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About ultrablvd

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    ultraviolence supremacy
  • Birthday August 11

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  1. happy birthday you gorgeous return to form especially to you sweet i will be seeing you panty-less later on
  2. ultrablvd

    Rose Gray

    just got home from the rose concert and oh wow... what a moment "the peoples princess!" the crowd cheered as she sang her soon to be released hit classic 'god is a dj' i actually met her after the show and she was so incredibly sweet luv u RG!!!!
  3. this is why baseless rumours and blind items are just absolute garbage, and also part of the reason i hate fake 'insiders' so much. it just stirs up unecessary shiteeee i’m happy lana is happy and that is all that matters
  4. she looks soooo good in the visualiser
  5. the more i think about this the stupider it is lmao you would not marry THEE lana del rey and expect her to not ever tour again... stop believing pot stirrers!!!
  6. i mean as much as ben & ed let her do what she wants because she is their moneymaker, if she came to them and said she was cancelling the tour because she wanted to be with her man... security that being said blind items are just gossip so i don’t think this is true lmao
  7. could have had a full european stadium sold out tour but a goddamn manchild fucked her so good ...
  8. lmao how would literally anyone know that bar lana or jeremy
  9. ultrablvd

    Rose Gray

    ouuu i know miss kidneybeanman is fumingggg WE ESCAPED PAGE 1 my graybies rise tf upppp!!!
  10. ultrablvd

    Rose Gray

    featuring ecstacy [the re-up]
  11. ultrablvd

    Rose Gray

    with one album mind you
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