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  1. Heaux liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    Oh well, you learn something new everyday
    ps. I don't think Lana looks like an unerect penis or fat, just a ~grown woman~
  2. Heaux liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    OH MY GOD.
    I'm ready for it, guys. Monologues to make you cringe and a filtered sunset as she twirls in the air and people jumping down her throat for advocating prostitution. I love this shit
    Do you think Barrie is like, "Lana, doll, since you fucked the guy in your last videos and probably the blond cunt in the Karma video, you have to hire old men."
    Lana: "Oh, no, Barrie, you're inflicting such a terrible punishment on me... :creepna:"
    ~time lapse~
    Lana: "Okay Barrie Bear, I can't just repeat myself, pleeeeease can I hire Swallow again?" *de irony being thick*
    Barrie: "No *pulls out catalogue of suitably unfuckable yet visually appealing dudes he's found*"
    Lana: "Okay do what you do best eat the Pepsi cola you good for nuthin piece of shit I h8 you #cockblock"
  3. Heaux liked a post in a topic by evilentity in "The Gay Cure"   
    Probably the most well-known "reparative therapy" organization in the US recently admitted it's bullshit, doesn't work, and does a lot of harm. They issued apologies and shut down. 
  4. Heaux liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in "The Gay Cure"   
    I'd like to give my opinion as a religious person. First of all, I am NOT here to shove my religion down anyone's throats or say that you're wrong for loving who you love. That being said, I honestly don't think there's a cure for homosexuality. You are who you are and that's just the way it is. I don't think people choose to be gay don't think there's treatment that can help. From a religious stance, (and I know some of you are probably groaning because talking about religion isn't exactly everyone's choice of conversation, and I know; I try to avoid it with my mom at all costs, but I just feel like people are categorizing religious people and religion as something that it's not as far as homosexuality goes) I think that God made everyone exactly how he wanted them. He created everyone to love one another. Although the Bible says people of the same gender are not to lie together, (first of all that's a very general statement; I daresay not specific enough to be actually talking about gay people, but who knows) he created you just how he wanted you. And another misconception is that God hates gay people, and that I know for a fact is false because he doesn't hate anyone. (Which his followers who call themselves Christians should have that mentality, too. Just sayin'.) 
    In a nutshell, even though I'm a Christian, I see nothing wrong with homosexuality and I don't think that people should be so quick to pin most of the homophobia on religious people. 
    P.S- If anyone disagrees with me, that's fine. I don't even care if you say you disagree because I don't mind having a conversation about it. Just don't be mean. And don't slander me for my religion. I'm not here to start an argument, I just wanted to clear the air surrounding some misconceptions about Christians themselves. So....yeah.
  5. my ol man isa batman liked a post in a topic by Heaux in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    kety: bich, i see wut u writ on fakebuk about meh song Peedick
    lona: wull, i am sing writin masturmind so i no mah shitz 
  6. dietpepsicola liked a post in a topic by Heaux in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    kety: bich, i see wut u writ on fakebuk about meh song Peedick
    lona: wull, i am sing writin masturmind so i no mah shitz 
  7. Heaux liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    Some meanness never hurts
    Besides, being a bitch can be so much fun every once in a while
  8. Heaux liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    i think lana tries to add in as many details as possible, in order to get people talking; i.e tittie tassles, abrasive tattoos, stripper heels, stripper moves, dollar bills, albinos, and most importantly -- her less than ideal body  
    she's gonna get hate. and praise. but she obviously doesn't care she's like whatever, i'm gorge as fuck 
  9. Heaux liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    Is it bad that I think Lanas weight gain suits her really well?
  10. Heaux liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    Lana Del Rey films new music video at strip joint.
    On June 28th, Lana Del Rey stopped by Chatsworth California’s “Candy Cat One". The Candy Cat offers "exciting exotic entertainment " courtesy of "beautiful topless dancers" … Who’s excited!
  11. lazybooklet liked a post in a topic by Heaux in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    kety: bich, i see wut u writ on fakebuk about meh song Peedick
    lona: wull, i am sing writin masturmind so i no mah shitz 
  12. Heaux liked a post in a topic by NamiraWilhelm in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    'Can I rent your albino?'
  13. Heaux liked a post in a topic by NamiraWilhelm in Lana Del Rey Shooting New Short Film, "Tropico"   
    Just noticed the tassels... are we going to be treated to some Lana titty twirling
  14. TIARNZUS liked a post in a topic by Heaux in TOMMY LIFE appreciation thread   
    uggh what a queen
    "if you are a little kid and you wave the swedish flag on the Norwegian national day, i will.. spit... on the... floor" XD
  15. Heaux liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Charli XCX   
    Uh 14's lyrics are mostly a huge embarrassment, what are we talking about.
    I think each album is very different in content because 14 is very literal while True Romance has more...lyricism, I guess. I wouldn't call it poetic, it's just more like actual songwriting.
  16. Heaux liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Charli XCX   
    Since I'm tired of the "It wasn't suposse to be online" "Charli doesn't want those songs out" "Poor Charli"
    I'm going to ask you something, for those who bought the album, but you are free to answer if you want...
    If Charli didn't want to release the album or didn't want her fans to hear it and stuff.
    Y THE FUCK DID YOU BOUGHT IT IN FIRST PLACE? If those songs weren't suposse to be out, what thing makes u special enugh to have it? I mean the leaker paid the $100 for it, unlike you guys who make a group and bought it. That makes u look selfish.
    I'm not hatin' I'm just telling you
    As KissCharliKiss on Tumblr said

  17. Heaux liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Charli XCX   
    Congratulations on 100 pages of this trainwreck thread! Mind if I rename it to "The Clusterfuck Thread 2.0"?

  18. ImenaOphelia liked a post in a topic by Heaux in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    dare i say it...... "i love casinos, and neon reservations"
  19. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by Heaux in Russia *bans* homosexuality   
    no offence if anyone is Russian on here,  i know theres a big lana fanbase there, but Russia just seems like a right shithole. Millions are addicted to heroin and krokodial. There presidential elections are all rigged. They have one of the highest suicide rates in the world and now this.... smh
  20. lazybooklet liked a post in a topic by Heaux in Russia *bans* homosexuality   
    no offence if anyone is Russian on here,  i know theres a big lana fanbase there, but Russia just seems like a right shithole. Millions are addicted to heroin and krokodial. There presidential elections are all rigged. They have one of the highest suicide rates in the world and now this.... smh
  21. Heaux liked a post in a topic by BoomKack in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    "Im your, sugar baby,
    fuck me maybe,
    old man ball sucker,
    queen of the whores,
    be my daddy?
    ill pop my pepsi pussay…
    all over your face…
    fu-fu-fu-fu-fu-fucking old men"

  22. lola liked a post in a topic by Heaux in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    lul look what i found.... http://fridaynight-hooker-queen.tumblr.com/
  23. Heaux liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    Jesus who is that tragedy...
  24. Heaux liked a post in a topic by FirstSpider in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    I watched the whole video...what am I doing with my life?
    Am I the only one who kind of wants to do this now?...
  25. Heaux liked a post in a topic by DominicMars in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    Their first snippet sounds like a filtered (poorly, might I add) version of the studio cut.
    The second snippet sounds worse quality, with a fake drum loop? Doesn't add up.
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