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  1. lauradelxx liked a post in a topic by Heaux in Best Musical Covers   
    I guess Whitney Houstans cover of Dollys I Will Always Love You
  2. DominicMars liked a post in a topic by Heaux in Lana Del Rey arrives in Minsk   
    please Lana for god sake bleach your hair...... or at least lighten it to the Summertime Sadness look
  3. CruelViolet liked a post in a topic by Heaux in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    come on Limelight everyone knows both of the booklets are wrong. Its like some old man at Interscope listened to the album once and just guessed the lyrics
  4. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by Heaux in Russia *bans* homosexuality   
    no offence if anyone is Russian on here,  i know theres a big lana fanbase there, but Russia just seems like a right shithole. Millions are addicted to heroin and krokodial. There presidential elections are all rigged. They have one of the highest suicide rates in the world and now this.... smh
  5. Heaux liked a post in a topic by TIARNZUS in Russia *bans* homosexuality   
    No. That's incorrect. They haven't banned HOMOSEXUALITY, they've banned 'Gay Propaganda' which is aimed at under 18's which outlaws the “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations”
  6. Heaux liked a post in a topic by lflflflflflflflflflf in Russia *bans* homosexuality   
    Russian homosexuals should make their own country. I would definitely move there 
  7. VegasBaby liked a post in a topic by Heaux in Best Musical Covers   
    I guess Whitney Houstans cover of Dollys I Will Always Love You
  8. mkultraviolence liked a post in a topic by Heaux in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    come on Limelight everyone knows both of the booklets are wrong. Its like some old man at Interscope listened to the album once and just guessed the lyrics
  9. Viva liked a post in a topic by Heaux in No Longer Just A Theory......   
    So this morning i was bored so i went on Reddit and there was about five topics about the US National Security Agency.  
    People have always claimed the US secret services were spying on citizens but now there's proof of it. Basically, the NSA have deals with certain massive tech corporations, that allow them to collect any information they want without any legal proceedings. The program is called PRISM and the NSA kindly made a 41 page long powerpoint to explain it... 
  10. lauradelxx liked a post in a topic by Heaux in No Longer Just A Theory......   
    So this morning i was bored so i went on Reddit and there was about five topics about the US National Security Agency.  
    People have always claimed the US secret services were spying on citizens but now there's proof of it. Basically, the NSA have deals with certain massive tech corporations, that allow them to collect any information they want without any legal proceedings. The program is called PRISM and the NSA kindly made a 41 page long powerpoint to explain it... 
  11. Heaux liked a post in a topic by evilentity in No Longer Just A Theory......   
    Yeah, this is yet another episode in a series of steps pushing the US closer to an Orwellian surveillance state:
    Oddly, a lot of Americans don't seem to be aware of things like this and seem to believe that they could only happen in other countries. If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention.
    Edit: Here's a handy timeline from the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
  12. radiodasirius liked a post in a topic by Heaux in No Longer Just A Theory......   
    So this morning i was bored so i went on Reddit and there was about five topics about the US National Security Agency.  
    People have always claimed the US secret services were spying on citizens but now there's proof of it. Basically, the NSA have deals with certain massive tech corporations, that allow them to collect any information they want without any legal proceedings. The program is called PRISM and the NSA kindly made a 41 page long powerpoint to explain it... 
  13. radiodasirius liked a post in a topic by Heaux in No Longer Just A Theory......   
    ya, apparently their spying mainly on non-US citizens to try and prevent terrorism but as someone pointed out, a tool like this could be used to stop a revolution which may be needed if things like this keep happening
  14. Heaux liked a post in a topic by TIARNZUS in No Longer Just A Theory......   
    Some rumours that they've been spying on UK citizens too.
  15. Heaux liked a post in a topic by Matt in You know you're an LDR fan when...   
    - When you sing "Off to the Races," you replace Black Cristal with Dom Perignon.
  16. Heaux liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in Trash Magic * SUPERULTRAVIOLENCE 10 YEAR EDITION   
    Can you please, please, PLEASE make an inside booklet for AKA that has photos and lyrics in it? I would love you so much. I may even pay you in Trident layers.
  17. SparkleJumpRopeKing liked a post in a topic by Heaux in Surf Noir music   
    i know surf music is a genre but i thought Lana made up 'surf noir'
  18. Heaux liked a post in a topic by Viva in Princess Diana   
  19. Heaux liked a post in a topic by Viva in Princess Diana   
    A little story. There is this industry that is land mine's. A inhumane fucking industry but very profitable, one of the most profitables in the world. There are several organizations that have tried to ban this industry but no one was successful, they didn't have a voice or enought power to do so.
    There was this princess who never joined  any governmental organization, not even the UN or the Red Cross. She helped but never Joined. Like a political freelancer. How much of a risk is someone who owns nothing to no one? And has huge support all over the world.Such Ex princess adopted the landmines fight. Truth is she did have good chances to actually eliminate such thing. Ask Bill.
    There was this fear of Muslims. This princess was dating a Muslim. This princess died in a very weird car accident. For some reason the surveillance tapes at that specif tunel in Paris didn't work at that hour, that monet of the fatal crash..
    Easier to think that she died in a tragic accident or because she was carrying a child in her womb with a Muslim father. An ex princess. Easier to think she died in a tragic accident or for whatever conspiracy theory you might think. But some wise man say she died because she could win a war whithout having a party, whtithout having politics duties. Now imagine this ex princess, just a english women fighting and winning a war against the giant landmine industry. The princess of the people against the billions. Inconceivable.
    I heart Lady Di.
  20. Heaux liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Overrated Lana Songs?   
    this thread is slowly devolving into people saying things and other people just straight up saying no. so primal~
  21. Heaux liked a post in a topic by Wryta Thinkpiece in Overrated Lana Songs?   
    "Young & Beautiful" for me. I love the first verse and everything about it, it is probably my favorite part, but everything else is just weak to me, especially the bridge. This is basically another "Dark Paradise" for me, except that I rarely go back to the studio version of DP after hearing the demo and then seeing the 52-second-long video where sings what I've been calling "the lost verse."  Most of the lyrics in the Y&B and DP studio versions just seem hackneyed to me. I'll be hoping for Y&B demos over the summer and praying for a full-length demo of DP lolnevergonnahappen .
    Beautiful songs, but hardly Lana's best, and I'd probably involuntarily cringe if I heard someone say either of them were, but art is pretty subjective. I love all of Lana's songs because it's Lana, but I definitely have my least favorites especially "Big Bad Wolf". Be that as it may, I do try to find something to appreciate about the songs I am not the most fond of, whether it's their sound, their lyrics, or if there's a story about the song and/or references to works that were a source of inspiration (I love seeing artists do that.)
  22. Heaux liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By 102.1 FM: The Edge   
    A Dallas radio station interviewed Lana on the phone while she was in Brussels: http://www.kdge.com/pages/diva.html?feed=136969&article=11349400
    Some highlights:
    - She confirms that "Young and Beautiful" was written for The Great Gatsby and therefore eligible for awards and stuff.
    - She talks about her influences, namely Kurt Cobain and Marilyn Monroe.
    - She shows astonishment at the interviewer actually doing her homework.
    - She literally says that she's planning a US tour. OUT LOUD.
    - Said interviewer inquires about "Puppy Love", and Lana says she loves the song and (probably jokingly) that an album called The Leaked Sessions (or something) would be a good idea. Claiming her over 120 leaked songs were meant for other artists or later use.
    So I guess "Gogo Dancer" was gonna come out in 2020. Huh, after all this time
    She's laughing with us She doesn't hate her leaks that much #LeakMaha
  23. Tammy liked a post in a topic by Heaux in Miley Cyrus   
    i loved (okay lets be realistic) still love Hannah Montanna. There i said it. Shoot me lol.
  24. pinupgirls liked a post in a topic by Heaux in Miley Cyrus   
    i loved (okay lets be realistic) still love Hannah Montanna. There i said it. Shoot me lol.
  25. Heaux liked a post in a topic by TIARNZUS in TOMMY LIFE appreciation thread   


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