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  1. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by salvatore in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    me, the only person inhabiting this thread with my imaginary friend Yosemite who's currently not talking to me as we have simultaneously set our relationship status to 'complicated', Yosemite refused the free coffee i was trying to buy us and has now made me lose my appetite for the sweet beans with a side of salt if i want to throw up

    we're working through it however and i hope within the near future we can go home together and start a wonderful family and put away money for retirement so we can live out our days together forever making sure to duet TNC, me being the organ and Yosemite being the guitar, obviously.
    imagine if nobody else commented after this and this was truly the last ever mf comment on this thread my depressant ass being lonely as fuck with my favorite song thatll probably never release that i annoy the fuc outta this site with im beyond beating the literally dead horse im now salting the earth beneath it and opening up a quarry to throw the horse into so i can grandlsam it at the bottom near the earth's core WWE style thats how far i am bitch !!

  2. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by delreyfreak in Lipsters Awards 2016 (1/28)   
    omg thank you so so so so so so so so much everybody who voted me for Most Underrated Member! I am SHOOK!!! I cannot believe I actually won an iconiquè Lipsters Award! I honestly was not expecting that all so THANK YOU, THANK YOU and THANK YOU!!     
    You are all such amazing people and I have literally never left this website without vomiting of laughter (or actual vomiting, like when those repulsive scat gifs infiltrated the pre-release HM thread  ). All jokes aside, this is an amazing community that I love being a part of and I would be so bored and out of the loop with Lana news if it weren't for coming here literally 500 times a day!
    Actual footage of me right now....

    (And don't worry, I can assure you I did like about 95% of the posts in this thread!   Go get them reputation points you kings and queens!)

  3. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Cloudbusting in Lipsters Awards 2016 (1/28)   
  4. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Elle in Instagram Updates   
    This one is her closest with 955,000 likes. Her other posts typically range from 150,000 - 500,000
  5. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Donald Trump - Events And News   
    i don't give him any credit whatsoever, from what we have noticed since the elections, trump:
    doesn't have the ability to have empathy
    feel remorse or grief 
    always thinks he is right about everything and he can do no matter what 
    doesn't have the ability to know what is right from wrong even when it's basic knowledge 
    doesn't ever learn about his experience and that's also a problem for his administration, it's like we're in a loop where we've been through this over and over 
    i'm not coming at you sis, not at all; you're not wrong.  i'm just saying that instead of being a person who actually has built confidence over the years and has toughen up, all he has that works for him are traits of a character disorder and he's keeping us hostages. At least he grew up super rich and isn't very smart? Because if he were capable of learning maybe he'd look like a proper president and he'd fuck the world even harder but even in that case you can notice what is wrong and see through to his impairments. 
    the only good thing about this shit show is probably that the some of worse people are showing their cards, he's allowing some people to be their ugly self in public (not everyone, there are still other people "smart" enough not to come out about their bad behaviour and such). But that's positive if you are a privileged person living here who is actually from the future and hangs around us because they need to understand what the f has happened for their thesis on human behaviour and the relation with the political condition they are groomed in. Or just an historian who want to know what really is going on. 
  6. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by latothemoon in Twitter Updates   
    This is so cute Lana should see it https://twitter.com/sophieeeuh/status/925418429817016320
  7. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by fl0ridakil0s in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    daily reminder for everyone to keep streaming LFL on Spotify <3
  8. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by loleetah in Taylor Swift   
  9. Escapism liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Donald Trump - Events And News   
    i don't give him any credit whatsoever, from what we have noticed since the elections, trump:
    doesn't have the ability to have empathy
    feel remorse or grief 
    always thinks he is right about everything and he can do no matter what 
    doesn't have the ability to know what is right from wrong even when it's basic knowledge 
    doesn't ever learn about his experience and that's also a problem for his administration, it's like we're in a loop where we've been through this over and over 
    i'm not coming at you sis, not at all; you're not wrong.  i'm just saying that instead of being a person who actually has built confidence over the years and has toughen up, all he has that works for him are traits of a character disorder and he's keeping us hostages. At least he grew up super rich and isn't very smart? Because if he were capable of learning maybe he'd look like a proper president and he'd fuck the world even harder but even in that case you can notice what is wrong and see through to his impairments. 
    the only good thing about this shit show is probably that the some of worse people are showing their cards, he's allowing some people to be their ugly self in public (not everyone, there are still other people "smart" enough not to come out about their bad behaviour and such). But that's positive if you are a privileged person living here who is actually from the future and hangs around us because they need to understand what the f has happened for their thesis on human behaviour and the relation with the political condition they are groomed in. Or just an historian who want to know what really is going on. 
  10. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by salvatore in Donald Trump - Events And News   
    Trump can choke i really don't care it's inevitable this is so fucking wrong it's personal. 
    How can the president be this openly racist and not be impeached, hell, there was even a post about bipartisan ivy league certified psychologists calling for an immediate examination because he's unsafe and unqualified to rightly hold his position
  11. Sugar Venom liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Donald Trump - Events And News   
    i don't give him any credit whatsoever, from what we have noticed since the elections, trump:
    doesn't have the ability to have empathy
    feel remorse or grief 
    always thinks he is right about everything and he can do no matter what 
    doesn't have the ability to know what is right from wrong even when it's basic knowledge 
    doesn't ever learn about his experience and that's also a problem for his administration, it's like we're in a loop where we've been through this over and over 
    i'm not coming at you sis, not at all; you're not wrong.  i'm just saying that instead of being a person who actually has built confidence over the years and has toughen up, all he has that works for him are traits of a character disorder and he's keeping us hostages. At least he grew up super rich and isn't very smart? Because if he were capable of learning maybe he'd look like a proper president and he'd fuck the world even harder but even in that case you can notice what is wrong and see through to his impairments. 
    the only good thing about this shit show is probably that the some of worse people are showing their cards, he's allowing some people to be their ugly self in public (not everyone, there are still other people "smart" enough not to come out about their bad behaviour and such). But that's positive if you are a privileged person living here who is actually from the future and hangs around us because they need to understand what the f has happened for their thesis on human behaviour and the relation with the political condition they are groomed in. Or just an historian who want to know what really is going on. 
  12. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by HunterSThompson in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    1. Your Girl is good, but grossly overrated 
    2. Her pop outtakes from Born To Die and pre-Born To Die are TRASH
    3. AKA is good, but slightly overrated
    4. Blue Jeans and Off To The Races NEED to retire from her setlist
    5. Her 2011-2013ish BTD persona/image is overrated and fans lusting for that again are delusional and unappreciative of her personal and artistic growth
    6. Art Deco is a sexy underrated bop we don't appreciate enough as a fan base 
    7. White Mustang gets too much hate
    8. BPBP is the weakest track on Lust For Life. Is this even an unpopular opinion?
    <3 Love you all even if you believe in some of this stuff <3 
  13. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Beautiful Loser in Lana Del Rey nominated for "Best Alternative" at the 2017 MTV EMAs   
  14. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Cloudbusting in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    When the World Was At War We Kept Dancing's verses are still so amazing. Acoustic guitar + Lana's soft, high pitch voice make me LIVE.
  15. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by WaitForLife in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Get Free came on shuffle today it was really good.
    White Mustang is my alarm tone right now and it's a blessing to wake up with this song.
  16. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Mista Midnight in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I hope she does do a documentary one day, it doesn't have to have her entire life story because based off this most recent interview there's things she doesn't wanna talk about, but if I could see her entire journey with Music it would be very inspiring. Shes been doing this for over 10 years now and worked very hard to get where she is.
  17. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by Peachycream in Interview with MTV - Next Music Video, Tour, & ‘Cola’   
    When she was talking about Jhene she stated how "brave" she is because she's able to talk about her whole story in music/interviews and lana said thats something she hasn't done. The interviewer didn't even catch on to that comment tho. 
  18. Sugar Venom liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Lana and the Harvey Weinstein Controversy   
    the main way of talking about this subject without being problematic is probably by saying nothing, but this is a forum not a court. If lana today were to reveal that there were some non consensual dealings going on and she felt intimidated and etc  (god i hope it didn't happen) then NO-ONE in the right mind on here would say that she's lying because of the little we actually know about her; no-one. we would believe her and support her. 
    Other than that there were pictures and articles published dating back from 2012/2013/2014 about harvey and lana and people are just speculating. Just that, it doesn't mean people are victim blaming. But I gotta garee that the way it's often phrased it sounds like it but it's mostly conjecture not challenging an eventual coming out. Lana like any other celebrity could have been a victim, maybe she was maybe she wasn't. rn this story has been covered several times by national newspapers and mags online, even here... it's a shame that her name had to be attached with this monster at this moment. 
  19. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Interview with MTV - Next Music Video, Tour, & ‘Cola’   
    i think it's because it's not an abstract theme you can "comfortably" quote rn? manson and jonestown were specific events that happened decades ago and are used often as reference in general culture, like dropping a bar like "she eat your heart out like Jeffrey Dahmer"  in a pop song. And pedofelia is a dark theme, but she uses a renowned classic novel to draw the imagery not a recent case? 
    I think like in 5/10 years it's going to be the same for Weinstein, his name won't be just *His* but it's going to be a label for that kind of behaviour and people will name drop him too as the hollywood mogul executive who preyed on women but rn because of him a lot of people are coming out about their experience, and not just women: men and (former) child stars. So it's delicate because it involves people and eventual new voices. 
    And I agree about the suggestive interview, altho it could have been planned in advance? I don't know if they still do that but the girl interviewing her was really cognisant about lana's body of work and they both seemed comfortable, maybe they reviewed the points they were going to talk about before to give structure to the interview. The Harvey thing is super delicate as I said previously, so I don't think Lana would talk about it without working on her statement before hand. 
  20. HollywoodHills liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Lana and the Harvey Weinstein Controversy   
    I feel very weird about this because Lana of course can do whatever she wants in her life and I don't want to preach @@her, especially since it's just now that i've heard about weinstein's doings but i know she has a knack for getting herself into dangerous situations, especially with men. So imagining her and harvey makes my blood freeze, even tho it shouldn't be my business. 
    He was clearly a huge admirer of her in 2012, I can only hope he kept his lecherousness for himself. At least we know she went off making an album with a much different sound (so we know she wasn't trying to surf on the craze around btd/pe/ss remix vibes) and didn't consider going for a career in acting or movies. So maybe that suggests she took some distance from all that? 
    I don't want this to have happened, who knows.... 
  21. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by delreyfreak in Lana and the Harvey Weinstein Controversy   
    woah dude calm down, no need to swear at me. I was just genuinely curious if she worked with him and wanted to find out, so asked what she worked with him on to find out. 
    Didn't say she got to pick the photographers either, literally just asked if she worked with him... 
  22. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Lana and the Harvey Weinstein Controversy   
    the main way of talking about this subject without being problematic is probably by saying nothing, but this is a forum not a court. If lana today were to reveal that there were some non consensual dealings going on and she felt intimidated and etc  (god i hope it didn't happen) then NO-ONE in the right mind on here would say that she's lying because of the little we actually know about her; no-one. we would believe her and support her. 
    Other than that there were pictures and articles published dating back from 2012/2013/2014 about harvey and lana and people are just speculating. Just that, it doesn't mean people are victim blaming. But I gotta garee that the way it's often phrased it sounds like it but it's mostly conjecture not challenging an eventual coming out. Lana like any other celebrity could have been a victim, maybe she was maybe she wasn't. rn this story has been covered several times by national newspapers and mags online, even here... it's a shame that her name had to be attached with this monster at this moment. 
  23. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by LaMartine in Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    i mean we should let some time pass at least, to respect the victims. Maybe in 5 years or so she'll reclaim the song and change the lyrics like "And I was in the sky with [...] making me crazy" which still works. If a lot of fans ask for it it could be possible, but for the moment it's better to take it off 
  24. LaMartine liked a post in a topic by salvatore in Interview with MTV - Next Music Video, Tour, & ‘Cola’   
    Lolita is meant to be taboo and fit a very specific theme; it's also considered to be a classic novel, much like clockwork orange. incredibly awkward themes but its meant to be like that
    Jonestown n Manson at this point are decades old and pop culture references- tragedies but something that transcended censorship. 
    the Harvery situation is a helluva lot different- for Lana the song and the idea was a joke, it's an obvious hollywood speak n tell that Harvey was a predator but people either played the rumors like a joke or were silenced, Lana had no harmful intention when writing the song but seeing how big of a monster that man was and how many women he's scarred it probably upset her. That the whole fantasy to her was a joke while there were many women that had to deal with the abuse and rape as a reality, it must feel v shitty for her to think about any damage she could've caused at potentially normalizing or downplaying a real life offender
    it'd be like if Foster The People wrote and played pumped up kicks as a hollow; neutral intended song, but then a month later something the size of columbine happened, obviously didnt mean it but it becomes a horrific reality to some people
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