty much the whole of UV seems to be like a loveletter to him and their past relationship.

    Josef Salvat

    how did i only just find out that Mr Salvat is featured on a song on Aqualung's album that none of y'all mentioned before????????? #fakefans
  15. i think she's more undertaking a persona than actually supporting any of the stuff in the; like where she says things about sleeping with her teachers, doing drugs etc, i think she's offering a social critique on boarding school practises. i really don't think she's an advocate for anorexia, imo she's more saying "i'm going to pretend to be a boarding school girl and support questionable ideas".
  16. there is still no difference lollllllllll they're both just opinions, i dont get why you have to be pissy about it
  17. there's nothing wrong with not liking something jfc! expressing your opinion about how you don't like the way she's doing things or the songs themselves is absolutely fine. not everything is to everyone's tastes. the amount of songs we have makes 0 difference.

    Baltimore Riots

    i have a lot a of thoughts about these riots but i don't really know how to translate them into words all that well...i don't support the rioting, but I can see why people are doing it; the system has and does treat black individuals in such a shitty way and these riots clearly demonstrate deep-rooted anger towards this. rioting isn't exactly the best way of trying to resolve this, but honestly, what other way is there anymore? i absolutely LOATHE the media's reports on affairs in Baltimore - as always, the truth is being twisted in order to support a particular message. some individuals were looting stores for milk in order to help the victims of the police's tear gas; yet they were instead shown as being simply looters who were making the best of the opportunity. its disgusting. also, i cant stand people who come out with shit like "Martin Luther King wouldn't have wanted this!!!11"" like....im pretty sure Martin Luther King wouldn't have wanted to be brutally murdered either, but y'all were perfectly fine with doing that whilst he was preaching about non-violence......... to me, the dialogue shouldn't be about the looting of the stores - the majority of them will have insurance protecting the damages. as said above, you can get a new car - you can't get back someone's life. the issue at the heart of this matter is police brutality and the treatment of black individuals; imo, this is what we (and by this, i mean society as a whole) need to be talking about.
  19. there is nothing wrong with criticising an artist and pointing out how they're problematic, i hate this stan mentality whereby people refuse to acknowledge an artist's faults....lana is not perfect, she is a human being.
  20. no scrobbles + no listens, probably very very fake. even with scrobbles, you can't rely on last.fm unless the person who scrobbled it is a reliable source. it's so easy to just change a song name and scrobble it to make it seem legit.
  21. gorgeous performance, im glad she's finally getting her live voice back this era! at least she didn't add in some random ass bridge this time.............. also UM those abs should be illegal

    Charli XCX

    i saw you post about in the Iggy thread i only listen to !Francheskaar! + Lucy & sometimes Machines + Neon Fashion and Glowstix from 14....everything else is so cringey to me

    Charli XCX

    "lucy no-one wants you here" vs "i dont wanna go 2 skool/ i just wanna break tha rules"...its pretty clear which is the winner (lucy)

    Charli XCX

    doesn't he stan for Iggy
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